----- Original Message -----
From: Rick Rozoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 29, 2000 2:17 PM
Subject: Bulgaria Today - Yugoslavia Tomorrow: Depopulated Wasteland [STOPNATO.ORG.UK]


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[Courtesy of Blagovesta Doncheva]

Bulgaria Today - Yugoslavia Tomorrow! (6)
"Duma", Bulgarian daily, Nov. 20, 2000
Bulgaria Turns into Sahara Concerning the Population
10 persons at a square kilometer in 28 municipalities
(By L. Krasteva)
Bulgaria is threatened to turn into a demographic desert. Only after one
more generation the nation will melt away to 2 millions, the specialists
say. Demographic catastrophe will storm over the country because of a
lack of whatever kind of policy in that direction. Bulgaria of 8
millions will be half that figure only after 50 years, and in 2080 it
will be only one fourth of it. Meanwhile the age pyramid will turn
upside down. That is the conclusions of Mr. Kiril Donkov from the
National Statistic Institute. That freezing prognosis is done by the
methods of Eurostat: i.e., on the basis of not too low birth rate and
too high death rate.
At the moment the children till 14 years of age construe only 16.7 %
from the population, and the young people till 25 years of age are 14.7
%. In 1998 the babies born are 65 361, in 1999 - 72 292, while in 1989
they are nearly 118 000. The death cases are about 120 000 yearly. The
relative share of the people above 60 years of age in the country has
jumped up from 4 % to 35 % per a thousand.
The social misery make the Bulgarian turn his back to the family He
prefers to feed as little stomachs as it is possible. That is the reason
why less and less couples get married: in 1989 the number of the
marriages was 7, 9% per a thousand, last year (1999) the marriages were
only 4.3 % per a thousand. The babies born by lonely mothers under 20 in
1998 were 65.8%, 117.8 % are the abortions per a 100 babies born.
Only for the last decade Bulgaria has lost more than 1 million people:
350 000 from the negative growth of the population, and
more than 700 000 from the emigration.
28 municipalities are already dead - there live less than 10 people
per a square kilometer. The average thickness of the population is 74
people at a square kilometer while in the European countries it is 300
people per acquire kilometer.
Nearly 200 villages are empty - no one lives there anymore.
Only one person lives in about another 100 villages.
There are two catastrophically turned into a desert re the population.
One is from the river of Timok till the Black Sea; the other one
comprises 60 kilometers from the Fore-Balkan region. The young people in
the region of Kjustendil and Vidin are only 6 %.
At the moment 40 % of the active population is above 45 years of age.
For 4 decades it will be lessened with 18 point according to the
specialists. A myth is circulated that first the economy should be set
right and then there will be a demographic rise. The second myth that is
circulated is that for a demographic policy there should be much money.
(Prof. Nikolina Ilieva). The French experience denounces these myths.
After the war France was depopulated - the crisis was solved in 1946
Prof. Ilieva specifies. According to her a foundation "Demographic
Development" should be created, and money from the privatization customs
free zones and the customs offences should be transferred. A commission
should be created also with the right of veto on laws that harm the
nation demographically. Such is the law for the health insurance the
Professor thinks. According to her the problem is in the lack of
whatever middle class in Bulgaria: just the middle class reproduces the
nation, she says. About 70% from the able-bodied population in the
developed countries come from the middle class. 85 % from the people in
Bulgaria live in abject misery, and that defines their demographic
abstention. The ancient Decree for Birth-Rate Encouragement (1968) is
still active and on the base of it only the miserable 8.55 leva ($1 =
2.10 leva, Dec. 28, 2000) are given monthly to the mothers. On the other
hand the Law for Child Protection has first been put off for a whole
year and at the end a not-working hybrid has been voted. Now the
Parliament is working on Law for the Women and Men Equality. When the
prepared changes in the Labour Code cut the mothers' leaves, and the
Bulgarian woman is forced to work almost to her deathbed for a miserable
pension. All these absurdities will not get us out of the demographic
On the contrary: they will turn it into a national calamity.

Comments by Bl. Doncheva, December 29, 2000, Bulgaria
Professor Ilieva is sadly misinformed.
1/ She does not know apparently anything about the IMF and WB practices.
2/ She ignores the fact that 11th year we are under the yoke of those
DEADLY US institutions.
3/ She has not heard yet anything about the secret meeting in the US
University in the town of Blagoevgrad between the US Globalisers and the
Bulgarian "political elite" - i.e., the Bulgarian Globalisers'
She apparently has not heard that an important decision has been taken
at that meeting.
It demands that the Bulgarian population should sink as low as the 2
millions mentioned in that article. (It is whispered even that the
figure demanded by the Globalisers has been much - very much - LOWER!
The figure of 2 millions has been agreed upon after some fight put up by
our glorious, our valorous "political elite". Aren't they heroic -
aren't they true patriots?)
The article shows that the Bulgarian "political elite" is doing its job
Still the US and other Globilisers seem nervous and dissatisfied -
mainly with the job speed.
It is apparent they want it quickened.
That is why they have chosen the Sofia Mayor, Sofianski, for the Future
Bulgarian Premier after their next Election Show in Bulgaria in the
coming spring.
Sofianski has reached a good level and good rate of Sofia citizens'
extermination during his two mandates. (They have proved DEADLY both for
the city and its citizens!)
The Globalisers apparently are itching to give him a chance to
demonstrate his annihilation talents in a national scale - at a
national level!
Besides we, Serbs and Bulgarians, are Slavs and at the top of it -
A double reason to be rooted out for good.
Just like the Indians in the US two centuries ago.
Just like that exterminated Indian tribe in Guatemala only some tens of
years ago.
Just like Hutu in Rwanda, only some years ago.
Different means - same result.

"Morituri te salutamus"
(The Sentenced to Death Salute You)

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