Hanoi Party Congress opens

     Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee Nguyen Phu Trong 
                                       delivers a report at the congress.

Hanoi opened its 13th Party Congress yesterday morning with the
participation of 401 delegates representing more than
150,000 local Party members.

Politburo Member and Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee Nguyen Phu
Trong, in his political report delivered at the
Congress, said that Hanoi would promote age-old culture and its Heroic
title while stepping up industrialisation and
modernisation to build a more prosperous, civilised and modern city. His
report also highlighted important achievements
recorded by the city in many fields. The city's economy has developed with
pretty high growth rate. The economic structure
has seen positive changes toward industrialisation and modernisation. Hanoi
is one of the localities having high growth rate
in all sectors and areas with its annual gross social products growth rate
of 10.6%.

The political, security and defence situation has been maintained. The
infrastructure construction and the city's management
have seen much progress. Achievements have also been made in the social
culture with the title 'The City for Peace' given to
Hanoi by UNESCO.

Apart from the achievements, Mr Trong also pointed out the city's
weaknesses and shortcomings concerning unstable
economic development, slow settlement of the resolved burning issues on
social evils, slow process of administrative reform
and weak Party building work.

Regarding the orientation for socio-economic development over the next ten
years, Mr Trong said that Hanoi strives to obtain
a rapid and sustainable economic growth rate.

He also put forth main targets of the five year plan: the annual average
GDP growth rate of between 10% and 11%, the
industrial production value increases by about 14.5 to 15.5%; service
sectors, 9% to 10%; export turnover, 16 to 18% and
about 4,500 to 5,000 people will be admitted to the Party each year.

Meanwhile in the opening speech, Deputy Secretary of the Hanoi Party
Committee Pham Loi said that on the City's Party
Congress, the capital's people and army have strengthened the patriotic
emulation movement. Hanoi has overfulfiled the
socio-economic targets this year. Activities to celebrate the Thang
Long-Hanoi founding anniversary have ended in success.
He also said that the Hanoians' happiness and pride have been multiplied
many times when Hanoi was awarded 'Heroic
City' title by the Party and the State. Particularly the Politburo has
recently issued a Resolution on orientations and tasks to
develop Hanoi over the next ten years. This, he said, is a great honour and
also creates favourabe conditions for the congress
to discuss and map out plans and tasks for the city's development in the
coming time.

Prominent among those attending the congress were Party General Secretary
Le Kha Phieu, Advisors to the Party Central
Committee Do Muoi, Le Duc Anh and Vo Van Kiet, Prime Minister Phan Van
Khai, National Assembly Chairman Nong
Duc Manh, Permanent Member of the Politburo Standing Board and President of
the Presidium of the Vietnam Fatherland
Front Pham The Duyet and Vice President Nguyen Thi Binh.


                      Hanoi, the heart of country: Party leader

Communist Party of Vietnam General Secretary Le Kha Phieu has laid emphasis
on the development of Hanoi as the core in
Vietnam's national construction and defence strategy in the on-going
process of industrialisation and modernisation.

Addressing the 13th Hanoi Party congress, which was opened on December 27,
in the presence of Advisors to the Party
Central Committee Do Muoi, Le Duc Anh and Vo Van Kiet, Prime Minister Phan
Van Khai, National Assembly Chairman
Nong Duc Manh and others, Mr Le Kha Phieu said :

The development and political stability of Hanoi has helped accelerate the
growth and political stability of the northern region
and the whole country and raise Vietnam's position.

It has also helped gain our friends' love for and trust in Vietnam, the
Party chief recalled.

He lauded Hanoi's Party Committee and people, saying that Hanoi is worthy
of being the capital city of a millennial
civilization, the national political nerve-centre, and a major economic,
cultural, scientific, educational and international
exchange centre. It is worthy of being the heroic capital of a heroic nation.

Hanoi is the heart of Vietnam's socialist system and a socialist stronghold
of the whole country. It also symbolises the
Vietnamese people's persistent political stance and has contributed to
creating and multiplying the vitality of the country's
political, economic, ideological and cultural policies, Mr Phieu said.

The Party leader stressed that any vague viewpoints and hesitant attitudes
towards Vietnam's path of national independence
and socialism in all areas should be criticized frankly and openly.

Hanoi posted a high GDP growth rate with an annual average of 10.6 % in
1996-2000 and a per capita income of US $990.
Its industrial proportion accounted for 38 %, while that of services and
agriculture 58.2 % and 3.8 %, respectively.

These achievements, he said, have created a new position and strength for
Hanoi to implement industrialisation and
modernisation. These achievements will also help Hanoi, together with Ho
Chi Minh City and other cities, become an
industrialised city before 2020.

In parallel with the development of more modern productive forces in a
knowledge-led economy, it is important to reinforce
the socialist production relationship, the State-owned economy and
collective economy as a firm ground for the new
economic system while encouraging other economic sectors to develop and
cooperate with each other in order to enhance the
socialist elements.

Hanoi has the largest number of scientific workers, who have been well
trained and made active contributions to the national
development in all fields, the Party leader said.

Mr Phieu urged academic institutions in Hanoi to jointly work out both
long- and short-term programmes of action, focusing
investment on the main targets so as to ensure a higher socio-economic
growth rate.

He also pointed out that centrally-run businesses in Hanoi made up 58.8 %
of the gross domestic product (GDP), and that
the capital city should take this advantage to speed up its
industrialisation and modernisation process.

"To strongly develop Hanoi capital is the focus of the national defence and
construction strategy in the period of
industrialisation and modernisation," the Party General Secretary stressed.

We should apply advanced technology effectively to produce high-quality
goods of better economic value while stepping up
the modernisation programme in the labour-intensive traditional
handicrafts. Regarding industrial development, Mr Le Kha
Phieu said heavy industry should be developed in a rational and selective
way, with stress laid on the manufacture of
production means, mechanical engineering and metallurgy so as to
manufacture machine tools, consumer commodities and
goods for export. Attention should also be paid to such fields as
agricultural development, industry, services, electronics,
information technology and software, and new materials.

The central agencies should define clearly their duties and
responsibilities in order to closely guide, supervise and coordinate
with the Hanoi authorities to fulfil their tasks assigned.

Noting that Vietnam is a poor country having to strive for high targets, Mr
Le Kha Phieu called on the delegates to the
congress to discuss and include the practice of thrift in its resolutions.

Party building work should begin at the Party cell level, he said, adding
that Party members should set a good example for
the people whom they should regularly keep in touch with to hear their
views and recommendations.

"Party members - no matter position they hold in the Party organisation,
the government apparatus or mass organisations -
should maintain their high fighting spirit, play the key role in leading
their units, and uphold discipline and democracy," Mr
Le Kha Phieu said. (VNA)


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