----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2001 11:04 AM
Subject: [mobilize-globally] IMF Forces Water Privatization on Poor Countries

On 7 Feb 2001, at 18:30, Right to Water wrote:

Right to Water ([EMAIL PROTECTED])    Posted: 02/07/2001  By 

IMF Forces Water Privatization on Poor Countries
by Sara Grusky
Globalization Challenge Initiative

A random review of IMF loan policies in forty countries reveals that,
during 2000, IMF loan agreements in 12 countries included 
imposing water privatization or full cost recovery. (See Table I)  In
general, it is African countries, and the smallest, poorest and most
debt-ridden countries that are being subjected to IMF conditions on
water privatization and full cost recovery.  Ironically, the majority
of these loans were negotiated under the IMF's new Poverty 
and Growth Facility (PRGF), a reform announced with great fanfare 
1999 when IMF officials claimed that the new loan facility would
re-focus the IMF's controversial structural adjustment measures on
activities that borrowing government's would identify as leading to
poverty reduction.  Rather than contributing to poverty reduction,
water privatization and greater cost recovery make water less
accessible and less affordable to the low income communities that 
up the majority of the population in developing countries.  The most
immediate impact of reducing the accessibility and affordability of
water falls on women and children.  More than five million people,
most of them children, die every year from illnesses caused from
drinking poor quality water.  When water become more expensive and
less accessible, women and children, who bear most of the burden of
daily household chores, must travel farther and work harder to collect
water - often resorting to water from polluted streams and rivers.

The significance of finding such a high number of conditions relating
to water privatization and water cost recovery in IMF loans is
twofold. First, in the hierarchy of international financial
institutions the IMF is at the top.  Compliance with IMF conditions
enables governments to receive the "seal of approval" that permits
access to other international creditors and investors.  Thus IMF
conditions weigh especially heavily upon borrowing governments. 
Second, it is quite common that World Bank loans have, as their first
condition, compliance with certain IMF conditions.  This is known as
"cross conditionality." In the division of labor between the two
institutions, it is the World Bank that has primary responsibility for
"structural" issues such as the privatization of state-owned
companies. Therefore, it can be presumed that in every country where
IMF loan conditions include water privatization or full cost recovery,
there are corresponding World Bank loan conditions and water projects
that are implementing the financial, managerial, and engineering
details required for such "restructurings."    

Table I below identifies the 12 countries and paraphrases the specific
IMF loan conditions relating to water privatization or water cost
recovery. Eight of the 12 countries identified are in sub-saharan
Africa.  In six of the countries, the IMF conditions require some form
of privatization, in four countries the conditions require both
privatization and greater cost recovery, and in two the focus is just
on cost recovery.  

TABLE I: Countries with IMF-imposed 
water privatization and cost recovery policies
Country IMF Program Loan Condition Summary of Policy
ANGOLA Staff-monitored program Structural benchmark: Adjust
electricity and water tariffs in accordance with formulas agreed with
the World Bank. Reduce accounts receivables of the water and
electricity companies to one month of sales revenue Adjust water
tariffs periodically to recover costs, including a reasonable return
on capital. BENIN Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF) Other
measure: After the revision of regulatory framework, the government
expects to complete the privatization before the end of the third
quarter of 2001 Privatize the water and electric power distribution
company (SBEE) GUINEA-BISSAU Emergency Post-Conflict policy Structural
benchmark: Transfer of electricity and water management to private
company Transfer of electricity and water management to private
company HONDURAS Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF) Other
measure: Approve framework law for the water and sewage sector by
December 2000 To facilitate private concessions in the provision of
water and sewage services, approve the framework law by December 2000.
NICARAGUA Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF) Structural
benchmark: Continue adjusting water and sewage tariffs by 1.5% a
month.  Offer concession for private management of regional water and
sewage subsystems in Leon, Chinandega, Matagalpa, and Jinotega. Adjust
water and sewage tariffs to achieve cost recovery and offer concession
for private management in key regions. NIGER Poverty Reduction and
Growth Facility (PRGF) Other measure:  Divestment of key public
enterprises, including the water company, SNE. Privatization of the
four largest government enterprises (water, telecommunication,
electricity & petroleum) have been agreed with the World Bank with the
proceeds going directly to pay Niger's debt. PANAMA Stand-By
Arrangement Structural benchmark: Complete plan to overhaul IDAAN's
(state-owned water company) billing and accounting systems, allow to
contract with private sector operators, determine need for tariff
increase and possible rate differentiation among clients. Overhaul the
water company's billing and accounting systems, allow it to contract
with private sector operators, review the tariff structure.
RWANDA Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF) Structural
benchmark: Put the water and electricity company (Electrogaz) under
private management by June 2001. The water and electricity company
(Electrogaz) will be put under private management as a prelude to its
privatization. SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE Poverty Reduction and Growth
Facility (PRGF) Structural benchmark: The new adjustment mechanism for
public water and electricity rates will be brought into operation by
decree. The price structure will cover all production and distribution
costs as well as the margin of the water and electricity company.  The
accounts will balance consumption and resources without recourse to
government subsidies. In May 2000, the government conducted a study of
alternatives for the future of the water and electricity company
(restructuring, leasing, concession or full privatization), with
assistance from the World Bank.  By December 2000, it will select one
of the options and adopt a financial restructuring plan, and
strengthen the revenue collection procedures. SENEGAL Poverty
Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF) Other measure: Regulatory agency
for the urban water sector will be created by end-2000.  Transfer the
recurrent costs of water pumping and distribution equipment to the
communities.  Increase the involvement of private sector
operators. Encourage the involvement of private sector operators in
the water sector.  Assess the possibility of private sector operation
and financing of the infrastructure required to meet Dakar's long-term
water needs. TANZANIA Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility
(PRGF) Condition for HIPC debt relief: Assign the assets of Dar es
Salaam Water and Sewage Authority (DAWASA) to private management
companies. Assign the assets of Dar es Salaam Water and Sewage
Authority (DAWASA) to private management companies. YEMEN Poverty
Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF) Structural benchmark:  Implement
adjustments in water, wastewater, and electricity tariffs to provide
for full cost recovery. Implement formulas for automatic adjustments
in tariff rates to ensure full pass through of product prices and full
cost recovery; establish regional water authorities with private
sector participation and independence to set regional tariff
structures. Source:  Letters of Intent and Memoranda of Economic and
Financial Policies prepared by government authorities with the staffs
of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank.  The documents are
made available at the IMF website: <www.imf.org>.

Mark Ritchie, President
Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy
2105 First Ave. South
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55404  USA
612-870-3400 (phone) 612-870-4846 (fax)
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     http://www.iatp.org

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