From: Rick Rozoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2001 02:29:27 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Ex-Attorney General Clark Plans Defiance Flight To Iraq

Friday, January 5 5:47 PM SGT

Former US attorney general plans defiance flight to
AMMAN, Jan 5 (AFP) -
Former US attorney general Ramsey Clark plans to lead
a flight to Baghdad next week to challenge the
UN-imposed sanctions on Iraq, a statement received on
Friday said.

Clark and 50 anti-sanctions activists from the United
States will fly to Baghdad from Amman January 13 "in
the fourth Iraq sanctions challenges by Clark's
International Action Center," the statement said.

"They will defy US/UN imposed sanctions by taking
supplies to Iraq without licence," it said.

Almost half of the delegates accompanying are students
and educators from US colleges and universities and
they have timed the trip to mark the 10th anniversary
of the US-led Gulf War against Iraq to drive it out of

Clark, who has visited Iraq on several occasions since
the war, was in Baghdad a year ago, when he led a
delegation of US humanitarian organisations to give
the country aid worth an estimated two million

The United Nations imposed sanctions on Baghdad,
including a commercial air ban, following Iraq's
invasion of Kuwait in 1990.

Since August Arab and Western countries have organised
several humanitarian flights to Baghdad in a concerted
effort to break the sanctions.

Jordan, the first Arab country to organise such a
flight, is sending a medical team headed by Health
Minister Tareq Suheimat to Baghdad on January 12,
official Petra news agency reported Friday.

Meanwhile four British volunteers from the charity
group Voices in the Wildnerness were Friday in Amman
on their way to Baghdad for a 10-day solidarity trip.

Group leader Richard Byrne told AFP they were taking
toys for Iraq's children as well as medical journals
and supplies such as dressings, syringes and bandages.

But their departure planned for dawn Friday was
delayed because their luggage was lost during their
trip over from Milan.

"We hope to be leaving by dawn Saturday by bus whether
or not we get our luggage," Byrne, a veterinarian from
London, told AFP.

He will be accompanied by Brighton writer Milan Rai,
social worker Les Gibbons from Southampton and
Birmingham restaurant manager Zia Chowdhury.

"We want to learn as much as possible about the impact
of the sanctions and campaign for a lifting of the
sanctions in Britain during the general elections that
will take place in mid-2001," Byrne said.

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