From: global reflexion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Serbian workers threaten nationwide General Strike

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Tuesday, February 13, 2001

1. Serbian workers threaten nationwide General Strike
2. Belgrade Demands: 'Arrest Solana!'
3. The Incorporation of Spain and Javier Solana Into NATO
4. Javier Solana's Visit to  Belgrade is an Outrage!

As Serbian workers threaten nationwide General Strike -
        The Issue is, Who Gets the Shares?

 By Milos Zorich - Special to Emperor's Clothes
 Belgrade, 2-12-2001
 Translated by Tika Jankovich and Jared Israel

      Will the ranks of 800,000 already jobless Serbian workers be
      swelled by thousands laid off following planned changes in the
      Privatization Law?=20

      Belgrade is being watched carefully by international business. They
      want auctions where they can buy companies at bargain prices and
      they want legal guarantees protecting investments. Meanwhile, the
      Serbian Parliament will decide whether to halt a wave of
      privatizations by workers. And the workers are threatening a
      General Strike=20

                A Proclamation to the People

      "In short, the state is selling. Foreigners are buying. Workers
      and citizens are loosing. We workers are not for sale. Let's
      stop the plunder!"=20

 Thus writes the Association of Serbian Unions. Urging the Serbian people
to protest changes in the Privatization Law announced by the Serbian
Government, the unions have called a General Strike starting February 14
at 8:00 AM.=20

                  The Core of the Conflict

 The current Privatization Law was passed during the Miloshevich
administration, a coalition of the Yugoslav Left, the Socialist Party and
the  Radical Party. If a company was privatized, the first priority in
obtaining  shares would go to the workers who invested their labor for many

 Anticipating the present regime's intention to sell companies which are
supposedly in bad financial shape to foreign bidders, workers and  managers
have speeded-up privatization under this law. They are trying to  preempt
the process before a government sell-out to foreign interests can  take

 Thus a race is underway, with the workers privatizing state and public
property, and the government trying to halt it.=20

 This reporter spoke to several people on the street about the proposed
sell-off. Here are the words of Vladimir Matvejevic, an engineer and one of
 800,000 men and women in Serbia who are unemployed and looking for  work:=

      "Before our eyes we have the examples of Bulgaria, Romania,
      Russia and other economies in "transition" where the largest
      industrial enterprises have been handed over to foreign
      corporations. As a consequence, thousands of workers were
      fired, in obedience to rules imposed by the International
      Monetary Fund and the World Bank.

      "One should bare in mind that for decades our Yugoslav
      model of social-economy differed from those in Eastern
      Europe. They had central state economic control. We built a
      system where businesses under workers' self-management
      existed side by side with others that were privately owned. In
      the self-managed sector, the companies were run by elected
      representatives. Workers shared the profits."=20

    Workers Ask: Why Give Up Our Shares?

 So, nobody is against privatization per se. The conflict is over how to do
it.  The workers demand to be the majority shareholders. The present regime
 insists that the major shareholders be investors, whose money, they say,
can revive production, introduce more economical operating structures
based on up-to-date technology and maximize savings in production.=20

 While this battle escalates, Belgrade is being watched closely by foreign
investors and businessmen. Last week a delegation from the European  Union
visited Belgrade. Also, there was a two-day meeting of the Business
Council of the Stability Pact for Southeastern Europe with representatives
from sixty companies in Europe, Asia and the U.S.

 This "Investors Mission" met with 150 leading Yugoslav industrial
managers. Mr. Bodo Hombah, special coordinator for the Stability Pact,  and
Manfred Nusbaumer, Vice-President of the Business Council, held a  press
conference where they demanded that: "the Belgrade Government  provide
suitable conditions for business, along with a law that it will  guarantee
the safety of foreign investments."=20

        "Please, no more help," says Mrs. Brezovacki

      "They are offering to help us from abroad? Please!" says Mrs.
      Goritsa Brezovachki, who works at a garment factory . "First
      they impose sanctions. Then they instigate civil war, stop
      production, bomb our factories. Now finally after devastating
      our country and putting us in a desperate position, they swarm
      in with their bags of gold to buy our businesses cheap and
      make us a colony. No more help!" (1)

 The above opinion is not shared by Mrs. Mirosinka Dinkich, a member of
the G-17 group of economists. (2) Says Mrs. Dinkich:

      "It is better to be a well paid employee in a foreign owned
      company, than a poor shareholder in a company that makes
      no profits."

 But workers counter this, asking, "Who says we will have any job at all if
 these foreign interests get a hold of our companies?" And Mrs. Dinkic
admits that in the first year of the regime's proposed economic reforms
approximately 300,000 more workers would be left jobless. Out of these,
some 50,000 could find jobs in reconstructed companies and another  50,000
in new companies. What about the remaining 200,000 desperate,  hungry
people? She recommends spending around $400 million. But this is  only to
help them during the first year. What about later on? And in any  case,
where would this money come from? The government has no answer.

