Forwarded from The Rebuilding of Baghdad Library Campaign. There are
addresses in the US and UK to which you can send books that will be
forwarded to Jordan for shipping into Iraq. Also below is information for
how you can make a financial donation which can be used to purchase much
needed books. If you want to receive a list of books especially wanted
e-mail back to me.

Dear Sir/Madame
Join The Rebuilding of Baghdad Library Campaign.
The National Mobilization Committee for the Defense of Iraq (NMCDI) in 
Jordan has initiated an academic book collection Campaign for Iraq. The 
goal of this campaign, which has been dubbed "the rebuilding of the Baghdad 
Library", is to provide Iraqi students, academics and intellectuals with 
scientific and academic books and references that have been prohibited entry

to Iraq for the past ten years. The excuse used is that these items are 
considered to be "double usage items". Thus Iraqi's have been denied the 
right to learn which is and internationally recognized and protected right.

NMCDI, which has initiated this campaign, is a Jordanian popular committee 
that includes political parties, many civil society institutions, unions, 
organizations and independent personalities. This committee was established 
for the sole aim of raising local, regional and international public opinion

regarding the need to lift the comprehensive economic sanctions that have 
been imposed on Iraq for since 1990. The NMCDI believes that the sanctions, 
which according to he UN have directly resulted in the death of at least 1.5

million Iraqi civilians and have caused a near total breakdown in the 
economic, social, educational and health sectors are a crimes against 

The book campaign is an attempt among many serious attempts carried out by 
the NMCDI to challenge the sanctions that have crippled a nation of 22 
million. We believe that we can succeed in bringing people from all over 
the world together in unison to stop this atrocity which has denied ordinary

Iraqis from the right to live learn and develop.

Politics aside, we simply believe that it is immoral to deny 22 million 
Iraqis the gift of knowledge. Iraq's historical legacy is that it is the 
cradle of civilization and it gave humanity the first form of script and the

first legal doctrines. In our time, Iraq was able was able to offer free 
education from kindergarten through university. However, after the 
destruction of the Iraqi economy as a result of the sanctions and the severe

UN restrictions imposed on Iraq , its legacy and achievements have been 
reduced to day to day survival.

The NMCDI has already announced this campaign in Jordan and work has begun 
in the book collection plan. However, to achieve our set goals, and to make 
this ambitious campaign a global effort, the NMCDI will be working with the 
Mariam Appeal organization based in London and led by British MP George 
Galloway. Information about the campaign can also be found on the Mariam 
Appeal Web Site:

Our major goal is to collect and forward to Iraq the 8000 academic and 
scientific references needed by Iraqi universities and academic 
institutions, in an effort to replenish the their empty libraries.
Therefore, our committee is contacting as many institutions, organizations 
and individuals as possible to participate in our campaign.
With this letter we would like to officially invite you, your organization, 
your company to participate in this humanitarian campaign and help give back

to Iraqis the gift of knowledge.

If you choose to contribute to our campaign, please send us a return email 
choosing one or more of the following options for participation:

* I agree to purchase one or more of the needed books, periodicals, 
CD's and forward to your address.

*I wish to contribute money to your campaign to go towards the 
purchase of one or more books, periodicals, etc.

* I wish to participate by organizing my mini book campaign in my area 
to collect academic references to forward to Iraq through your campaign

Once we receive a return email from you stating your selected contribution, 
we will contact you immediately with the necessary details.

Please feel free to contact us at any time to answer any questions or 
respond to any comments you may have. Our aim to succeed in our goals and 
we know that together we can make a difference in making our world a better 

Contact person: Mr. Fawaz Zuriekat
National Mobilization Committee for the Defense of Iraq
International laison/ Rebuilding Baghdad Library Campaign
Tel: 962-6-5533166
Fax: 962-6-5533177

Best regards

Fawaz Zuriekat

Courrier Company addresses in US and UK


Mr. Fawaz Zureikat
International Book Campaign
Aramex International Courier NY
165-15, 145th Drive Jamaica NY
Jamaica, NY 11434-5135
Tel : +1-718-553-8740 
Fax : +1-718-553-8953

Contact Person : 
Haitham Ajlouni/Station Manager / E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Moe Faris /Cargo Manager / E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Mr. Fawaz Zureikat
International Book Campaign
Aramex International Courier
11 Willow Road, Colnbrook,
Berkshire, London SL3 OBS
Tel : +441-753-689-898
Fax : +441-753-685-425

Contact Persons : 
Robert Ewan / Station Manager / E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ahmed Zibara/ Express OPS Team Leader E.mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Amman Postal address

Mr. Fawaz Zureikat
International Office
The Rebuilding of Baghdad Library Campaign
P.O.Box 7373
Amman 11118

Courier address:
Mr. Fawaz Zuraikat
International Office
The Rebuilding of Baghdad Library Campaign
Abu Ershied Center
Wasfi Al-Tal Street (Gardens)

Tel : 9626- 5533166

Bank information:
Account Number 0347629 
Sort Code 30-99-50
Bank Lloyds TSB Bank plc
Bank Address Westminster House, 4 Dean Stanley Street, Westminster, London
SW19 3HU

Address of Mariam Appeal to send money order 
13a Borough High St. 

If you want a list of books especially wanted for Iraq please e-mail me and
I will send it to you.

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