From: "Vladimir Krsljanin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: STOP OR ARREST SOLANA - big rally in Belgrade [STOPNATO.ORG.UK]

About 20 000 people gathered tonight in front of the Foreign ministry in
Belgrade, protesting against the visit of Xavier Solana to Yugoslavia.
Demonstrators have burned a doll in prison clothes with the face of Solana,
demanding that the verdict of Belgrade court should be applied. Rally then
moved to the American embassy in Belgrade shouting slogans against NATO,
Solana, Hague NATO Tribunal and in favour of former president Slobodan
Milosevic. Several dozens of Greeks from Thessaloniki, organised by Greek
Communist Party have joined the demonstrations, warmly welcomed by croud.
With leaders of leftist parties and patriotic organizations in front,
thousands of demonstrators than passed through whole centre of the city,
bocking the traffic, up to the Republic Square, where rally was finished
with singing the national anthem. Before that the coloumn stoped in front of
Zoran Djindjic's Democratic Party very angrilly protesting against new
Prime-minister of Serbia as a trator.
Obviuously being afraid from earlier announced demontrations, Solana decided
to shorten his stay in Belgrade. He will arrive only thursday early morning
and will stay untill noon. All his talks (with Kostunica, Djindjic and
Svilanovic) will take place in the Federation Palace, not far from the
airport. Demonstrators have been called to regather in the morning in front
of the Federation Palace.
In spite of totally controled media by prowestern government, there is a
huge public pressure on Kostunica eighter to cancell the visit or to arrest

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