
Local Party congresses held

Party committee congresses were held yesterday in the northern provinces of
Thanh Hoa, Ninh Binh, Lang Son, Bac Can and the Central Organs for Home

Addressing the three-day congress in Thanh Hoa, Party General Secretary Le
Kha Phieu praised the Party committee and people of the province for their
worthy contributions to the cause of national construction and defence and
the Partyšs renovation process. He said he hoped that they would promote
their strong points and overcome weaknesses and shortcomings. Thanh Hoa is
known as a civilised, populous and large province with Œgold forest and
silver seaš, thus, he said, it could become a rich, beautiful and exemplary

Meanwhile at the congress in Ninh Binh, the Party leader urged the local
people to make greater efforts to develop the province. He asked them to
promote the potentials of all three regions, including the plain,
mountainous and territorial water areas. They should also focus on
developing industry, particularly processing industry, step-by-step reducing
agricultural density in GDP and expanding trades.

Politburo member Le Xuan Tung also attended this congress. He spoke highly
of the efforts made by the Party committee and people of Ninh Binh province.
He also asked the province to make better use of its available advantages to
develop economy. Attention should be also paid to personnel training and
improving the quality of human resource. He also urged them to be better
concerned about the building of a purer and stronger Party and

About 250 delegates representing 43,000 Party members of the province
attended the congress.

President Tran Duc Luong, Politburo member in charge of home affairs,
attended the congress of the Party committee of the Central Organs for Home
Affairs. President Luong, after praising the Party Committeešs achievements,
pointed out its weaknesses and outlined orientations for overcoming the
problems in the next term.

PM Phan Van Khai with delegates at the Lang Son province's Party congress.

Also yesterday, Prime Minister Phan Van Khai attended the Party committee
congress in Lang Son. Mr Khai highly valued important achievements recorded
by the province in the past five years. He said he hoped that the province
would promote its internal strength, make full use of advantages and
resources, strengthen the unity among people of different ethnic minority
groups and take a leading role among the northern border provinces.

Mr Hong Tanh, Party Central Committee member and provincial Party committee
secretary delivered a political report, highlighting the achievements
recorded by the province in recent years with a year-on-year GDP increase of
9.25% in the 1996-2000 period.

NA Chairman Nong Duc Manh with delegate at the Bac Can congress.

Politburo member and National Assembly Chairman Nong Duc Manh attended the
Party committee congress of Bac Can province. Speaking to the congress,
Chairman Manh praised the Party committee and the people who had overcome
many difficulties and challenges since its re-establishment. Bac Can now is
still facing many disadvantages with a low capita income. Mr Manh also asked
them to pay more attention to personnel training, to building and
consolidating the Party and promoting the democratic practices at the
grassroots levels. 


Leaders  praise Siemens' contribution

Member of the Standing Board of the Vietnam Communist Party's Central
Committee Politburo Pham The Duyet and Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Cong Tan
have both praised the investment by the Germany's Siemens AG and its benefit
to the country's national construction.

In a reception in Hanoi on January 2 for visiting Siemens AG's Chairman and
Executive Director Heinrich Von Pierer, Mr Duyet said the corporation's
continued investment in Hanoi and elsewhere in Vietnam would be welcome
while he wished the investors success which, he said, would help promote
friendship and co-operation between the two countries.

In another reception, Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Cong Tan emphasised that
Vietnam attached great importance to all-round co-operation with Germany -
one of Europe's highly-developed industrial countries. Mr Tan expressed the
hope that with Germany's help Siemens would continue investing in Vietnam
and co-operating with the priority sectors of education and training,
communications and public health.

Mr Heinrich Von Pierer sought quicker implementation of a project at the Phu
My Thermo-power Plant 3, southern Ba Ria-Vung Tau province.

Mr Pierer said that the German government was willing to support projects
for training the young in information technology and improving Hanoi's urban
communications network.

He also spoke about prospective joint ventures between Siemens and Hanoi and
some other localities in transport, the Internet and energy. (VNA)


Iran's president affirms determination to boost co-operation with Vietnam

Iran's President Sayed Mohamad Khatami has affirmed the determination of the
government and people to boost economic and commercial co-operation with

Speaking with Vietnamese Ambassador to Iran Hoang Van Dinh, who paid him a
farewell visit on December 31 before ending his term of office, the
president said Iran and Vietnam had played an important role and position in
the regions and they had great potential for all-round co-operation. He
expressed his hope to see more steps of development in the two countries'
relations in 2001, thus contributing to peace and security in the regions
and the world as a whole.

