
Senior Party Official Calls for Judicial Reform to Ensure Justice
Senior official of the Chinese Communist Party (CPC) Wei Jianxing Friday
called on the people's court to advance legal reform nationwide to ensure
Wei, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC
Central Committee, made the remarks when meeting with court leaders and
judges from across the country to attend a conference to commend the judges
that "people satisfied with."
"Courts should equally treat various litigants so as to protect the
fundamental interests of the people," he said, calling for more efforts to
be made in promoting the quality and efficiency in court trials."
Wei pointed out that justice can only be maintained when trials are
conducted independently and in accordance with the law.
He stressed the leadership of the CPC in the law enforcement and court work
for the CPC represents the development requirements of China's advanced
social productive forces, the progressive course of China's advanced
culture, and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the
Chinese people. 
"The Party's leadership of trial work lies in supervising over and
supporting the people's courts, in efforts to guarantee courts to enjoy
independent right in trials," he said.
Wei urged Party committees at all levels to increase the support for the
courts to fight against local protectionism and departmental protectionism.
He said that China's court system should be reformed in the aspects of
management, daily operations and logistic safeguards. The current judicial
reform promoting justice and efficiency should continue, he said.
Wei noted that the corruption deeds by the only few among the court staffs
have seriously damaged the reputation of courts and judges, as well as the
image of the Party and the state. The promotion of education and
anti-corruption should be continued so as to win the trust of the public on
courts and the judicial system of the country, he said.
Among those present at the conference were Luo Gan, member of the Political
Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and state councilor, Jiang Chunyun,
member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and
vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress,
and Xiao Yang, president of the Supreme People's Court.


China Resolutely Opposes US Intervention in Macao Affairs
China lodged Thursday its strong dissatisfaction with and resolute
opposition to a US bill meddling in the affairs of Macao, a special
administrative region of China.
In response to a question at a regular press conference, Chinese Foreign
Ministry spokesman Zhu Bangzao strongly condemned the actions of the U.S. in
interfering in the affairs of Macao by passing a domestic bill.
Zhu said that the U.S. Congress, disregarding China's opposition, had
"affiliated the so-called amendment of the US policy on Macao" to another
bill and has now been signed into law by President Clinton.
He said that "the bill attempts to interfere into the affairs of Macao and
infringes upon China's sovereignty by utilizing the export control and human
rights issues." 
"China is strongly displeased with and resolutely opposed to the US action,"
Zhu said. 
"China demands the US to observe the basic norms governing international
relations and stop its wrong action of intervening in China's domestic
affairs," the spokesman said.


Senior Party Official Calls for Judicial Reform to Ensure Justice
Senior official of the Chinese Communist Party (CPC) Wei Jianxing
<http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/leaders/cpcdir/wprofile.html>  Friday
called on the people's court to advance legal reform nationwide to ensure

Wei, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC
Central Committee, made the remarks when meeting with court leaders and
judges from across the country to attend a conference to commend the judges
that "people satisfied with."

"Courts should equally treat various litigants so as to protect the
fundamental interests of the people," he said, calling for more efforts to
be made in promoting the quality and efficiency in court trials."

Wei pointed out that justice can only be maintained when trials are
conducted independently and in accordance with the law.

He stressed the leadership of the CPC in the law enforcement and court work
for the CPC represents the development requirements of China's advanced
social productive forces, the progressive course of China's advanced
culture, and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the
Chinese people. 

"The Party's leadership of trial work lies in supervising over and
supporting the people's courts, in efforts to guarantee courts to enjoy
independent right in trials," he said.

Wei urged Party committees at all levels to increase the support for the
courts to fight against local protectionism and departmental protectionism.

He said that China's court system should be reformed in the aspects of
management, daily operations and logistic safeguards. The current judicial
reform promoting justice and efficiency should continue, he said.

Wei noted that the corruption deeds by the only few among the court staffs
have seriously damaged the reputation of courts and judges, as well as the
image of the Party and the state. The promotion of education and
anti-corruption should be continued so as to win the trust of the public on
courts and the judicial system of the country, he said.

Among those present at the conference were Luo Gan, member of the Political
Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and state councilor, Jiang Chunyun,
member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and
vice-chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress,
and Xiao Yang, president of the Supreme People's Court.


New Housing System to Be Launched by China in 2001
China is going to launch a new housing system in 2001. This system, targeted
at commercializing housing, will be made up of seven systems: housing
distribution, housing supply, marketing, intermediate, financing,
residential property management and governmental micro-control.

According to Outlook Weekly (first issue), by the end of 2000, China had
thoroughly abolished the housing system featuring distribution in kind and
from 2001, it will implement a new housing policy.

Two years have passed since the proposal for monetizing housing was put
forward, however, some cities still failed to work out relevant plans; some
departments in those cities, which already formulated plans, have not yet
put allowance funds in place; among urban residents, there are very few
enterprises and institutions implementing a monetized distribution plan,
superficially, it is due to insufficient financial sustainable capability,
but the main reason is their inadequate understanding.

China has basically accomplished the task of abolishing the old housing
system and the task of establishing a new one is being carried out. In this
process, many deep-seated problems have cropped up. Under such circumstance,
it will take at least 20 years to fulfill the task of establishing a new
housing system. 


90% Taiwanese Pessimistic About Taiwan's Economy
Recent poll taking in Taiwan
<http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/province/taiwan.html>  reveals
nearly 90% of Taiwanese are pessimistic about Taiwan's economy; 36% are
worried about becoming unemployed; nearly 50% tell that some of their family
members, friends or kith and kin have already been in dire strait and become
jobless. Pervading pessimism has been felt as well among Taiwan's financiers
because of a new downturn of the island's financial since the new year

Local media in Taiwan report that instead of having a good time at the
beginning of a new century Taiwan's economy looms dark and depressing. Most
of pollsters especially those from the central south of Taiwan take a
pessimistic view and are worried about finding a way out for Taiwan's

According to another poll taking, 76% of high-up directors in Taiwan's
financial field hold that Taiwan's financial environment will further get
deteriorated and in the view of 70% pollsters loans will have to be got on
harsher tightened terms.

To be in sum, a scholarly view from Taiwan is that as what has been seen and
felt on the island Taiwan's economy has already been totally lackluster and
hard to be firmed from its deepest economic downturn.

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