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Date sent:          Tue, 06 Feb 2001 15:29:18 +0000
Subject:            Sharon Wins and Peres Wants In
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                        ISRAEL'S NEW PM
      Nicknames:  "The BullDozer", "The Butcher", "Mr. Apartheid"

MID-EAST REALITIES - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington, DC - 2/06:
   He may be a brutish thug, he may fit the definition of war
   criminal, he
may be a Jewish racist -- but now he is also the Prime Minister-elect
of Israel, overwhelmingly swept into power in a way few imagined
possible just a year ago.  And whatever else he is, he may also be the
single Israeli who has had more ongoing influence on the evolution of
the Israeli-Palestinian relationship than any other in the past few
    What Sharon did militarily in 1973 and 1982 changed the course of
 What he did in subsequent years championing the building of Israeli
and the "autonomy" concept for Palestinians then lead to the
apartheid-like situation and the Oslo "Peace Process" approach.  What
he has done in Jerusalem, establishing his own apartment flying the
Israeli flag from the building top, right in the heart of the Muslim
section of the old city -- and recently "visiting" the "Temple Mount"
escorted by hundreds of police and army -- makes it clear to all what
Israel really has in mind for this crucial historical city that should
be and eventually must be shared rather than conquered.
   Meanwhile Shimon Peres is living up to his reputation of being
and slippery.  Even before the votes were counted Peres was
manuevering even in public to be Sharon's Foreign Minister in a
"national unity" government; at the same time attempting an end run
around Barak who himself is known to have been in touch with Sharon
about becoming his Defense Minister.
   This video clip from ABC "Nightline" last evening helps explain
   what Sharon
is all about:
   And this article and Sharon bio information helps put things in
both past and present:

                               By Dan Perry

JERUSALEM (AP - 5 February)  Sounding resigned to electoral failure,
Israeli elder statesman Shimon Peres said Monday that his Labor Party
should consider joining forces with Ariel Sharon if the hawkish leader
unseats Prime Minister Ehud Barak and proves open to compromise with
the Palestinians.
    "If there will be a chance for the continuation of the peace
    process, then
I don't see any reason why not to have a national unity government,"
the former premier and Nobel laureate said in an interview with The
Associated Press.
    Peres added, however, that Sharon's previous positions and his
plans to offer the Palestinians no land beyond what they now control -
about 42 percent of the West Bank and most of the Gaza Strip - formed
no basis for progress toward peace.
    "I'm not sure he's prepared to offer the necessary compromises ...
    to reach
peace," Peres said of Sharon, the Likud party leader who held a
commanding lead over Labor's Barak in the polls ahead of Tuesday's
election for prime minister.   Peres predicted that if Sharon wins and
then forms a narrow coalition that is based on right-wing and
religious parties and does not include the peace camp, his government
will be unstable.
    "If there won't be a national unity government, I very much doubt
Sharon can survive any length of time," he said.
    Barak has been plagued by a fractious parliament divided among
    small factions
and split almost evenly between hawks and doves.
    Peres, a leading architect of the 1993 Oslo accords that began the
process in earnest, criticized the Palestinian rejection of offers set
out by Barak.
 "I think it was a mistake on the part of the Palestinians, who were
a very generous offer," he said.
    Barak offered the Palestinians an independent state in some 95
of the West Bank and Gaza, including a share of Jerusalem and the
dismantling of many Jewish settlements. But the sides could not agree
on how to share Jerusalem, and the Palestinians insisted on the right
of millions of refugees to return to Israel.

                       ARIEL SHARON

Ariel Sharon, whose original name is Sheinerman, was born in Kfar
Malal on a moshav (agrarian community) in 1928.

Very active in the Haganah (Jewish self-defence organization) in his
early youth, he was a platoon commander during the first Arab-Israeli
war. In 1952-53, he attended the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in
History and Oriental studies. In 1953, he founded and led Unit 101, an
élite unit dedicated to leading retaliatory strikes against the
Palestinian fedayeen attacking Israel from Gaza and the West Bank.