President Khatami extolled the Vietnamese people's resistance wars for
national independence in the past as well as their efforts in the present
national construction and defence, considering them glorious historic pages
of the peace-and-justice-loving Vietnamese people.

He extended thanks to President Tran Duc Luong for inviting him to visit
Vietnam and said the visit would be made at an appropriate time. He also
expressed his hope to welcome President Luong in Iran. (VNA)


Vietnam's victory, one of the 20th century greatest events, writes Granma

The victory recorded by the Vietnamese people in the anti-US historic
struggle for national salvation was chosen by Granma newspaper, the central
organ of the Cuban Communist Party, as one of the 16 greatest events of the
20th century. 

The newspaper dated January 1 reserved the whole two pages on the events.

Regarding the Vietnam's event, the newspaper writes: 'When the last
helicopter left the roof of the Saigon - based US Embassy and Vietnam's
liberation armed forces occupied the last stronghold of the enemy in Saigon
(April 30, 1975), the world witnessed one of the most significant events of
the century, that was the note of the epic of a nation in this century which
defeated consecutively the old colonialism and neo-colonialism and

The newspaper continues: "Shown by the Ho Chi Minh's Thought, the Vietnamese
people spent three quarters of a century to win liberation from the French
and the US Yoke of Occupation and the remaining 25 years to overcome the
consequences of one of the fiercest wars in history, the US total and cruel
aggressive war. The struggle for liberation of the Vietnamese people
received broad international support and solidarity, including the US
people, with the increasing number of young people who refused to be the
canon fodders or the unjust killing tools. Vietnam used to be the victim of
the US aggression and now, the Vietnamese people are working with
extraordinary labour for a modern and cultural socialist country.'

World War One, World War Two, the Great Russian October Revolution, the
successful Cuban revolution, the Chinese revolution, the establishment of
the United Nations are also included in the list of the 16 selected events.


Invitation extended to Overseas Vietnamese

On the occasion of the Year of the Snake, the Vietnam Fatherland Front
Central Committee, the Foreign Ministry's Vietnam Committee for Overseas
Vietnamese, the Ministry of Culture and Information, the Hanoi People's
Committee, the Vietnam Tourism Administration will jointly organise a
get-together at 4 pm on January 19 (or the 25th of the Lunar December) at
the Temple of Literature in Hanoi.

The organising board would like to invite Vietnamese residents residing,
living or working abroad and their relatives who have returned to Vietnam
for Tet to attend the occasion.

Please contact the Vietnam Committee for Overseas Vietnamese at 32 Ba Trieu
street, Hoan Kiem district, Hanoi (Telephone number: 8240401 or 8240402 ,
ext 103 or 104) for invitation cards.


President Tran Duc Luong's interview with Nhan Dan newspaper

Vietnam will develop faster
and more sustainably in 21st century

Q: President, in 2000 the Vietnamese people had to bear the brunt of
repeated natural calamities, yet still reaped significant socio-economic
achievements. So, what in your opinion, are major lessons of experience
drawn up from the management and administration of authorities at different
levels to obtain such achievements?

A: In 2000, Vietnam suffered heavily from natural disasters that hit several
parts of the country such as prolonged floods in the Mekong River Delta,
flash floods in the central region and highlands, and several northern
mountain provinces. Such flooding has caused widespread destruction and
losses in lives and properties.

Last year also witnessed major national anniversaries such as the 70th
anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the 55th
National Day, 110th anniversary of the birth of President Ho Chi Minh and
25th anniversary of the liberation of South Vietnam and national
reunification. The 6th National Emulation Congress in the process of
renovation was also held. These landmarks helped enhance the patriotic
emulation movements that bring into full play the solidarity and creativity
of the entire Party, people and army to overcome all difficulties and
challenges, trying to surpass socio-economic targets. The year 2000 posted a
GDP growth rate of 6.7 % which was much higher than the 1999 figure and the
planned target for 2000. This means, the Party's guideline of enhancing
internal strength has been well-responded to by businesses and entrepreneurs
from all economic sectors and different authoritative levels. As a result,
Vietnam has curbed the economic downturn that was caused by the regional
economic and financial crisis. The Party and State last year paid particular
attention to social matters especially hunger and poverty reduction; labour
and employment; education and training. These programmes have created a
driving force for national socio-economic development. Meanwhile, production
and business of different economic sectors in society have shown positive
signs; security and politics, national defence and social order stabilised.

