Date: Thu, 04 Jan 2001 20:57:48 -0500
Subject: [mobilize-globally] Peaople demand the release of CLARK KISSINGER!

Vieques Support Campaign

We are writing to protest the December 6, 2000, imprisonment of Clark
Kissinger. For the last several years Mr. Kissinger has played a key role in
the growing movement demanding a new trial for Pennsylvania Death Row inmate
Mumia Abu-Jamal. On July 4th, 1999, Clark Kissinger and 95 others carried
out a peaceful act of civil disobedience at the Liberty Bell in
Philadelphia. They were all issued summonses for "failing to obey a lawful
order," classified, as a traffic ticket is, a "petty offense." 90 pled
guilty and paid a fine. Six, including Clark Kissinger, demanded a jury
trial.  The Judge sentenced them to a $250 fine and one year's supervised

The length of the probationary period was grossly disproportionate to the
underlying "crime," and its terms were clearly designed to hamper Mr.
Kissinger's efforts to organize for a new trial for Mumia Abu-Jamal. Clark
Kissinger was forced to surrender his passport, and turn over monthly lists
of all sources of his income and contacts with convicted persons. He also
was prohibited from traveling outside of New York City without the court's
permission.  Further revealing the political nature of this restriction,
three times Clark was granted permission to travel to visit his sick mother,
and three times he was denied permission to travel to speak on the case of
Mumia Abu-Jamal.

On August 1st, thousands of young people came to Philadelphia, the city
where MAJ was tried, to protest at the Republican National Convention, where
the nation's leading executioner, George W. Bush, was to be nominated.
Despite being denied permission to travel there to speak and report on the
convention for various media, Clark went anyway and spoke of Mumia's case,
saying "We are going to fight this fight to win, and unite with people of
all different viewpoints from all different communities, expanding our
broadness, our diversity and our determination."

On December 6, 2000, Clark was charged with violating probation and
sentenced to 90 days of jail. Both the prosecutor and the Judge made clear
that they were jailing Clark for giving this speech, for asserting his right
to do so, and for his continued advocacy on behalf of Mumia Abu-Jamal.

First year law students are taught that the law has outgrown medieval
formality and that a just legal determination is one that reflects the
substance not the form of a situation.  In Mr. Kissinger's case the Judge
declares that he is merely imposing punishment for Mr. Kissinger's failure
to abide by the terms of his probation.  That rationalization reflects the
form of the situation - its substance is that someone in this country has
been imprisoned for giving a political speech.

The case of Mumia Abu-Jamal is entering its most critical phase, his first
appearance before the Federal Courts where his Habeas Corpus petition will
be argued, the only opportunity where the evidence that the state of
Pennsylvania has suppressed can be admitted to the record. This act of
judicial repression against Clark Kissinger in fact is aimed against the
movement to save Mumia's life. But, it is more than that. It is an outrage
that offends the very concept of justice. The facts are stark: Mr.
Kissinger, a political figure, has been imprisoned without a jury trial for
giving a political speech at a political event.  We demand the immediate
release of Clark Kissinger. We call on all who cherish freedom to join us.

Pam Africa, International Concerned Family & Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal
Safiya Bukhari, Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition (New York)
Sam Jordan
Jeff Mackler, Mobilization to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal (Northern California)
Robert Meeropol, Rosenberg Fund for Children
Monica Moorehead, International Action Center
Joan Parkin, Campaign to End the Death Penalty
Marcus Rediker, Western PA Committee to Free Mumia (Pittsburgh)
Debra Sweet, Refuse & Resist!
Mark Taylor, Academics for Mumia Abu-Jamal
Steve Wiser, Bruderhof Communities
Julia Wright, International Concern Family & Friends Of Mumia Abu-Jamal
Vieques Support Campaign

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