TODAY'S NEWS (January.08.2001 Juche 90)



Mass rallies held

Independent politics to shine forever

Remark of JDP heavyweight under fire

Popular winter sports

Kim Jong Il's army-first politics praised

Rodong Sinmun calls for opening decisive phase of national reunification

For Spanish-speaking people


quinta exhibicion de kimjongilia

politica de independencia lucira mas en siglo 21



Mass rallies held
     Pyongyang, January 8 (KCNA) -- Mass rallies were held in south
Phyongan, south Hwanghae and south Hamgyong provinces and Kaesong on January
7 to vow to carry through the tasks set forth in the joint New Year
editorial. Reporters and speakers at the rallies called upon all the party
members and other working people to become indomitable fighters who
devotedly carry out the idea and line of leader Kim Jong Il, taking hold on
the baton to carry forward the revolution in the 21st century, and to push
ahead with the advance under the socialist red flag.
    The army-first revolutionary line is the permanent strategic objective
of the revolution of our era and an almighty treasured sword in socialist
construction, they said, calling upon all the party members and other
working people to give full play to the spirit of defending the country and
trait of aiding the army in response to the idea of giving importance to the
    Touching on the issue of increasing the national economic potentials
commensurate with the new era of the army-first revolution, they said: We
should carry through the central tasks in economic construction for this
year to consolidate the existing economic infrastructure and display its
potentials to the full, while refashioning the national economy as a whole
with up-to-date technology.
    It was stressed at a rally of servicepersons of the Ministry of People's
Security held on Jan. 6 that they would be fully prepared for combat
mobilization to meet the demand of the era of army-first revolution, further
tighten security and thus contribute to strengthening defence capability of
the country. 
    Young vanguard met to make a pledge of loyalty before the statue of
President Kim Il Sung on Mansu Hill in Pyongyang on Jan. 7.
    A reporter and speakers said that they would become vanguard and shock
brigade in the worthwhile struggle to open up the road of building a
powerful nation in the 21st century. They will perform exploits and become
young heroes in the struggle to carry through the tasks set forth in the
joint new year editorial to demonstrate the strong spirit of the young
Korean people once again, they said.
    An appeal to the youth and students across the country was adopted at
the rally. 
    It called upon all the youth and students throughout the country to
demonstrate the might of death-defying corps and detached force of Kim Jong
Il once more in decorating this year, the first year of the 21st century,
with brilliant achievements.


Independent politics to shine forever
     Pyongyang, January 8 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article
notes that the Korean political mode of independence will more powerfully
demonstrate its validity and vitality in the 21st century. Only when one
maintains the principle of independence in politics, can he solve all the
problems in the revolution and construction with his own faith in keeping
with the interests of his people and the specific conditions of his country,
and make progress and successes in the revolution and construction by giving
the fullest play to the creative initiative of his people, the article says,
and goes on: 
    The independent politics now serves as a universal political mode as it
reflects the aspiration of humankind.
    It also reflects the intrinsic demand and aspiration of man and the main
trend of the present times.
    The universality and vitality of the independent politics have been
clearly proved in practice in the DPRK.
    No one dares to say to the DPRK pursuing this independent politics or
impose unreasonable demands upon it.
    The DPRK has firmly defended and consolidated socialism, strengthened
unity and solidarity with the anti-imperialist independent forces and given
a powerful impetus to the human cause of independence despite the vicious
anti-DPRK campaign of the imperialist reactionaries. This is because the
DPRK has sticked to the independent politics.
    The independent politics of the DPRK with which it concluded the 20th
century with pride will more dynamically demonstrate its validity and
vitality in the 21st century.


Remark of JDP heavyweight under fire
     Pyongyang, January 8 (KCNA) -- Hatoyama, heavyweight of the Japan
Democratic Party, in a recent television appearance on diet affairs insisted
that the "Self-Defence Forces" (SDF) should be clearly stipulated as an
"army" in the Japanese constitution. He went the length of asserting that to
do so is to prevent Japan from starting another war.
    In this regard rodong sinmun today in a signed commentary dismisses his
remark as sheer sophism revealing craftiness peculiar to Japan.
    The commentary says:
    By this assertion he means that Japan may opt for war if the SDF is not
stipulated in the constitution as an "army" and to do so is the only way for
it to go in for peace.
    The Japanese constitution bans Japan from having armed forces and using
forces against other countries and participating in similar military
    This notwithstanding, Hatoyama claimed that preserving the "peace
constitution" may cause "something disturbing". What a nonsense Hatoyama
styled himself a "peace champion" wishing to see Japan going in for peace
but he self-exposed that he is fanatical militarist keen on re-conquest by
taking the lead in the moves to revise the constitution.
    The Japanese reactionaries are well advised to drop their daydream of
overseas aggression.


Popular winter sports
     Pyongyang, January 8 (KCNA) -- The period from every December to
February is for winter sports in the DPRK. Physical culture and sports are
brisk at all units of the country.
    Industrial establishments and other units have Taekwon-do exercise for
health, running and other exercises on a regular basis and organize
basketball, volleyball, table tennis and other matches.
    Various sports games will be held in provinces, cities and counties in
January and February.
    A cycling race, Taekwon-do exercise for health, swimming, tug of war,
hurdle race and ball games will take place among teams of different
ministries and national institutions in Pyongyang.
    National sports and amusement games such as Korean chess and yut-game
will also be brisk in this period.
    Youth and children will enjoy skating, skiing, marching on the
snow-covered roads, sledging and kite-flying and other sports.
    At least 24,000 sports teams are active in the country.
    Primary and senior middle schools specialize in certain sports events.
    A solid material and technical foundation has been laid to popularize
    The state set the second sunday of every month as the "day of physical
culture and sports" to encourage masses' participation in sports.


