December.23.2000 Juche 89


   * Anti-DPRK propaganda in South Korea

   * Kim Jong Suk's birth anniversary observed abroad

   * Wreaths laid before bust of Kim Jong Suk

   * Housing and national bank workers unions in S. Korea call strike

   * Chinese high-ranking official on Sino-Korean relations

   * Anniversary of Kim Jong Il's election celebrated in Russia

   * Collection of Kim Jong Il's works published

   * Kim Jong Il praised

   * Northern branch of Finland-Korea Association formed

   * Meeting of youth and students held

   * Commemoration functions held

   * Invincible KPA

   * Reception given by Vietnamese ambassador

   * British Group for Study of Juche Idea formed

   * Korean book, photo and handicraft exhibition opens in Guyana

   * Anniversary of opening of diplomatic ties between DPRK and Democratic
     Congo marked

   * Nationwide struggle for Korea's reunification called for

   * South headquarters of Pomminryon to struggle for legitimate right

   * U.S. report on Rogun-ri mass killings dismissed as invalid

   * Congratulatory message to Romanian President

   * 9th anniversary of Kim Jong Il's election as Supreme Commander of KPA

Anti-DPRK propaganda in South Korea

   Pyongyang, December 23 (KCNA) -- South Korean ultra right conservatives
recently invited western venal scholars to Seoul to stage an "international
meeting on human rights and refugees of North Korea."
    Its participants talked nonsense that the "issue of North Korean
refugees" in the northeastern area of China should not be overlooked and it
is necessary to "lodge a protest with the Chinese government" to prevent
them from being deported to North Korea. They went the length of slandering
even the political system in the dignified DPRK.
    Their assertions clearly suggest what they sought through this anti-DPRK
"meeting on human rights".
    This farce staged by those forces in South Korea since last year by
bribing venal scholars of the west is aimed to internationalize the DPRK's
"human rights issue" in a bid to damage its international prestige and bring
the positively improving north-south relations back to the former state of
    This is clearly proved by the fact that the content of the speeches made
by those scholars at the "meeting" were identical to the anti-DPRK false
propaganda conducted by South Korean ultra right conservatives in the past.
    No matter what rubbish they may talk, there is no "issue of refugees"
between the DPRK and China.
    It is true that many compatriots travel across the border between the
two countries to visit their home towns and relatives as many Koreans live
in the northeastern area of China.
    These travelers can never be called "refugees."
    If there be any issue of border trespassers, it is the matter pertaining
to the sovereignty, of the two countries that should be settled by them.
    This is the publicly recognized international practice.
    Western non-governmental human rights organizations should not be
tricked into the anachronistic anti-DPRK smear campaign of the South Korean
ultra right conservatives nor should they serve their sinister political
purpose of worsening the north-south relations.


Kim Jong Suk's birth anniversary observed abroad

    Pyongyang, December 23 (KCNA) -- Hadja Kouta Guiralde, chairwoman of the
National Women's Federation of the Party for Unity and Progress of Guinea
and member of the parliament, made public a statement on Dec. 14 on the
occasion of the 83rd birth anniversary of the great communist revolutionary
fighter Kim Jong Suk.
    In the statement she said that Kim Jong Suk was the closest
revolutionary comrade-in-arms of the great leader President Kim Il Sung and
mother of Korea who gave birth to the great leader Kim Jong Il.
    She was a competent commanding officer and an able military and
political activist, who took part in the anti-Japanese armed struggle in her
early years, the chairwoman said, and went on:
    After the liberation of Korea she made a great contribution to the cause
of building the party, the country and the army while assisting President
Kim Il Sung.
    The Guinean women should learn from her noble example, she stressed.


Wreaths laid before bust of Kim Jong Suk

    Pyongyang, December 23 (KCNA) -- The diplomatic corps here laid a wreath
before the bust of the great communist revolutionary fighter Kim Jong Suk at
the Revolutionary Martyrs' Cemetery on Mt. Taesong yesterday on the occasion
of her 83rd birth anniversary.
    Present at the wreath-laying ceremony were diplomatic envoys of
different countries and representatives of international organizations in
the DPRK.
    Foreign embassy officials in charge of cultural and friendly relations
visited the cemetery on Dec. 21 to lay a wreath before the bust.


