From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Rick Rozoff)
Date: Wed, 3 Jan 2001 21:11:36 -0600 (CST)

Subject: Next Target: Liberia [STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

U.S. Wants Liberian Arms Embargo
Associated Press Writer
UNITED NATIONS (AP) -- The United States is seeking to impose a U.N.
arms embargo on Liberia and a global ban on its diamond exports as a way
to stem its support for Sierra Leone's rebels, diplomats said Wednesday.
A U.S.-sponsored draft resolution, circulating among Security Council
diplomats Wednesday, comes after an independent U.N.-appointed panel
alleged that Liberia was the rebels' most trusted middleman, helping
them get their diamonds to market and acquire illegal weapons.
The panel report, released two weeks ago, recommended measures to try to
block the Liberian connection and better enforce the existing U.N. arms
and diamond embargoes on the rebels of the Revolutionary United Front,
or RUF.
The RUF restarted Sierra Leone's eight-year civil war in May by taking
500 U.N. peacekeepers hostage. The rebels have since signed a new
cease-fire agreement, but the U.N. report documented a network that
allowed the RUF to sell their gems for guns, despite a July diamond
Liberian President Charles Taylor, who was key in securing the release
of the U.N. hostages, has insisted his administration was not involved
in any diamond smuggling or gun-running for the RUF, with whom he has
close ties.
The U.S. draft picks up most of the panel's recommendations, including
imposing a global ban on all Liberian diamond exports until the
government shows it is no longer supporting the rebels and smuggling out
their gems, a U.S. official said, speaking on condition of anonymity.
While Liberia does mine its own diamonds, the report found that the
volume of ''Liberian'' gems that were being traded on international
markets far outweighed its production capacity.
The U.S. draft would impose an arms embargo on Liberia, forbidding
countries or their nationals from providing Liberia with any arms,
ammunition or paramilitary equipment, the official said.
Meanwhile, the head of the U.N. peacekeeping force in Sierra Leone met
with rebel leaders Wednesday to urge their withdrawal from conflicts in
Liberia as well as neighboring Guinea.
U.N. force commander Lt. Gen. Daniel Opande traveled by helicopter to
the rebel-held town of Magburaka to meet with RUF leader Gen. Issa Sesay
and other rebel officials, U.N. spokeswoman Hirut Befecadu said.
The U.N. Security Council has condemned recent rebel incursions into
Guinea, where the government says Liberia and the RUF are backing
Guinean dissidents who have staged a series of cross-border raids since
September. RUF fighters are also reported to be helping Liberian forces
fight their own dissidents in the northern part of that country.
''The U.N. is trying to get the RUF to see reason, so that their
fighters are not used as mercenaries by these two neighboring

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