
                       Saturday, December 23, 2000, updated at 12:20(GMT+8)

                       UNFPA Official Inspects South China Region

                       An official of the United Nations Populations Fund
                       (UNFPA) said that she was satisfied with the results
                       of the program fund utilized in the Guangxi Zhuang
                       Autonomous Region in south China.

                       Julia Taylor, program official of the UNFPA made the
                       remarks during her inspection of this autonomous
                       region in south China.

                       Accompanied by officials from Chinese Academy of
                       Social Sciences (CASS), the UNFPA official inspected
                       Tian'e County on December 19 to increase her
                       understanding of the childbirth health situation of
                       women in the area.

                       The UNFPA program, which aims to improve women's
                       health and the local economy, has been implemented in
                       15 counties in China's 13 Provinces and autonomous

                       Tian'e County received 490,000 yuan (59,000 U.S.
                       dollars) in funds in July this year, and offered
                       health awareness sessions to 1,000 women.


China to Foster National Defense Awareness among People China's legislature
started Friday, December 22, to promote a newly proposed law on national
defense education among people nationwide, with a view to improving their
awareness of national defense.

When explaining the draft law to the 19th plenary meeting of the National
People's Congress (NPC) Standing Committee, which opened Friday morning,
Defense Minister Chi Haotian said that every citizen should learn a basic
knowledge on national defense.

China's national defense education will focus on patriotism, heroism and
dedication to the motherland, said Chi, also vice-chairman of the Central
Military Commission (CMC).

According to the draft law, the State Council will be responsible for the
education of all civilians, while the CMC will oversee the education of
service men.

The draft law also sets September 7 as the National Defense Education Day.
China signed the humiliating Xinchou Treaty with the Western forces on
September 7, 1901.

Primary and middle schools, as well as colleges and universities should
include the national defense education into their overall education
programs. In addition, students in high schools and universities must
receive military training during their campus life.

Meanwhile, various newspapers, radio and television stations are urged to
promote knowledge on national defense, Chi said.

Nationwide museums, memorial halls, cultural organizations and other
institutions should provide any convenience possible to visitors for the

Hegemonism and power politics still exist in the world, warned Chi, citing
that necessary education on national defense is extremely important for
enhancing cohesion among the people.


Unauthorized Gold Marketing Not Permitted: BOC Without authorization from
the State Council and Bank of China, no companies or organizations are
entitled to set up gold exchange markets, said a spokesman from BOC Friday
in Beijing, adding that various online deals and local activities to set up
gold markets on their own must be stopped immediately.

Referring to some media releases on China's developing gold marketing, the
spokesman said reform of gold administration system is the intrinsic demand
and due course of developing a market economy. But it involves many
critical issues regarding gold production, circulation, administration,
reserve, and taxation. The setting up of a gold market, in particular,
directly concerns the interests of enterprises engaged in gold production,
circulation and consumption, therefore full preparations must be made.

Presently close study and market investigations are still needed for
certain policies to back up market reform. Before new reform plans and
administrative policies are launched, all activities concerning gold
production, circulation and consumption must be conducted in accordance
with "Regulations of the People's Republic of China With Regards to Control
of Gold and Silver" as well as other related regulations, he emphasized.


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