Housing and national bank workers unions in S. Korea call strike

    Pyongyang, December 23 (KCNA) -- The housing bank workers' union and the
national bank workers' union of South Korea called a strike all at once on
dec. 22, according to Seoul-based MBC.
    Over 50 percent of the employees of the national bank and 30 percent of
those of the housing bank did not show up at their offices as of 9 a.m. that
    Meanwhile, at least 10,000 trade unionists were seen gathered at the
training center of the National Bank in Ilsan, Kyonggi Province, that
morning, the report added.


Chinese high-ranking official on Sino-Korean relations

    Pyongyang, December 23 (KCNA) -- Dai Bingguo, head of the international
liaison department of the central committee of the Communist Party of China,
in a press interview held on December 19 referred to the relations between
the two parties of China and the DPRK.
    Calling attention to an unofficial visit to China of the great leader
Kim Jong Il, General Secretary of the Worker's Party of Korea, and the
participation of Jiang Zemin, general secretary of the Communist Party of
China, in a banquet given at the DPRK embassy in China on the occasion of
the 55th founding anniversary of the WPK, he said:
    The supreme leaders of the two parties and the two countries exchanged
views on bilateral cooperation and regional and international situation and
vigorously accelerated the Sino-Korean relations, which contributes to peace
and stability on the Korean peninsula and in northeast Asia and the rest of
the world.
    He expressed expectation that high-level contacts between the two
parties will go on in the future, too.


Anniversary of Kim Jong Il's election celebrated in Russia

    Moscow, December 21 (KCNA) -- A meeting was held here on Dec. 19 under
the co-sponsorship of the Union of Communist Parties-the Communist Party of
the Soviet Union and the Russian Association for Friendship and Cultural
Cooperation with the DPRK to commemorate the 9th anniversary of the great
leader Kim Jong Il's election as Supreme Commander of the Korean People's
Army and the 83rd birth anniversary of the great communist revolutionary
fighter Kim Jong Suk.
    Present there were chairman Oleg Shenin of the Council of the Union of
Communist Parties-the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and other
political and social figures.
    Speakers at the meeting said Kim Jong Il's historic feat is that he set
a brilliant example to be followed by all the communists around the world in
building and defending socialism and carrying forward the cause of the
    Kim Jong Il, an iron-willed commander, is the greatest man who occupies
the most distinguished place in the history of great persons and under his
wise guidance the DPRK exerts great influence on the world, they stressed.
    They praised Kim Jong Suk as a woman revolutionary and heroine of Korea
who dedicated all her life to the liberation of the country and happiness of
the people.
    She devotedly safeguarded President Kim Il Sung, the great leader of the
Korean people, and gave birth to Kim Jong Il, the great leader of modern
Korea, to give steady continuity to the President's revolutionary cause.
This is her greatest feat, they said.
    A letter to Kim Jong Il was adopted at the meeting.


Collection of Kim Jong Il's works published

   Pyongyang, December 23 (KCNA) -- The Worker's Party of Korea Publishing
House brought out "On the Juche Philosophy", a collection of works, on the
occasion of the ninth anniversary of the great leader Kim Jong Il's election
as Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army.
    The book contains in chronological order from Juche 63 (1974) to Juche
85 (1996) speeches, talks and other works of Kim Jong Il on the
philosophical idea of Juche.
    In those works he expounded in a profound and scientific way the unique
idea and theories on the Juche philosophy.


Kim Jong Il praised

    Pyongyang, December 23 (KCNA) -- This year witnessed more than 300
seminars on the immortal revolutionary idea and feats of the great leader
Kim Jong Il in over 40 countries.
    National seminars on Kim Jong Il's celebrated works "On the Juche Idea,"
"Socialism Is a Science" and "On Preserving the Juche Character and National
Character of the Revolution and Construction," a seminar on the Juche idea
for the independent progress of Asia in the 21st century and other regional
and national seminars were held in different countries including Bangladesh,
India, Lebanon, Romania and Bulgaria.
    A seminar of political parties in Europe on Kim Jong Il's army-first
leadership feats and joint seminars of political parties of Yugoslavia,
Italy, Guyana, Nepal, Madagascar and other countries were held amidst great
concern of party leaders, many political and public figures.