During the 1956 war, he served as commander of a parachute brigade.
His breach of discipline during this war angered the army command, and
his advancement in the army ranks was suspended for years. In 1957-58,
he studied at Camberley Staff College in the United Kingdom. During
the years 1958-62, he i.a. served as commander of an infantry brigade
and studied law at Tel-Aviv University. In 1962, he became Commander
of the IDF armoured brigades. He was then appointed Head of Northern
Command Staff in 1964 and Head of Southern Command Staff in 1969.
Considering his chances slim of being appointed Chief of Staff, Sharon
resigned from the army in June 1972 but was recalled to military
service in the 1973 war.

In December 1973, he was elected to the Knesset on the Likud lists
although he had no strong party affiliations. In 1974, he resigned his
seat and left Likud to become, from 1975 to 1977, Prime Minister
Yitzhak Rabin's special security adviser.

In 1976, he formed a new party, Shlomzion, which gained two seats in
the 1977 elections. This party disappeared shortly afterwards when
Sharon joined Likud again and entered Menahem Begin's government as
Minister of Agriculture and Chairman of the Ministerial Committee for
Settlements until 1981. Although he has never been religious, he
supported the Gush Emunim movement and was thus viewed as the patron
of the messianic settlers movement. He used his position to encourage
the establishment of a dense network of Israeli settlements in the
Occupied Territories and contested the possibility of return of these
territories under Arab sovereignty.

Minister of Defence in the second Begin government in 1981, he
masterminded Israel's invasion of Lebanon in June 1982. Under the
findings of an official Commission of Inquiry (the Kahan Commission),
he was held responsible for the massacres perpetrated in the
Palestinian camps of Sabra and Shatila in September 1982. He resigned
from his post in 1983 but remained Minister without portofolio until

In the national unity government of 1984, Shimon Peres appointed him
Minister of Trade and Industry. He served in this capacity until May
1990. He then became Minister of Construction and Housing until
Likud's electoral defeat of 1992. In the Knesset, he was member of the
Foreign Affairs and Defence committee from 1990 to 1992 and Chairman
of the committee overseeing Jewish immigration from USSR.

In 1996, he was appointed Minister of National Infrastructure in
Benjamin Netanyahu's government - a post especially created for him -
and on October 9th 1998, Minister for Foreign Affairs. His appointment
placated right-wingers crucial to Netanyahu's coalition (see Israel,
Elections and Parliament). Sharon - known to be one of the more
hawkish in his party - has always proposed radical schemes for
"solving the Palestinian problem" like the annexation of most of the
West Bank.

Sharon is seen, like Rabin and Ehud Barak, as a military hero. Over
all his career, he has nurtured a large right-wing populist support
base. He is considered as a man who has no limits and uses power
ruthlessly. He occupies a property in Jerusalem's Muslim Quarter and
is Israel's wealthiest cattle farmer.

Following the resignation of Bibi Netanyahu as leader of the Likud
after his failure in the elections of 17 May 1999, Ariel Sharon was
installed as its interim chairman. He was elected as chairmain on 2
September 1999 for a term of two years.

                      By Steven Katsineris

Ariel Sharon was born in Palestine in 1928, grandson of a Russian
migrant family and the son of farmers. When he was 13, his father gave
him a knife. Sharon remembers, "The knife was symbolic, to protect
ourselves from our enemies.  It was a lesson I have never forgotten."

His first military experience began when he fought in the underground
Haganah, the largest of the Zionist groups that fought to seize
Palestine in 1948, creating the state of Israel and dispossessing the
native Palestinians.

At the age of 22, he led commando units that specialised in
behind-the-lines raids and forcing Palestinians to flee their homes.

