Fidel's love for children
and CIA child murders
By *Trendy I. B. Everfickle

No. 151,   10-16 April 2000
I have to admit to considerable satisfaction with the way the media, particularly
Australian journalists, have reported the vicious kidnapping of poor little Elian.
Though I'm very disappointed in dear Cameron Forbes describing Fidel (he always tells
me to call him Fidel) as a dictator (The Australian, Justice dangles on a G-string,
7/4), but I dare say he had to pander to Murdoch's bourgeois prejudices. If it were
otherwise he would have repeated the CIA's outrageous lies about Fidel running drugs,
and murdering and torturing people. And he also wouldn't have exposed those
Miami-based Cuban thugs as would-be law-breakers and fanatics. Yes, I can always
count on Cameron to do the right thing.

And this brings me to one of the CIA's most horrific atrocities. It was the summer of
1994 and 10 Cuban children and 22 adults had taken a daytrip on the tugboat Trece de
Marzo. It was a beautiful day, not a cloud in the sky and the children were having a
simply wonderful time. It was then that a US Coastguard vessel on a secret CIA
mission came upon them. In a cruel attempt to destroy any evidence of its presence in
Cuba's sacred waters it opened fired on the tugboat, killing all the children and
nearly all the adults.

Fidel was so stricken with grief when he heard the news that he rang immediately to
tell me of the atrocity. What can I say. The poor darling was almost incoherent.
Stuttering between heartfelt sobs he cried: "How could they? How could even American
imperialists be so callous and evil?" Poor naive Fidel, even after all these years he
still has now idea of how evil the CIA and its Miami allies really are.

Not satisfied with murdering these Cuban innocents the CIA and its lackeys in Miami,
those fanatics as Cameron and Stevie scornfully call them, accused Fidel of carrying
out the massacre. Well I ask you? Not only that, they even accused him of denying the
grieving parents the right to bury their own children! No wonder poor Fidel was
beside himself and felt the need to phone his auntie (the dear boy always calls me
auntie) and relate his fear of the capitalist press repeating this calumny.

Fortunately I was able to put his mind at rest. I assured him that Australia's
progressive journalists would never allow this vile lie to be repeated in the media.
And it's true. A few phone calls to some of my former students was enough to thwart
the CIA's dastardly plot. Not a single Australian newspaper TV station reported it.
If you doubt me, just ask dear Cameron or the equally dear Stevie Romei, The
Australian's New York correspondent, and they'll confirm what I've said.

Even so, there are some reactionary commentators, though not in Australia, who are
regurgitating this vicious lie. Why only recently the Wall Street Journal allowed
Carlos Alberto Montaner, a so-called Cuban novelist living in Madrid, the use of its
opinion page to repeat this CIA slander. But our journalists were not deceived by
Montaner, a paid CIA agent. They rightly ignored the story. You won't find Cameron or
Stevie parroting this disgraceful propaganda or taking notice of the likes of
Montaner. These are journalists of real integrity and moral standing. Isn't that
right, boys?

The honourable
Cameron Forbes

As if to show his ideological contempt for reactionary scum like Montaner, Cameron
travelled to Cuba and spoke to that very nice Manuel Cuesta Morua, general-secretary
of the Democratic Socialist Movement. In fact I know Manuel very well, and it's a
filthy capitalist lie that he is a mouthpiece for Fidel, and is only there to give
left-wing journalists an excuse to claim that free speech and total political
opposition is not suppressed in Cuba. I mean, let's be serious, how could anyone
honestly think that a man likeCameron Forbes could be deceived by such a cheap trick?
Or that he would even participate in a charade designed to deceive readers. Cameron
is far too honourable to tolerate that kind of behaviour.

I've known dear Cameron for many years now, and I can assure readers that if he
thought for one moment that dear little Elian and his emotionally tortured father
were denied their civil rights in Cuba, that Elian would be nothing but the property
of the state, meaning Fidel, he would immediately demand that Elian be kept by his US
relatives. That's the kind of high-minded man Cameron is. Isn't that so, Cameron?

*Trendy is a free lance journalist whose work frequently appears, under other names,
in The Melbourne Age and Rupert Murdoch's Australian. She is also a regular
contributor to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, ghostwriting many of its
current affairs programs and documentaries. She lectures on socialist realism for
journalists at The People's University of Fitzroy. She proudly and rightly boasts of
the number of journalists she has taught who now work for our metropolitan
newspapers. Even a casual reading of these papers will easily confirm that hers is
not an idle boast.

Her books Capitalist Exploitation in Austalia and Why Freedom of the Press in the
West is a Capitalist Lie are a best sellers in Cuba, North Korea and Vietnam. The
last book earned her the distinguished Naom Chomsky Award for Honest Reporting on the
Media. But her fame in Australia rests largely on her pamphlet How to Capture the
Media. It is a classic of socialist subversion and a standard text for ABC

Despite her heavy workload she is also president of the Fidel Castro Society, meeting
with the Great Man several times a year, chairperson of the North Korean-Australian
Friendship Society, and is a frequent adviser to the Hanoi Government's Human Rights
Rights Committee. Incredible as it seems, this astonishing woman still manages the
Lesbian Mothers' Toorak Collective.

Trendy would like to take this opportunity to thank those wealthy progressive Toorak
residents who have given so much in moral and financial support.

Editor: Toorak is Melbourne's wealthiest suburb.

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