Northern branch of Finland-Korea Association formed

    Pyongyang, December 23 (KCNA) -- The northern branch of the
Finland-Korea Association was formed on December 16 on the occasion of the
9th anniversary of the great leader Kim Jong Il's election as Supreme
Commander of the Korean People's Army.
    At the meeting Antti Siika-aho, chairman of the northern region of the
Left-wing Youth Organization, was elected chairman of the branch.
    The meeting discussed action program of the branch, including activities
for solidarity with the Korean people and study and dissemination of the
Juche idea.
    A message of greetings to Kim Jong Il was adopted at the meeting.


Meeting of youth and students held

   Pyongyang, December 23 (KCNA) -- A meeting of youth and students in
Pyongyang was held on December 22 to commemorate the 9th anniversary of the
election of the great leader Kim Jong Il as Supreme Commander of the Korean
People's Army.
    Present at the meeting were Kim Jung Rin, secretary of the Central
Committee of the Worker's Party of Korea, and others.
    Ri Il Hwan, first secretary of the central committee of the Kim Il Sung
Socialist Youth League, made a report. Then followed speeches.
    The reporter and speakers said it was the greatest honor and luck of
sun's nation to have Kim Jong Il as Supreme Commander of the KPA and a great
event that guarantees the accomplishment of the Juche revolution.
    Kim Jong Il put forward the idea of attaching importance to military
affairs and the original army-first philosophy and made a new history of
army-first revolutionary leadership in this land.
    His revolutionary history is associated with love and trust such as
giving prominence to the young people as the main force of revolution and
reliable defenders of the country.


Commemoration functions held

Pyongyang, December 23 (KCNA) -- Functions were held by working people's
organizations to celebrate the 9th anniversary of the great leader Kim Jong
Il's election as Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army.
    A meeting of trade union members took place on Dec. 21.
    It was addressed by chairman of the c.c., the General Federation of
Trade Unions of Korea Ryom Sun Gil and others.
    The speakers said that Kim Jong Il's election as Supreme Commander of
the KPA was a historic event of weighty significance in accomplishing the
revolutionary cause of Juche and strengthening the revolutionary armed
    They recalled that he has trained KPA to be an army of the leader and
the Worker's Party of Korea and an invincible army, propounded the original
idea of attaching great importance to the army and led the struggle to
defend Korean-style socialism with his army-first revolutionary leadership.
    Present at the meeting were kim jung rin, secretary of the WPK Central
Committee, and others.
    A meeting of agricultural workers and a loyalty concert of women's union
members on the subject "solemn pledge made in December" were held to mark
the 9th anniversary of Kim Jong Il's election as KPA Supreme Commander and
the 83rd birth anniversary of the great communist revolutionary fighter Kim
Jong Suk.


Invincible KPA

    Pyongyang, December 23 (KCNA) -- The Korean People's Army is united
close as a comrade around the respected marshal Kim Jong Il. This is a
historic event of great significance in the struggle to carry forward and
accomplish the revolutionary cause of Juche and the most precious gain of
the Korean revolution. Rodong Sinmun today says this in a signed article.
    It goes on:
    It is proud appearance of the KPA that the whole army is united around
him as a comrade.
    All the servicemen form perfectly harmonious whole as they have the same
thought, breath and destiny in remaining loyal to him.
    The KPA is an army strong in faith and will all the servicemen of which
share the will with him and are united around him on the basis of warm
comradeship and form invincible ranks of fighters who always share life and
death with him.
    This proud appearance of the KPA has its main source in his greatness.
    The KPA is united close as a comrade entirely because he is held in high
esteem as the supreme leader.
    His comradely trust and love serve as nutritious elements that firmly
united the whole army as a comrade.
    His trust and love for the servicemen are based on his noblest views on
the army and its soldiers in history.
    It is the core of his views on the army and its soldiers that arms is
something which a revolutionary should always go with and soldiers with arms
of revolution in hands are his closest revolutionary comrades.
    His great idea and leadership are the main factor of closely uniting the
whole army as a comrade.
    He is a rare marshal possessed of the noblest virtue and best military
    Let the whole army unite closer around the respected Supreme Commander
Kim Jong Il as a comrade this is the maxim of life and struggle and the
mainstay of faith for the officers and men of the KPA.


Reception given by Vietnamese ambassador

    Pyongyang, December 23 (KCNA) -- Vietnamese ambassador to the DPRK Do
Thi Hoa hosted a reception at her embassy on Friday on the threshold of the
new year, Juche 90 (2001).
    Invited there were a general and officers of the Korean People's Army.
    Speeches were made at the reception.