By the 1950s, he had become a major and formed an elite
"anti-terrorist" group called Unit 101. Operating without uniforms,
the group, nicknamed "the avengers", met Palestinian resistance
attacks with institutional terror. The group carried out outrage after
outrage, in terror raids across the Israeli borders, into refugee
camps and villages.

In one notorious attack on Jordan in 1953, Unit 101, under Sharon's
command, slaughtered 69 civilians, over half of them women and
children, when they blew up their homes in Qibia village.

Two years later he was reprimanded for giving logistical support to
four young Israelis who took random blood revenge on Bedouins for Arab
attacks on Israeli settlements. By this time Sharon was a lieutenant
colonel in the Israeli army.

The independence of Unit 101, its murderous methods and the free hand
given to it by the political establishment led to strong resentment
among other sections of the military leadership.

In the 1956 Suez war, Sharon disobeyed orders and sent his
paratroopers into the Mitla Pass in the Sinai desert. In doing so, he
deceived his superiors, sacrificed his men for no apparent military
purpose and gained the displeasure of the Israeli chief of staff,
Moshe Dayan. Four of his junior officers accused him of sending men to
their deaths for his own glory.

Sharon's military career went into eclipse. But in 1964, the then
chief of staff, Yitzhak Rabin, resurrected him. Sharon served Israel
well again in the 1967 war and afterward was given the job of
pacifying the Palestinian resistance in the occupied Gaza Strip. With
a brutal policy of repression, of blowing up houses, bulldozing large
tracts of refugee camps, imposing severe collective punishments and
imprisoning hundreds of young Palestinians suspected of being
fighters, he managed to decrease resistance activity dramatically.

In the 1973 war, as a reserve general, he was recalled to command a
division. He led a strike across the Suez Canal, behind Egyptian
lines, and this made him a national hero.

Like so many Israeli military men, he then went into politics and was
elected a member of the Likud bloc in the Israeli parliament. In the
first Begin Likud government, he was minister of agriculture and
settlements. In politics he applied the same fanaticism and many of
the same techniques he used to control the Gaza Strip. Sharon became
the champion and architect of Israeli settlement in the West Bank,
causing a settlement boom.

Sharon's settlement campaign was one of the keys to Likud's
re-election in 1981, as he was credited with making swift and
permanent progress in establishing a perpetual Israeli presence on the
West Bank. After the election, Begin appointed Sharon defence

It was said in Israel that Sharon was "a war looking for a place to
happen". The war in Lebanon was planned and executed by Sharon.

In early 1982, he made a visit to the Phalange Party (Lebanese militia
organisation) to coordinate long-held plans for the coming conflict.
Israel was to support and supply the Phalangists, an authentic fascist
party, formed in 1936 after the founder had returned from a visit to
Hitler's Germany.

Sharon believed that the demoralisation of the Palestinians would be
complete if he inflicted a crushing military defeat on the PLO in

As for Lebanon, Israeli's aim was to establish a Phalangist government
which would then make a treaty with Israel. Phalange Party leader
Bashir Gemayel said that his party wanted every Palestinian civilian
out of Lebanon, and Israel wanted them scattered among the other Arab

In order to rationalise the invasion and the bombing of civilians,
Begin and Sharon went to great lengths to dehumanise the Palestinians.
Begin declared emotively, "If Hitler was sitting in a house with 20
other people, would it be correct to blow up the house?". In a speech
tot the Knesset, Begin described Palestinians as "beasts walking on
two legs". Sharon described Palestinians as "bugs" while their refugee
camps were"tourist camps".

On June 5, 1982, tens of thousands of Israeli troops poured across the
border and fought their way up the Lebanese coast. Heavy Israeli sea,
air and land bombardment had a devastating impact, laying waste to a
substantial portion of southern Lebanon.