Those achievements have been made by tireless efforts of the entire Party,
people and army. Many valuable lessons have been drawn up from realities,
with the biggest one being, "relying on the people and working for the
people" in Party's leadership, State and government's management and
administration. Party's guidelines and policies could only be realised if
they are specific and adaptable to the practical situation. The government
and local authorities have made efforts in learning more about the
aspirations of producers and business people and enterprise types. This has
resulted in relevant supplements and amendments to guidelines and policies
and reduction of bureaucracy and cumbersome procedures. Our administration
is of the people, for the people and by the people. All the Party's
guidelines and State's policies must stem from the people's aspirations and
close to realities and be thoroughly carried out at different levels in such
a manner that "Party's line and people's mind are one and the same".

In the past several years, the Fatherland Front, political, social and mass
organisations have launched campaigns, which are relevant to the people's
aspirations and actual conditions of the nation. These include the movement
of calling on people to build up a new life style in residential areas, the
appeal for exercising democracy at grass-roots level, the programme for
hunger eradication and poverty reduction; production emulation campaign, the
movement to take care of families of war invalids and martyrs and those who
rendered great contributions to the nation, and extremely disadvantaged
families and campaigns to provide relief aid to flood victims. These
campaigns and movements have contributed to inciting national traditions of
"the able always help the less able in time of need". During floods and
natural calamities that hit the Mekong River Delta, Central region and
highlands as well as several northern mountain provinces, many people have
sacrificed their lives for the rescue and relief of local people. The
population in disadvantaged areas have received assistance from the central
and local administrations and people to improve their production and turn
from rags to riches.

The on-going campaign of party build-up and streamline has won praise and
support from the people. The campaign's initial outcome has helped
consolidate and strengthen the party through the education and training of
party officials and members, especially at grassroots level for them to be
devoted to the interest of the people and state, including their families
and themselves. The campaign has also exposed weaknesses of party
organizations at different levels and locations. Corrupt party officials and
members have been laid bare, condemned and duly punished. In reality, the
campaign for party build-up and streamline has been highly valued by the
people who urge party committees and authorities at different levels to
strictly observe this campaign. People' denunciations and complaints, which
are still running deep in localities, require party committees and
administrative organizations of the political systems at different levels to
join the people in settling such petitions.

In a nutshell, Vietnam obtained encouraging achievements in 2000 and the
party and state helped bring up the responsibility of each citizen in
society and encouraged party and administrative and mass organizations,
branches and sectors throughout the country in implementing the party's
guidelines and state policies to adapt to actual circumstances of each

Q: What is your evaluation of the State's foreign policy and external
economic relations in 2000?

A: Vietnam's external relations in the past year took place against the
background of complicated and boisterous international situation. Vietnam,
which persisted in its foreign policy of independence, self-reliance and
open diplomacy, diversification and multilateralisation, obtained major
important achievements.

Last year's external relations contributed to building up an environment of
peace and stability for national economic development. Leaders of the Party,
State and National Assembly attached great importance to developing
co-operative and friendly neighbourly relations. The Vietnam-China Land
Border Treaty, which was approved by the National Assembly at its 7th
session, laid a legal foundation for building a common borderline of peace,
friendship and sustainability. In the framework of ASEAN, Vietnam took an
active and flexible part in handling all matters that need consensus from
within the Association, which helped maintain solidarity and co-operation
and stability of the regional grouping.

