>From: Arlene Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>My understanding is about this situation from sources who are more
>knowledgeable than I am about this region is that Milsosevic was supported
>by the US but then the US ceased supporting him. So, now, Kostunica was made
>president. The US controls nearly every election beginning with Italy in
>1947 so it is just a matter of course, that the US especially control your
>election and make it impossible for the people to elect the one that they
>feel would be better because people's minds are manipulated by my
>government, the US. If an election takes place such as the recent on in
>Haiti did in which the best candidate wins, it doesn't take very long before
>that person is deposed by my government. The last time Jean Bertrand
>Aristide was elected he lasted in power only a few months.
>This is the reality right now. However, last night, I provided the password
>to access my entire periodical online by many people throughout the world
>because I do not tolerate what my government is doing to people throughout
>the world.
>One relatively secret organization wants to make the Balkan states the next
>Third World region. I suspect that was the reason why the various wars took
>place. None of us wants that so when we all come together, we will prevent
>that from happening because no country should be a Third World nation and no
>country should have war.
>I will say the password here again because it is vitally important. We have
>a new regime coming into the White House as everybody knows. The man is a
>common criminal. Most of you probably realize that his grandfather supported
>Hitler during the Second World War. You no more want his grandson to be in
>the White House than you wanted war in the Balkans.
>The password to my unique periodical is the word "freedom" without the quote
>marks for the first four quarterly editions. My periodical will hopefully
>will be available in February, 2001. I will send an Email when it is
>available so you won't have to wonder. Feel free to provide this password to
>anyone except the CIA-drugs listserv or the She Who Remembers listserv. I
>don't trust them. I think that they are diametrically opposed to peace.
>To unsubscribe, write to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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