The cities of Sidon and Tyre were a scene of desolation, with much of
the cities levelled by Israeli tank and artillery shells. Palestinian
refugee camps around Tyre and Sidon bore the brunt of the colossal

Ain Hilweh (Sweet Spring), the largest Palestinian refugee camp in
southern Lebanon with 25,000 residents, was razed. Nearly half a
million people were made homeless by the invasion.

One week later, Israeli forces laid siege to Beirut, shelling, bombing
and trying to break stiff Palestinian and Lebanese resistance. By the
end of July, the Lebanese government (as well as church and aid
groups) stated that at least 14,000 people had been killed and twice
that number seriously wounded. Over 90% of those killed were unarmed

After three months of war, an agreement was reached under the
sponsorship of US envoy Philip Habib. The PLO pledged to withdraw its
fighters from Beirut, after receiving US and Lebanese government
promises that multinational forces would secure the safety of the
Palestinian and Lebanese civilian population. And Israel would not
enter Beirut.

The last contingent of defenders left the city on September 1, 1982.
Two days later, the Israeli army occupied a new position at the
southern entrance of the city and thus dominated the Palestinian
refugee camp of Shatila. The USA did nothing. On September 7, the
Israeli army advanced again, and again the USA did not react. On
September 15, the Israeli army entered Beirut, just after the
departure of the US marines, who had stayed only 16 days.

Ariel Sharon declared that Israel had entered Beirut in order to
dislodge 2000 Palestinian fighters who had remained in the city. The
task of purging the camps Sharon had given to the Phalange.

The same day that Israel occupied Beirut, the chief of staff of the
Israeli army, Raphael Eytan, quoted in the Israeli daily Ma'ariv,
stated that only a handful of fedayeen fighters remained with their
families, as well as a small staff of the PLO bureau. General Drori
telephoned Ariel Sharon and told him, "Our friends are going to the
camps. We have coordinated their entry." Sharon replied,
"Congratulations, our friends' operation has been approved".

So the massacre of defenceless Palestinian and Lebanese civilians
began. Whole families were murdered, many raped and tortured before
being killed. Because many bodies were heaped into lorries and taken
away, or buried in mass graves, the exact toll will never be known. It
was estimated that at least 2000 people were killed.

After an international outcry, Israel established an inquiry headed by
Supreme Court Chief Justice Kahan. Despite its shortcomings, the
commission's report was a damning indictment of Sharon and a number of
his colleagues. The commission said that Sharon had received
intelligence warnings that the Phalangists might go on the rampage if
allowed into the camps. "In our view, even without such a warning, it
is impossible to justify the minister of defence's [Sharon's]
disregard of the danger of the massacre."

"... responsibility is to be imputed to the minister of defence, for
having disregarded the danger of acts of revenge and bloodshed by the
Phalangists against the population of the refugee camps and having
failed to take this danger into account when deciding to have the
Phalangists enter the camps.

"In addition responsibility is to be imputed to the minister of
defence for not ordering appropriate measures for the prevention of
the massacre." (Kahan Report)

The commission's conclusions constituted the minimum that could be
deduced from the evidence. The facts warranted a finding of more than
just indirect responsibility:

The Phalangists militia was "ordered" into the camps by Israeli chief
of staff, Lieutenant General Raphael Eytan.

Phalangist commanders met with General Amir Drori, commander of
Israeli troops in Lebanon, and General Amas Yaron, commander for West
Beirut, to "coordinate the militia's entry into the camps and arrange

The Phalange were given logistical support by the Israeli army during
the massacre.

The Phalange took orders, salaries and training directly from Israel.

Sharon and the Israelis knew that the Phalange leaders planned to
expel most of the Palestinians from Lebanon by committing some

The Phalangists were at all times under Israeli army orders. "Only one
element of Israeli Defence Forces will command all forces in the
area", revealed the Kahan report. The Israeli head of intelligence
quoted commented, "This means that all forces in the area, including
the Phalangists, will be under IDF command and will act according to
its instructions".    [Green Left Weekly]

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