          "Stop stealing the Electrical Power Assets"

 Today (Monday, February 12) the Government will submit its proposal for
changing the old Law on Privatization to Parliament. Meanwhile, workers
are angry and getting angrier.

 Mr. Radomir Smiljanic, President of the Council of the Serbian Association
 of Unions, says that:

      "This Government 'writes the lunch bill for the waiter,'
      avoiding consultations with the workers. As proposed by the
      Government, workers are entitled to 10% of the free shares.
      Other private parties may obtain 15%. But 60% of the shares
      are earmarked for bidders in public auctions to be run by the
      state. The money thus obtained is to be used by the state to
      meet its obligations, including providing pensions."

 Many workers feel this amounts to blackmail. If you want your pensions,
the argument goes, you have to give up your right to shares in companies
where you labored with the understanding that you were the shareholders.

 Mr. Aleksandar Vlahovic, the Minister of Privatization, argues that, "it
is  essential that 'strategic partners', those with a fresh money supply,
enter the  company."=20

 To secure this plan, the new law would immediately halt the current wave
of worker-oriented privatizations.

 While the conflict between the regime and the workers intensifies, workers
 in major Serbian companies are sending out urgent messages about the
"organized plunder" of national economic assets. "Stop the stealing of
Serbian Electrical Power Assets", alerts the paper of the Serbian
Electrical  Power Industry. The employees say there's been a rapid erosion
of  asset-value by management. Last Fall management declared the assets to
be worth more than $20 billion. Now the figure is down to $4.2 billion.=20

                     Social Upheaval?

 Last year, around 870 facilities out of a total of 7,000 were privatized
under the old Privatization Law. But this year, in the past three months
alone, 630 state and public companies have gotten new, private owners.

 The Deputy Minister of the Ministry for Economical International
Relations,  Mr. Boran Karadjola, says "Whether we like it or not,
globalization is an  unstoppable process, which has to enter Yugoslavia, if
it wants to be a part  of the world." He has recently signed a document
bringing Yugoslavia into  the WTO as an observer.

 Similarly, the head of the new Serbian Government, Mr. Zoran Djindjic,
told a meeting with the Serbian managers of major companies three days  ago
that, "We want strong foreign capitalists to come in, not shaky ones."

 Clearly the government won't willingly back down. It intends to open the
door to foreign capital although it is fully aware that foreign bidders
will  collude to keep the selling price low. (3)=20

 The ongoing conflict between the government and workers is entering a
period of great uncertainty. Social upheavals and the further
destabilization  of the otherwise poor Serbian economy are quite possible.
Interviews I  conducted with a dozen employees of the largest companies
point in this  direction. For example, a woman who works at Yugoslav
Airlines, told
 Emperor's Clothes:=20

      "I have been working here 25 years and have acquired certain
      rights to the property of my company. Why should I agree
      now to be hired by a new owner who would buy our
      airplanes, buildings and technical equipment dirt cheap? If it
      happened, I would feel deceived and ripped off."

 And other workers ask, after they buy our property dirt cheap, what
prevents them from taking the assets and closing us down?

 Such sentiments - that the country's economic assets are being ripped off,
 that the country is becoming dependent on foreign powers which, during a
protracted agony of economic transformation that they would impose on
Serbia, would care only for their own interests - these sentiments of
rebellion are the driving force behind the planned General Strike by the
worker unions.


 Further reading -=20

 1) Two very good background pieces on the so-called civil wars in
Yugoslavia are: 'German and U.S. Involvement in the Balkans' by  T.W. Carr,
at  and Diana
Johnstone's classic study, 'Seeing Yugoslavia Through a  Dark Glass' at

 2) 'The International Monetary Fund And The Yugoslav Elections'  by Michel
Chossudovsky and Jared Israel. This article has been  reprinted around the
world. It documents the connection between  the G-17 economists, the
present Serbian regime, and the  nation-destroying International Monetary
Fund and World Bank. It  can be read at

 3) We came across a most revealing U.S. Commerce Department  Document, see
Grand Theft: Montenegro... at


Belgrade Demands: 'Arrest Solana!'

 By Milosh Zorich (Special to Emperor's Clothes)

 Belgrade, February 8, 2001=20

      "One question the new regime, which describes itself as
      legalist, cannot answer is how to avoid arresting Solana, given
      that he was sentenced to 20 years' imprisonment by the
      Belgrade County Court last year. Will their guest walk freely
      through the city and tour the destroyed monuments? Will he
      meet with the families of those killed by his "Merciful Angel"?
      Will he talk with the scientists and physicians who are
      currently seeking ways to avoid the long-term consequences
      of depleted uranium poisoning from munitions launched
      against Serbia?" (From text below)

 Today thousands demonstrated against the arrival of former NATO  leader
Javier Solana, sentenced by a Yugoslav court to 20 years in  prison for
aggression against Yugoslavia and crimes of war.

 "The murderer returns to the scene of his crime" would best describe the
reactions of today's Belgrade to the arrival of Javier Solana. Currently a
high EU official, Solana was the NATO Secretary-General who in 1999  issued
the order to bomb Yugoslav towns and cities. The bombing  destroyed
numerous civilian buildings, hospitals, schools, churches, bridges,
infrastructure and a passenger train...

