
China Calls for Lifting of Sanctions Against Libya
Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan said Wednesday that China calls for an early
removal of sanctions on Libya and will make unremitting efforts for that
Tang made the remarks Wednesday afternoon during a telephone conversation
with Abdul-Rahman Mahammad Shalgam, secretary of the Foreign Communication
and International Cooperation of the General People's Committee (Cabinet) of
Libya, who requested the conversation.
Shalgam briefed Tang on Libya's call for completely lifting the sanctions
against the country following the verdict by a special Scottish court last
month in the Netherlands over the explosion of a US airliner over Scotland
in 1988, in which 270 people died.
The Chinese minister noted that Libya has suffered under the sanctions for
years after the Lockerbie incident happened more than a decade ago. The
sanctions have caused great damage and misery to the Libyan people and the
family members of the victims.
"The Chinese government has always opposed the frequent choice of sanctions
and calls for an early lifting of sanctions on Libya," said Tang. "China
hopes that relevant parties continue to negotiate for an appropriate
settlement of the Lockerbie issue as early as possible, and China will work
with other members of the international community for a complete lifting of
sanctions on Libya."


DPRK Supports Chinese Government's Measure Against Falun Gong
The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) fully supports the Chinese
government's stand and measures against the Falun Gong cult, the official
Rodong Sinmun newspaper said Wednesday, February 7.
By orchestrating the self-immolation by Falun Gong extremists on Tiananmen
Square in Beijing on January 23, Falun Gong leaders attempted to undermine
the social stability and create an anti-government atmosphere in China, said
the paper. 
It praised the Chinese government's policy of uniting, educating and
remolding a majority of Falun Gong practitioners in settling the issue.
The paper said that it would be a miscalculation and mistake for anti-China
Western forces to seek to achieve their sinister aim through the Falun Gong
cult and its leader Li Hongzhi.


China Calls for Lifting of Sanctions Against Libya
Foreign Minister Tang Jiaxuan said Wednesday that China calls for an early
removal of sanctions on Libya
<http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/data/Libyan.html> and will make
unremitting efforts for that end.

Tang made the remarks Wednesday afternoon during a telephone conversation
with Abdul-Rahman Mahammad Shalgam, secretary of the Foreign Communication
and International Cooperation of the General People's Committee (Cabinet) of
Libya, who requested the conversation.

Shalgam briefed Tang on Libya's call for completely lifting the sanctions
against the country following the verdict by a special Scottish court last
month in the Netherlands
<http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/data/Netherlands.html>  over the
explosion of a US airliner over Scotland in 1988, in which 270 people died.

The Chinese minister noted that Libya has suffered under the sanctions for
years after the Lockerbie incident happened more than a decade ago. The
sanctions have caused great damage and misery to the Libyan people and the
family members of the victims.

"The Chinese government has always opposed the frequent choice of sanctions
and calls for an early lifting of sanctions on Libya," said Tang. "China
hopes that relevant parties continue to negotiate for an appropriate
settlement of the Lockerbie issue as early as possible, and China will work
with other members of the international community for a complete lifting of
sanctions on Libya."


DPRK Establishes Diplomatic Relations With Spain
The Democratic People's Republic of Korea
<http://www.peopledaily.com.cn/english/data/dprk.html>  (DPRK
<http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/DPRK.html> ) has established
diplomatic relations with Spain
<http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/Spain.html> , according to a joint
communique issued Wednesday.

The two countries agreed that representation would be at the ambassadorial
level, appointing non-resident ambassadors from Rome and Beijing

The establishment of relations was the result of recent contacts between the
two foreign ministers, said the communique.

DPRK Foreign Minister Paek Nam Sun wrote a letter to his Spanish counterpart
Josep Pique last September, mentioning the issue of establishment of
diplomatic relations between the two countries.

As a positive reply given by Pique, officials from the two sides held talks
in Madrid on December 22, 2000.

On February 7, the two foreign ministers exchanged further letters over the

The establishment of diplomatic relation between the DPRK and Spain, which
is on the basis of the Vienna conventions on diplomatic and consular
relations, will promote the development of bilateral links in different
fields and will provide greater opportunities for exchanges on issues of
mutual interest and concern, said the communique.


China to Develop Manned Spacecraft Next Five Years
A Chinese expert said in Beijing
<http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/province/beijing.html>  February 6
that China plans to develop several "Shenzhou" manned spacecraft in the next
five years to finally realize the historic breakthrough in manned aerospace
technology early this century by sending Chinese astronauts into space.

Xu Fuxiang, president of Chinese Academy of Space Technology said that the
academy would take up the task of research and development of several
"Shenzhou" spacecraft.

Hu Hongfu, vice-president of China Aerospace Science and Technology
Cooperation said that after several unmanned experiments, China would make
efforts to send its astronauts into space early this century.

This means that China will realize the manned spaceflight goal in the near
future, thus becoming the third country in the world that can send
astronauts into space. Last month, China succeeded in launching and
retrieving the "Shenzhou II", the second attempt after the successful launch
of "Shenzhou I" in 1999.

China Aerospace Science and Technology Group, one of China's ten military
industry groups, is responsible for the research of manned spacecraft and
carrier rockets. Chinese Academy of Space Technology is a subordinate under

Hu Hongfu said that the manned flight must ensure the safety of astronauts
and it must be utterly reliable. The former Soviet Union conducted five
experiments before it sent its astronauts into space and America tested
eight times and so China should also conduct a number of tests.

China has succeeded in solving a great number of key problems in technology
with many new techniques and technologies mastered since it initiated the
manned space project in 1992.

Xu Fuxiang said that China is going to develop and launch 30 more manmade
satellites in the coming five years in the field of communication,
navigation, meteorological, resource, marine, environment and
disaster-monitor, astronomy, space-exploration and others, that will
overtake the former in quantity, function and quality.

By the end of last year, China launched 48 satellites, of which eleven and a
spacecraft had been done in the last five years.

China will speed up the development of its spaceflight to meet the needs of
the national economy, defense construction, development of science and
social progress, thereby placing China at a relatively forward position in
the world. 

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