British Group for Study of Juche Idea formed

    Pyongyang, December 23 (KCNA) -- The British Group for the Study of the
Juche Idea was inaugurated with due ceremony at London University.
    Present at the inaugural meeting were Vishwanath, director general of
the International Institute of the Juche Idea, Hugh Stephens, general
secretary of the British Society for Independence Studies, and personages of
various circles.
    Chairman of the group was elected at the meeting.


Korean book, photo and handicraft exhibition opens in Guyana

    Pyongyang, December 23 (KCNA) -- A Korean book, photo and handicraft
exhibition opened in Georgetown on dec. 15 to commemorate the 9th
anniversary of the great leader Kim Jong Il's election as Supreme Commander
of the Korean People's Army and the 83rd birth anniversary of the great
communist revolutionary fighter Kim Jong Suk.
    Hamilton green, leader of the Good Green Guyana and Mayor of Georgetown,
in his speech said that Kim Jong Il is an iron-willed commander who built up
the KPA into an ever-victorious army and that miracles wrought in the DPRK
would have been unthinkable without his wise leadership.
    Robert Williams, general secretary of the Good Green Guyana and deputy
mayor of the city, noted that Kim Jong Suk is a great revolutionary fighter
who was born into a patriotic family and took part in a bloody war for the
liberation and independence of Korea with arms in hands in her early years
and Korea today is shining with her great feats.


Anniversary of opening of diplomatic ties between DPRK and Democratic Congo

    Pyongyang, December 23 (KCNA) -- A friendly meeting was held at the DPRK
embassy in Kinshasa on Dec. 15 to mark the 28th anniversary of the
establishment of diplomatic relations between the DPRK and Democratic Congo.

    The diplomatic advisor to the Democratic Congolese President in his
speech extended the greatest glory to the great leader Kim Jong Il on the
anniversary and hoped that the friendly and cooperative relations between
the two countries would further develop.
    The general secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and
International Cooperation said that he keenly felt the greatness of Supreme
Commander Kim Jong Il's army-first politics and that the DPRK's cause of
building a powerful nation and Korea's reunification would surely be
realized in the near future under his guidance.
    Screened at the meeting was a video film "Military Parade and Civilian
Demonstration for Celebration of 55th Anniversary of Glorious Worker's Party
of Korea."


Nationwide struggle for Korea's reunification called for

    Pyongyang, December 23 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today carries an article
captioned "National reunification can be achieved through nationwide
struggle of all the fellow countrymen."
    The article says:
    We are seeing out the 20th century marked with the nation's misfortune
and sufferings and seeing in a new century. It is high time all the Koreans
in the north, south and abroad turned out as one in a more dynamic struggle
to achieve the historic cause of the country's reunification.
    The historic June 15 north-south joint declaration is a declaration of
national independence, a declaration orientated toward reunification and a
declaration of national unity which solemnly stated that the Korean nation,
responsible for the issue of national reunification, should solve the issue
independently by concerted efforts.
    It is necessary to thoroughly implement the three-point charter of
national reunification and the five-point policy of the great unity of the
whole nation in order to carry through the joint declaration.
    The keynote of the three-point charter of national reunification is the
three principles -- independence, peaceful reunification and great national
unity -- the ten-point programme of the great unity of the whole nation and
the proposal for founding the Democratic Federal Republic of Koryo. It is an
immortal great programme for reunification in which fundamental principles
and ways of the country's reunification are comprehensively formulated and
    The five-point policy of the great unity of the whole nation is a banner
of great national unity which gives comprehensive answers to all the matters
arising in achieving the great national unity at present, reflecting the
actual conditions of the north and the south of Korea where differing
ideologies and systems have existed for a long time and the unanimous desire
of the whole nation for reunification.
    Only when the Korean nation thoroughly implements the three-point
charter of national reunification and the five-point policy of the great
national unity can it achieve the historic cause of national reunification
with its united strength as early as possible.


South headquarters of Pomminryon to struggle for legitimate right

    Pyongyang, December 23 (KCNA) -- The south headquarters of the National
Alliance for the Country's Reunification (Pomminryon), at its recent
presidium meeting, defined it as a main action program for next year to
concentrate efforts on the struggle for legalization of itself and the South
Korean Federation of University Student Councils (Hanchongryon), according
to the Seoul-based "Yonhap News" (internet).
    An official of the organization announced this plan, saying that
Pomminryon has been unable to declare even an assembly as it was defined as
an organization benefiting the enemy and that many students have been
arrested on the mere charge of their involvement in Hanchongryon.
    Earlier on December 8, the organization formed a committee of investors
behind Pomminryon and decided to hold a "meeting for legalization" with its
members and, at the same time, a "meeting for Pomminryon's legalization" in
February next year.