Kim Jong Il's army-first politics praised
     Pyongyang, January 8 (KCNA) -- Foreign political figures who visited
the DPRK expressed admiration at the vitality of leader Kim Jong Il's
army-first politics. Miguel Mejia, general secretary of the United Left
Movement of Dominica, said it was entirely thanks to the seasoned leadership
of Kim Jong Il possessed of far-sightedness and iron will that the Korean
people could achieve victory in the "arduous march" and bring about a new
    Dogu Ferincek, chairman of the central committee of the Workers' Party
of Turkey, said that Kim Jong Il set forth the original idea of giving great
importance to the army and increased the national power with his
revolutionary army-first leadership, thus effecting fresh upswing in the
drive to build a powerful socialist nation.
    Noting that Kim Jong Il's army-first politics prevents the U.S. from
provoking the DPRK, he stressed that his army-first politics is an almighty
instrument for the victory of socialism.
    Vladimir Tolstikov who visited the DPRK at the head of the delegation of
the Union of Communist Parties-the Communist Party of the Soviet Union said
that Kim Jong Il bid farewell to the political ideology and mode of politics
which had been regarded as unchangeable formula and opened up a new great
history of army-first politics by providing revolutionary leadership with
top priority to the army in the crucible of the fierce confrontation with
    This is the exploit of world historic significance to be specially
recorded in human history, he added. Kim Jong Il's mode of politics, the
army-first politics, is a shining example of the socialist politics, the
independent politics, in the 21st century, he stressed.


Rodong Sinmun calls for opening decisive phase of national reunification
     Pyongyang, January 8 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article
calls upon all Koreans in the north, south and overseas to come out as one
to glorify this year, the first year of the new century, as a meaningful
year in which a new decisive phase will be opened in independent national
reunification. Noting that working for national reunification means the most
ardent patriotism and paves the way for national prosperity, the article
    What is the most important and principled problem at present in
reunifying the country is to implement the June 15 north-south joint
declaration to the letter.
    This declaration is a proclamation of independence, peaceful
reunification and great national unity anchored on the three principles of
national reunification and a landmark of this cause in the 21st century.
    The north and the south should pool their efforts to reunify the country
independently and peacefully through great national unity in the spirit of
the historic north-south joint declaration.
    The principle of national independence is the cornerstone of national
reunification and the core of the joint declaration. it is the only way of
achieving reunification to maintain the principle of solving the issue of
national reunification independently by the efforts of the Korean nation.
    The north and the south, irrespective of their differences, should work
for achieving reunification by federal formula on the basis of common
denominators in the spirit of the joint declaration.
    All the Koreans in the north and the south and overseas should share
will and purpose and take joint actions for national reunification,
transcending their differences in ideology, social system, political view
and religious belief, and join the nationwide movement to implement the June
15 north-south joint declaration.
    The Korean nation will surely achieve the cause of great national unity,
the cause of national reunification at an early date by implementing the
three-point charter of national reunification and the five-point policy of
great national unity to the letter.


For Spanish-speaking people

quinta exhibicion de kimjongilia
     pyongyang, 8 de enero (atcc) -- con motivo del cumpleanos del gran
dirigente kim jong il (16 de febrero) se inaugurara en esta capital la
quinta exhibicion de kimjongilia. la primera montada con motivo de la fiesta
de febrero del ano 86 (1997) de la era juche continuo efectuandose
anualmente bajo auspicios de la federacion de kimjongilia de la rpdc.
    en ella tomaran parte todas las unidades y personalidades individuales
del pais y los coreanos en el ultramar que la cultivan, aficionados y
especialistas de esta planta decorativa de varios paises del mundo.
    la exhibicion estara montada del 14 al 20 de febrero en el palacio de
estudio del pueblo.


politica de independencia lucira mas en siglo 21
     pyongyang, 8 de enero (atcc) -- el diario "rodong sinmun" en un
articulo de hoy senala que la justedad y la vitalidad del modo politico de
independencia de corea se manifestaran mas plenamente en el siglo 21. el
articulo continua: 
    solo al materializar el principio de la independencia en la politica
cada pais resolver segun su credo independiente y conforme a los intereses
de su pueblo y su realidad concreta todos los asuntos que se presentan en la
revolucion y la construccion y lograr el avance y exitos de la revolucion y
la construccion al movilizar al maximo las fuerzas creadoras de su pueblo.
    hoy la politica de independencia deviene un modo politico universal que
corresponde a la aspiracion de la humanidad.
    la universalidad de la politica de independencia reside en que esta
refleja la demanda esencial y la aspiracion del ser humano y la corriente
principal de la epoca actual.
    la universalidad y vitalidad de esta politica se comprueban
irrefutablemente a traves de la practica de corea.
    hoy nadie se atreve a dar directivas a la derecha o a la izquierda a la
rpd de corea que despliega la politica de independencia ni impone su injusta
demanda a ella. 
    es gracias a mantener la politica de independencia que hoy la rpd de
corea al rechazar la siniestra ofensiva de los reaccionarios imperialistas
defiende y lleva adelante el socialismo, fortalece su unidad y solidaridad
con las fuerzas independientes y antimperialistas e impulsa energicamente la
causa de la independencia de la humanidad.
    la politica de independencia de corea que hizo balance orgulloso del
siglo 20 manifestara mas plenamente en el siglo 21 su justedad y vitalidad.

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