The implementation of a foreign policy, which is in conformity with world
trends, has constantly increased Vietnam's international and regional
profile and position. The outcome of official visits to Europe and the
European Union by Party General Secretary Le Kha Phieu other leaders and the
reception of heads of States and leaders of other countries to Vietnam as
well as Vietnam's active diplomatic activities, joined by senior leaders of
the State, government and National Assembly at major international
conferences, have contributed constructively to peace, national
independence, democracy and social progress. That demonstrates to
international friends that Vietnam is a reliable friend and partner.
Vietnam's chairing of the ASEAN Standing Committee and the ASEAN Regional
Forum, successful hosting of several ASEAN conferences and accomplishing its
task as ASEAN co-ordinator and the ASEAN Interparliamentary Organisation
(AIPO) and dialogue partners, has asserted Vietnamšs role and position in
the region. 

Regarding external economic activities, the State has made progress in
completing legal documents to encourage external economy and to create a
more flexible environment for investors. The government has held contact and
dialogues on several occasions with foreign investors to remove obstacles to
and create more favourable conditions for foreign investors' business and
production activities in Vietnam. As a result many achievements have been
made in this field. Last year's export turnover reached a high growth rate
at US $14 billion, surpassing plan by 11-12 %. In addition to expanding
Vietnam's share in European markets, Vietnam signed the Bilateral Trade
Agreement with the United States. The country attracted a great volume of
credit capital, foreign direct investment and aid from countries,
international organizations for national construction.

However, the global economic restoration, especially the recovery from
regional countries from the economic crisis, on the one hand, exerted a
positive impact on Vietnam by opening up the potential for economic
co-operation, tapping resources from outside to add to inner resources into
a combined strength for national construction. On the other hand, when
neighbour countries have made breakthrough in international economic
integration, competition will become fiercer. Vietnam will face
disadvantages such as the fluctuation of prices of some major imports and
exports when the US dollar is gaining value; the difficult socio-economic
situation; exports subject to strong competition while the structure and
quality of Vietnam's export items remain almost unchanged; limitations in
market information with imprecise forecast; trade serves unable to meet
demand; trade fraudulence remaining a common problem. All these constraints
are posing challenges to Vietnam's economy. Against this background, Vietnam
is required to quickly motivate a breakthrough to overcome such hurdles to
reach a higher plane and formulate new stature and position in international
economic relations. By so doing, can we take an initiative in the process of
integrating into regional and global economies.

Q: What's your observation of Vietnam's prospects in 2001?

A: The year 2001 is the first year of implementing the resolutions to be
adopted at the 9th National Party Congress, the 10-year strategy for
socio-economic development till 2010 with overall objectives for the entire
period of enhancing industrialisation and modernisation to bring the country
out of underdevelopment, and laying the foundation for Vietnam to become an
industrial country by 2020. The quality of life, materially, culturally and
spiritually, will be improved considerably. The market economic mechanism
with socialist orientation will basically take shape, human resources, the
potential of science and technology, infrastructure, and economy, national
defence and security will be strengthened and Vietnam's profile and position
in the international arena will be increased. Working towards those
objectives with the targets set for the five year plan 2001-2005, this year
Vietnam aims to obtain higher and more sustainable economic growth rate than
2000. This will go along vigorous development of other areas such as
culture, society, the study and application of science and technology
advances, increase of products' competitiveness in each sector and the
national economy in general. Efforts will also be made to increase the
quality of education and training, healthcare, and settle pressing demands
of employment. Added to this, such efforts also aim at reducing hunger and
poverty, fighting social vices and diminishing traffic accidents. Democracy
must be practised widely, especially at grassroots level while trying to
settle people's denunciations and complaints to ensure security and social

Vietnam is bound to meet its socio-economic targets set for 2001 by looking
straight into the core of the issue and reaching high unanimity within the
party and people on the situation of the country and staying confident in
the successes won so far. In the meantime, we are required to analyse
critically all the weaknesses and be fully aware of the tasks for renovation
and development with all their advantages and challenges. With such efforts,
Vietnam will be able to move faster and more sustainably in the 21st

Entering the year 2001 that opens a new century and a new millennium, on
behalf of the Party and State, I would like to convey to all comrades and
people from home and overseas, my best wishes and a firm belief that with a
patriotic tradition and staunch revolutionary spirit, diligence and
creativity, the entire Party, people and army will enter the year 2001 with
a new impetus, new achievements to be successful in the renovation process,
national industrialisation and modernisation in the first couple of decades.
This will make Vietnam an industrial and powerful country to be fully
integrated into international economy to shoulder world powers and friends
as cherished by Uncle Ho, the Party and people.

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