U.S. report on Rogun-ri mass killings dismissed as invalid

    Pyongyang, December 23 (KCNA) -- The South Korean newspaper Hangyore
(internet) on December 20 reported that the Measure Committee for the Probe
Into Mass Killings of Civilians in Rogun-ri dismissed the report of the U.S.
side on the incident as "a trick to falsify the truth."
    Chairman of the committee Jong Un Ryong in an interview at the National
Press Center in Washington on December 19 asserted that the report of the
U.S. side worked out on the initiative of the secretary of the U.S. Army is
invalid as it was fabricated by threatening to prosecute ex-soldiers and
appeasing them and urged the South Korean authorities to publish a true
report on the basis of the investigation conducted by the South Korean
investigation group.
    Turning to the consultation between the governments of South Korea and
the United States about the compensation to the victims, he said that "this
issue belongs to the rights of the victims and the authorities, therefore,
should not sign any agreement contrary to the will of the victims. The
victims authorized the defence panel to settle all issues including
compensation, he added.
    In this regard, counselor Michael Choe disclosed that the U.S. side
destroyed evidence by disposing of all materials related to the Rogun-ri
incident kept in the U.S. national archives.


Congratulatory message to Romanian President

    Pyongyang, December 23 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the
presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly of the Democratic People's
Republic of Korea, on December 20 sent a congratulatory message to Ion
Iliescu on his reelection as President of Romania.
    The message sent warm congratulations to the President and wished him
success in his responsible work for the prosperity of the country.
    It expressed belief that the friendly and cooperative relations between
the two countries would develop on good terms in the future, too.


9th anniversary of Kim Jong Il's election as Supreme Commander of KPA

    Pyongyang, December 23 (KCNA) -- A national meeting took place at the
April 25 House of Culture today to celebrate the 9th anniversary of the
great leader Kim Jong Il's election as Supreme Commander of the Korean
People's Army.
    Present there were Kim Yong Nam, Jo Myong Rok, Hong Song Nam and other
senior party and state officials.
    Vice marshal Kim Yong Chun, member of the National Defence Commission of
the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and chief of the KPA general
staff, made a report "let us glorify the new century by building a powerful
and prosperous nation under the army-first leadership of the respected
Supreme Commander."
    He said:
    It was a great national event for all the officers and men of the
people's army and the people that Kim Jong Il was elected Supreme Commander
of the KPA to lead the revolutionary armed forces. And it was a historic
event of epochal significance in carrying out the Juche-based cause of army
building and pushing the Korean revolution.
    The supreme commandership held by him over the revolutionary armed
forces enabled the people's army and the people to firmly defend the cause
of army building and socialist cause and vigorously accelerate them despite
the harsh trials of history and powerfully demonstrate the dignity and might
of Kim Il Sung'S. Korea and Kim Il Sung's nation to the world.
    Noting that Kim Jong Il has developed the KPA into ever-victorious steel
strong ranks of fighters by providing army-first revolutionary leadership,
the reporter continued:
    The Juche-oriented commanding system and revolutionary military
discipline have been established in the whole army and the ideological and
moral traits of its soldiers have undergone a radical change.
    It is the proud appearance of the KPA, the revolutionary armed forces of
the WPK that the spirit of devotedly defending the leader and the trait of
thoroughly implementing the line of the WPK prevail in the KPA and all the
servicemen are united close around the Supreme Commander in thought and
purpose and in morality and the sense of obligation. Herein lies the
essential character and the main source of invincible might of the KPA
distinguishable from any other armies.
    The KPA has become strong elite armed forces equipped with modern
offensive and defensive means capable of defeating any enemy thanks to the
successful implementation of the policy of training the whole army into a
cadre army and modernizing it.
    It is the most important state affair to consolidate the defenses of the
country as firm as an iron wall by giving priority to the military affair,
the reporter said, calling for training the revolutionary armed forces into
ever-victorious army, true to Kim Jong Il's idea of attaching great
importance to the military and army-first revolutionary leadership.


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