From: "Camp" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2001 13:40:38 +0100
Subject: Lift the sanctions, stop the war against Iraq!

Lift the sanctions, stop the war against Iraq!

Call of the Anti-imperialist Camp for an international day of action
on the 10th anniversary of the Western aggression

      #           We call upon all to:            #
      # * sign this call by mailing your support  #
      # * organise protests in your country/city  #
      # * inform us about possible actions        #

Ten years ago, on the 17th January 1991, the vicious attack against Iraq of
the Western Holy Alliance backed by the UN started. In a few weeks more than
100.000 Iraqis were killed. Since then the war and aggression is going on.
Day by day US and British air planes are targeting the Iraqi people while
the Western cooperate media keeps silent. The murderous economic blockade
has killed another 1.5 million people and has virtually devastated an in
fact rich country on the roots of human civilisation. As not even pencils
are allowed to be imported the decay of the education system has mortgaged
the life of a whole generation while the aggressor powers and their local
allies are enriching themselves claiming the Iraqi oil revenues as
“reparations”. Not to speak of the contamination of the country by the use
of Depleted Uranium, which is not only killing the Iraqi population now but
will enfold its deadly impacts for many future generations.

The US have inaugurated their “New World Order” with the war against Iraq,
claiming to establish a world of peace, democracy and human rights. In fact
the ongoing aggression against Iraq is revealing this mono-polar world under
US control to be nothing else than a tyranny of a small decadent elite in
the Western countries systematically denying the alleged “Western values”
peace, democracy and human right to all others. In order to continue their
neo-liberal exploitation the imperialist powers have brought genocide, war,
misery, starvation, dictatorship, devastation and cultural deprivation to
the masses of the oppressed countries which represent the vast majority of
the world population.

The aggression on Iraq was legitimised by claiming to bring down a dangerous
dictatorial regime aggressing its neighbours. However, the fact that the US
and its NATO allies are supporting and bringing into power exactly such
regimes all around the world is revealing this claim to be a blatant lie.
The real reasons of the aggressions were: a) to kept control over the major
part of the Arab petrol, b) to defeat the only significant Arab military
power not subjecting to the imperialist control, c) blowing a deal to the
Iraqi masses which have shown to be one of the most combative
anti-imperialist and anti-capitalist ones of the region and by doing so d)
discouraging the resistance of the Arab masses in general and especially
that of the Palestinians.

The connection of the Iraqi, Palestinian and all Arab liberation is shown by
the latest US and Israel blackmailing plan: they promise to lift the
sanction if Iraq is accepting the 5 million Palestinian refugees “ethnically
cleansed” by Zionism that should renounce their right to return by their

The defence of Iraq and its people notwithstanding its current regime that
is paralysing the anti-imperialist struggle of the masses is not only
decisive for the Arab liberation but for all democratic and anti-imperialist
forces all around the world striving to bring down the monster of the “New
World Order” blocking not only any human progress but even endangering the
survival of civilisation. We call to support this call demonstrating all
around the world under following slogans:

Lift the sanctions, stop the war against Iraq!
Imperialist out of the Gulf!
Down with the New World Order!

Anti-imperialist Camp

P.O. Box 66
00841 Helsinki
Phone +358-40-7177941
Fax +358-9-7591081
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