----- Original Message ----- 
From: Siddhartha Chatterjee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, December 23, 2000 2:02 PM
Subject: [MLL]Marx & Engels Natural Science Notebooks

Synopsis of a paper to be presented at the Indian History 
Congress, January 2001.

(Note: Pradip Baksi is the translator from the Russian of "The 
Mathematical Manuscripts of Karl Marx", Viswakos Parisad, Calcutta, 

For section - IV
The Natural Science Notebooks of Marx and Engels : mid 1877 - early
1883 I.H.C. Membership No. - AM-18210 by Somnath Ghosh(AM-18210) and
Pradip Baksi

Synopsis :

The present communication announces the publication
in original German and French of the excerpts and notes of Karl Marx 
and Frederick Engels on Natural Science, made between the period  - 
mid 1877 to beginning of 1883. The publication has been offered to us 
by the novel publication project, Marx Engels Gesammt Ausgabe 
(Marx-Engels Complete Publication) or MEGA, which itself has a very 
interesting history of development.

These notes and excerpts remained unpublished until                
the end of 1999 and its publication at last, in                  
December, 1999 has provided all concerned, with new                  
source materials for the study of the historical                  
interrelationship of the Natural and Social                  
Sciences, and the socialist movement of the 19th                  
century Europe.

The publication, which in the notation of the publishing project   
MEGA has been designated as IV/31 (where the Roman numeral stands   
for the 'fourth section' - the section devoted to notes, excerpts   
and marginalia of Marx and Engels - of the complete publication   
project and the no. 31 indicates the serial number of this volume   
in the said section), is a volume of about 1000 pages - of which   
roughly 600 pages contain the excerpts and notes of Marx and   
Engels, designated as 'Text' portion, and the rest, of about 440   
pages, of the said volume is the editorial 'Apparatus' dealing with   
chapterwise notes, corrections, editorial supplements etc. The text   
portion is again divided into two parts. The first part contains   
the notes and excerpts of Karl Marx on Inorganic and Organic   
Chemistry and Electricity, while the second portion contains   
Engels' notes and excerpts on Dynamics, Electricity and Ecology.   
Engels' made use of these excerpts in his famous Natural Science   
related work, Dialectics of Nature  ( published in MEGA project as   
MEGA(2), I/26).

The communication begins with a brief discussion                   
on the history of the MEGA project itself. The                    
process of publication of the works of Marx and                    
Engels began almost 15 years after the death of                    
Engels as a  historico-critical complete                    
publication endeavour. Since then it has                    
experienced many changes and turn arounds, both in                    
its editorial and policy-making body as also in                    
the social system which controlled its progress.                    
To begin with, it was under the aegis of Communist                    
Russia and the Social Democrat Party (SPD) of                    
Germany but the publishing project came to a halt                    
after publishing only a few volumes as the                    
relation between the two controlling  authorities soured and this 
marked the end of the "first MEGA", currently termed as MEGA(1).  
With the advent of the Nazi regime of Hitler in 1933 the unpublished 
papers of Marx and Engels were taken out of the archives of the SPD 
and sent abroad and some years later they were ultimately sold to a 
Dutch Insurance Company. This company finally handed over those 
papers to the then newly established International Institute of 
Social History (IISH) in Amsterdam. In the end of 1960 the Institutes 
of Marxism and Leninism (IML) of both Moscow and Berlin began the 
work on the 'second MEGA' project, now known as MEGA(2), and for that 
they had to turn to the IISH. But IISH with its small staff were 
neither capable of nor willing to run such a big and ambitious 
project in collaboration with two partly controlled institutes (IML 
of Berlin and Moscow). Eventually IISH decided to allow the use of 
the documents in its possession, without itself  taking any direct 
part in the project, while the two IML decided to make their 
materials accessible to the scholars of IISH. After 1989 the project 
MEGA suffered a severe jolt with the fall of the socialist regime in 
Germany, and MEGA came to a halt again. In the fall of 1990 the 
International Marx-Engels Foundation (IMES) was established in 
Amsterdam with the sole objective of completing the MEGA project. 
Since then MEGA  is continuing as a project of publishing a purely 
academic edition within a truely international framework. This entire 
history of the progress of MEGA has been delineated as a short 
outline in the present communication.

The chemistry notes and excerpts of Karl Marx                         
published in this volume were contained in 6                         
notebooks left as a legacy for us by Marx                         
himself. These excerpts were made from                         
variety of sources : some of them were                         
standard text books on chemistry of the                         
contemporary period, such as the books                         
written by Lothar Mayer, or Henry Enfield                         
Roscoe or Carl Schorlemmer; while others were                         
books on other sciences related to chemistry,                         
such as physics and physiology. Right after                         
the chemistry excerpts we find in the first                         
part of the Text, the notes and excerpts on                         
Electricity made by Marx in French and the                         
source of these excerpts is a book in French                         
by Edward Hospitalier, discussing the general                         
applications of Electricity.

The sources of Engels notes and excerpts of the same period are     
the works of : Peter Guthrie Tait and William Thomson (on     
Physics- in English), Hermann Helmholtz (on Conservation of     
Force- in German), LeRond d'Alembert (on Dynamics- in French),     
Gustav Wiedemann (on Galvanism and Electromagnetism- in German) and 
Carl Fraas (on Ecology - in German).  Engels made use of these notes 
either in part and/or in full in preparing the draft articles titled 
: 'Tidal Friction', 'Measure of motion', 'Heat', 'Electricity' and 
'The part played by Labour in Transition from Ape to Man' for his 
work 'Dialectics of Nature', as mentioned earlier.

The present volume of MEGA (IV/31) not only                         
gives us the outline of  a new horizon of                           
Marx's Natural Science Studies, hitherto                           
unknown to us, and the background work for                           
Engels' Dialectics of Nature, but it also                           
offers us many new factual materials for                           
the study of the history of Natural                           
Sciences and Philosophy of the 19th                           
century. 19th century is known to                           
Historians of Chemistry as the period of                           
triumphant march of Organic Chemistry and                           
this development had behind it the                           
Atomistic and Molecular theories,                           
development of Periodic Systems and the                           
theories of Structures of Chemical                           
compounds and of Chemical Combinations.                           
Carl Schorlemmer a friend of Marx and                           
Engels was then a Professor of Chemistry in                           
Manchester and Marx was initiated to the                           
contemporary, standard works on chemistry                           
through him. In these excerpts are                           
documented the history of completion of the                           
development of the so-called classical                           
natural sciences of that time as well as                           
the birth of some new possibilities from                           
the womb of the classical sciences. These                           
excerpts made from sources on Physics,                           
Chemistry, Physiology and Ecology                           
definitely point to the fact that Marx and                           
Engels were engaged in giving shape to                           
their dream of 'a single science, the                           
science of history'- an idea, first put                           
forward by them in their work, German                           

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