> Miners' leader Arthur Scargill is to stand against fallen cabinet 
> minister Peter Mandelson at the next general election. 
> Mr Scargill plans to stand in Hartlepool as a candidate for the 
> Socialist Labour Party, for which he is general secretary. 
> Mr Mandelson has a majority of more than 17,000 votes in the seat, 
> but pundits are predicting his support is waning following his 
> resignation as Northern Ireland Secretary. 
> He was forced to quit last week amidst a row over his involvement in 
> Srichand Hinduja's passport application. 
> Speaking on Friday, Mr Scargill said the government's policies on the 
> NHS, education and housing were "disastrous". 
> Mr Mandelson, who aides say is still out of the country, welcomed Mr 
> Scargill's challenge in a statement issued by his parliamentary 
> office. 
> "This is the first good piece of news I have had for some while," Mr 
> Mandeslon said. 
> "Arthur Scargill is the man who destroyed the British coal industry 
> single-handedly and betrayed every working man and woman in Britain 
> in the process. 
> "I am happy to debate the future of the left with him and champion 
> the achievements of the most successful Labour Government in the 
> party's history." 
> Euro opponent 
> Mr Scargill is also an outspoken opponent of the European Union and 
> in particular the single currency. 
> He has described the European Commission as "unelected, unaccountable 
> and openly corrupt" and believes signing up to the euro would 
> increase poverty and unemployment. 
> Mr Scargill took the National Union of Miners through the 1984-1985 
> strike. 
> His party was set up in 1996 as a socialist alternative to New Labour 
> and was partly inspired by Labour's decision to ditch its 
> constitutional commitment to nationalisation, as outlined in clause 
> 4. 
> ------------------------ 

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