President visit to China to strengthen Vietnam-China co-operation: FM

The visit to China by President Tran Duc Luong scheduled for December 25-29
will create a new impetus for further
strengthening the mutual trust, co-operation and friendship between Vietnam
and China.

So said the Foreign Ministry's spokesperson Phan Thuy Thanh at a regular
news briefing in Hanoi on December 21,
announcing to local and foreign reporters the coming official visit to
China by President Tran Duc Luong.

During the visit, President Luong will meet with his Chinese counterpart,
Jiang Zemin, Chairman of the National People's
Congress Li Peng and Premier Zhu Rongji.

A joint statement on the framework of co-operation in the 21st century
between the two countries will be signed during the

The two sides will also sign an agreement on the Bac Bo (Tonkin) Gulf
delineation, an agreement on fishing co-operation in
the Bac Bo Gulf, an agreement on co-operation in the use of atomic energy
for peaceful purpose, and an agreement on
co-operation between Vietnam News Agency and Xinhua News Agency of China.

President Luong's coming visit to China, Ms Thanh said, will take place in
the context of strong and intensive steps of
development in the relationship between the two countries, especially since
the China visits by General Secretary of the
Communist Party of Vietnam Le Kha Phieu in February 1999 and by Prime
Minister Phan Van Khai in September this year,
and the Vietnam visit by Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji in December 1999.

The coming visit to China by President Luong reflects Vietnam's consistent
policy to attach importance to its comprehensive
co-operation with China, maintain and boost the positive and stable
development of the two countries' relations. The visit
will translate the line of good neighbourliness, comprehensive
co-operation, long-lasting stability and looking towards the
future into concrete areas of co-operation between the two countries in the
21st century, she added. (VNA)


               Vietnam, Ukraine promote scientific co-operation

President Tran Duc Luong, on December 22, requested Ukrainian scientists to
continue giving training assistance to
Vietnam, which, he said, would contribute considerably to Vietnam's
industrialisation and modernisation.

The State leader made the request while receiving Academician B E Paton,
president of the Ukraine Academy of Sciences
and president of the International Union of Academies of Sciences, in Hanoi
on December 22.

Scientific co-operation between the two countries has proved fruitful for
years as a number of Vietnamese scientists who
studied in Ukraine are now holding important positions in scientific
research and educational institutions in Vietnam. The
East European country has helped Vietnam in mechanics, material technology
and transferred to Vietnam bio-technology and
chains of medicine production, which Mr Luong described as of practical

Academician B E Paton, in turn, pledged to continue assistance to Vietnam's
scientific and technological establishments
despite Ukraine's own difficulties.

On this occasion, an accord on social science co-operation between the
National Centre for Social Sciences and Humanities
of Vietnam and the Ukraine Academy of Sciences was signed. (VNA)


    Christmas message asks Catholics to serve the people's happiness 

 The Committee for Solidarity of Vietnamese Catholics has called upon all
Catholics to continue participating in the
emulation movement "Let's unite to build a new healthy life in residential
areas and live up to religious teachings and a good

In its letter of greetings to the Catholic community of this year's
Christmas Day, the committee asks Catholics to live the
Godspel amidst the nation to serve the people's happiness.

The letter also calls on each sect of the Catholic community to reaffirm
their mission of "living, witnessing and announcing
happy news" according to the teachings of the Vietnam Episcopal Council.

Meanwhile, the Ho Chi Minh City Women's Union on December 20 and 21 made
well-wishing visits to major Catholic
orders in the city.

Other activities including a get-together of 260 priests and Catholics in
Ho Chi Minh City's Tan Binh district. (VNA)


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