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>subject: Granma:Cuba Heads G77 group. Fidel-To US Youth. Varadero
>ONLINE EDITION  -   December 20, 2000
>         Cuba to head G-77 Group at the FAO
>ROME, December 19.- At a plenary session of the Group of 77 (G-77)
>today, Cuba was elected by acclamation to preside over the group in
>forthcoming negotiations with the United Nations Food and Agriculture
>Organization (FAO). The G-77 group is made up of more than 100
>underdeveloped countries.
>The proposal, presented by the Latin American and Caribbean
>countries, met with prolonged applause from delegates. Cuban
>ambassador Juan Nuiry Sánchez is assigned to the position.
>The delegates present, representing 83 Asian, African, Middle
>Eastern, Latin American and Caribbean countries, considered the
>island's election as an acknowledgement of the Cuban
>representative's cooperative labors in defense of the group's
>They also expressed confidence in the success of Cuba's leadership of
>the group during 2001, a highly significant period given a further
>Summit of Heads of State and Government scheduled for next November,
>coinciding with the next FAO Conference.

>             **********
>subject: Fidel speaks to 772 US students, academics
>ONLINE EDITION -        December 20, 2000
>Fidel -If there is a group of young people who need to know about the
>world, it is those of the United States
>President Fidel Castro spoke at length on Tuesday, December 19, on
>Tuesday, December  19, with a group made up of 772 students,
>professors and academic authorities representing dozens of U.S.
>universities, during a meeting at the International Conference Center
>in  Havana.
>The visitors were passengers on the SS Universe Explorer, an academic
>exchange project organized by the University of Pittsburgh, in
>Pennsylvania. It is the third time that the ship has docked in Cuba
>since 1999 in an itinerary that includes 10 stops at ports around
>the world.
>Fidel told the visitors that they had arrived in a country of
>universities and suggested that they not restrict themselves to what
>their country's mass media have to say. He went on to speak about the
>efforts that Cuba is making to promote a general integral culture
>that is within everybody's reach.
>He said that if there is a group of young people who need to know
>about the world, it is those of the United States, given the enormous
>U.S. influence on the planet's destiny as a result of its economic,
>technological, political, cultural and military power.
>In response to questions about the future of relations between the
>United States and Cuba, Fidel said that "the future belongs to
>optimists." Another student asked him whether he had favored Bush or
>Gore during the U.S. elections, to which Fidel answered: "We have had
>the good sense and prudence to remain absolutely impartial: we have
>been opposed to both of them."
>              **********
>subject: Granma: Varadero Hotel
>ONLINE EDITION     - December 21, 2000
>Meliá Varadero Hotel: first to receive national environmental
>THE Meliá Varadero Hotel, a Cuban-Spanish joint venture, has become
>the first on the island to receive national certification in the
>category of environmentally responsible tourism, an award established
>last February by the Ministry of Science, Technology and the
>Environment (CITMA).
>During the presentation, CITMA Minister Rosa Elena Simeón emphasized
>the tourism industry's tremendous significance within the country's
>economic development and confirmed that the introduction of this
>award will encourage the attainment of economic and social objectives
>on sustainable bases. She also observed that the award would
>contribute to  improving the image and marketed products of companies
>awarded it.
>The minister also praised the hotel management's decision to have
>voluntarily accepted a detailed review of its overall functioning to
>ensure that Cuban environmental legislation is fully complied with.
>After congratulating the hotel on becoming the only establishment to
>be presented with the award during the 20th century, Tourism Minister
>Ibrahim Ferradaz emphasized that the distinction implies a great
>responsibility not only for the Meliá Varadero, but for all other
>installations in their commitment to nature conservation.
>The certification, which is aimed principally at the industrial,
>farming, forestry, tourism, scientific and service industries, is
>designed to provide incentives with regard to production and
>environmental performance.


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