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Sent: Monday, January 01, 2001 12:39 AM


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"Nuclear Unilateralism"....

Peace and Happy New Year to all from Kev.

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By William D. Hartung

Foreign policy issues were mostly an afterthought during the 2000
presidential campaign, and they continue to take a back seat in
President-elect George W. Bush's discussions of the priorities of his
incoming administration. But one critical foreign policy issue--U.S.
nuclear weapons policy--demands immediate attention and debate. The Bush
foreign policy team is quietly contemplating radical changes in U.S.
strategy that could set off a global nuclear arms race that will make
the U.S.-Soviet competition of the cold war period look tame by

In his only significant public pronouncement on the subject, delivered
last spring, Bush put forward a schizophrenic view of the nuclear
conundrum. On the positive side, he spoke of making unilateral cuts in
U.S. nuclear forces and taking those forces off of hair-trigger alert.
He even implied that the cold war doctrine of Mutually Assured
Destruction (MAD--the doctrine that spurred the U.S. and the Soviet
Union to build thousands upon thousands of nuclear weapons as a way of
ensuring that neither side would dare attack the other for fear of being
annihilated in return) was a "dead relic" of a bygone era. On the
negative side of the ledger, Bush endorsed the deployment of a massive
missile defense program on the scale of Ronald Reagan's "Star Wars"
plan, complete with interceptor missiles based on land, at sea, in the
air, and in outer space.

The seeming contradiction in the Bush view--taking reassuring steps by
reducing the size of the U.S. arsenal and taking forces off alert on the
one hand, while provoking other nuclear powers with a massive Star Wars
program on the other--disappears if you look at the common thread
uniting these proposals: nuclear unilateralism.

Spurred on by the ideological rantings of conservative think tanks like
the Heritage Foundation and Frank Gaffney's Center for Security Policy,
a powerful bloc within the Republican Party has increasingly come to
treat negotiated arms control arrangements--like the Anti-Ballistic
Missile Treaty of 1972, the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaties (START I
and II), and the proposed Comprehensive Test Ban treaty--as obstacles to
U.S. supremacy rather than guarantors of a fragile but critical level of
stability in the nuclear age. The right-wing rallying cry is "peace
through strength, not peace through paper." If that means shredding two
decades of international arms control agreements (most of which were
negotiated by Republican presidents), so be it.

This unilateralist approach to nuclear strategy is a disaster waiting to
happen. Bush advisers like Stephen Hadley have suggested that the U.S.
can significantly reduce the numbers of nuclear weapons in its current
arsenal of 8,000 to 10,000 strategic warheads. Simultaneously, the U.S.
would need to modernize the force by developing low-yield nuclear
weapons that could be used for missions like destroying hardened
underground command centers or hidden weapons facilities.

The barely concealed premise of this emerging nuclear doctrine is a
desire to make U.S. nuclear weapons more usable. This dubious
proposition is grounded in the notion that a low-yield weapon could more
readily be used as a threat, or actually dropped on a target, without
sparking nuclear retaliation by another nuclear power. Some conservative
analysts have even suggested that low-yield nukes are a "humanitarian"
weapon, claiming that they can be used to take out underground
biological warfare laboratories, for example, with less loss of life
than would result from other approaches to destroying such facilities!

Of course, in the unfortunate event of a nuclear exchange prompted by a
U.S. threat to use "mini-nukes," the Bush doctrine would trust in our
spiffy new Star Wars system to protect us. The fact that such as system
is far from reality and may never successfully be built does not seem to
cool the passions of the new generation of nuclear use theorists (or
NUTs, as some critics have called them).

(William D. Hartung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> is the president's fellow at
the World Policy Institute at New School University and a military
affairs adviser to Foreign Policy in Focus.)

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