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CP of Greece, New anti - NATO demonstrations in Greece
>From SolidNet, 8/02/01 03:26:08
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CP of Greece, New anti - NATO demonstrations in Greece

From: Communist Youth of Greece, Tue, 6 Feb 2001


Thessaloniki: millitant anti-NATO message! «Killers go home»!
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* Massive and millitant were the demonstrations held by the communists on
Sunday 4/2 morning in Asvestohori and the camp of Sindou.

«NATO and nuclear weapons out, we want to live peacefully». This was the
message which communists and hundreds of people of Thessaloniki demanded on
Sunday morning in their massive and millitant demonstrations in Asvestohori
and the camp of Sindou. In these two demonstrations the protesters demanded
that the region should stop to be used as a base of operation of NATO. The
Greek government should stop its policy of subjugation and complicity
which has made Thessaloniki into a terrritory where the plans of the New
Order for the Balkans are applied.

* Red Road block to a NATO convoy!

«We say it clearly, we will not retreat, we will not be scared of the
NATO troops». Communists and other friends of peace with red
flags blocked the road on Monday (5/2) night, close to Thessaloniki, on
the freeway towards Veroia, not allowing the German forces that
participate in the NATO's force in Kosovo to pass. The NATO convoy was
transfering arms, containers and other materials. The protesters demanded
that these arms and materials be checked by specialists in order to know if
they transfer nuclear residues. A demand which was somehow justified since
the 3rd Army Corps announced that there will be an examination in the camp.

(photo attached)

* On Thursday, 8/2 will be held in the centre of Athens, Greece, a mass
popular meeting against the war.

A call to all the people of Attica (Athens and the surronding areas) to
participate in the mass meeting - demonstration which will be held on
Thursday 8/2 was made by the Greek Commitee for the World Improvement and
Peace (EEDYE). The initiative was taken by the Labour Centre of Athens
(that unites all trade-unions of Athensregion) and is supported by various
massive organizations, syndicalist organizations, important scientists etc.

Communist Youth of Greece
11, Kotopouli str - Athens 10432
tel: +301-5282523 / fax: +301-5241526


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