 Reporters estimated that last night's protest drew several thousand
citizens.  They burned an effigy resembling Solana, stoned the US Embassy,
laid a  wreath on the heavily damaged building of the Yugoslav Army's
General  Staff and lit thousands of candles to commemorate the victims of
NATO's  attacks that took place from March to June 1999.

 Escorted by police, the demonstrators marched through downtown  Belgrade
chanting "Solana-Satan!", "Solana - murderer of innocents," "Out  with the
murderer!", "NATO-Nazis!", "Serbia is awake" and "Arrest the  criminal."

 The rally was joined by a large group of Greeks, who traveled to Belgrade
to protest the presence of NATO in the Balkans.

 Another rally was scheduled for this morning at 9 a.m., before the
Federation Palace in New Belgrade, where the three-member EU  delegation
including Solana met with President Koshtunitsa and other  official
representatives. As the demonstrators gathered, the police used force to
arrest Sinisha Vuchinich, chairman of the "Nikola Pashich" Radical  Party.
Several hundred protesters dispersed after 10:30 a.m..=20

 One question the new regime, which describes itself as legalist, cannot
answer is how to avoid arresting Solana, given that he was sentenced to 20
years' imprisonment by the Belgrade County Court last year. Will their
guest walk freely through the city and tour the destroyed monuments? Will
he meet with the families of those killed by his "Merciful Angel"? Will he
talk with the scientists and physicians who are currently seeking ways to
avoid the long-term consequences of depleted uranium poisoning from
munitions launched against Serbia?

 According to district attorney Andria Milutinovich, who prosecuted NATO
leaders at the trial last year, the presiding judge, Justice Verolub
Rakitich,  has not yet finalized the very complex verdict. It is currently
being  translated into four foreign languages, and has not yet been served
to the  police, together with the warrant for Solana's arrest.

 Protest rallies drew many citizens who did not belong to any political
party,  but were united by their condemnation of NATO crimes and belief
that  Solana was personally responsible for them.

 "I lost my husband and my brother. The West is responsible for their
deaths. And when I came to Serbia, NATO destroyed my refuge. Solana  must
be punished," said Maria Potkonyak, a retired Serb who was driven  from
Croatia during Operation Storm in 1995.

 "I lost my job," said Zdravko Yagich, a worker at the bombed-out "Milan
Blagoyevich" appliance factory. "NATO took the bread from my family. I
think Solana is a common thug."

 "NATO did a lot of damage to my country," said Stevan Soch, a civil
servant and father of three. "How will the economy recover, how will the
lost lives be recovered? How can I feed my family in a devastated country?
I would like that murderer Solana to answer these questions for me."

 Interestingly enough, even the papers that have supported the changes in
Yugoslavia, that were critical of Miloshevich and his government, gave
much room to accusations against Solana and disapproved of his visit. The
daily "Glas Yavnosti" [Public Voice] for example, in today's edition quoted
 many citizens who demanded that the current regime should not talk with

 "Solana should be shown what was destroyed, then arrested. Maybe we
should organize some sort of Hague-like trial for him, too," said student
Milan Lukovich.

 "He should be arrested right away, at the airport!" said lab assistant
Milena  Stevanovich.

 Seventeen-year-old high school student Ivan Maksimovich said, "After all
he's done to us, I would have him shot in front of the Parliament, but not
before everyone had a chance to spit on him."

 The talks at Federation Palace were successful, to the mutual pleasure of
the EU visitors and the government.=20

 -- Milosh Zorich, February 8, 2001

 [translated by N. Malich]

 Milosh Zorich is a Yugoslav journalist with many years experience.


The Incorporation of Spain and Javier Solana Into NATO [2-9-2001]
          An Historical Analysis by Francisco Javier Bernal
                  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]=20

 One of the main contentions regarding Javier Solana Madariaga's past is
his  presumed anti-NATO stance during the 1980s. Although this volte-face
from alleged peace activist to born-again militarist has been debated many
times before, I think it is necessary to put it into historical context.=20

 In June 1980 U.S. President Jimmy Carter affirmed his administration's
conviction that Spanish membership in NATO would significantly enhance the
Organization's defensive capability. During the Cold War, the importance of
Spain for NATO was clear due to its great geo-strategic importance,
particularly its possession of the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean, of
Ceuta and Melilla on the Moroccan coast, next to the straight of Gibraltar,
and of the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean Sea. It meant that Spain
controlled a vital maritime route. Moreover, it had first-class facilities
for air-force operations, like Mor=F3n de la Frontera, an American base in
Andalusia that had been operative since 1953, following an agreement
between President Eisenhower and General=EDsimo Franco.=20

 However, at that time the by then Spanish Prime Minister, Adolfo Su=E1rez,
was not being very "cooperative". Though coming from a conservative party,
the Union of the Democratic Centre (UCD), he was conducting himself as an
individual too independent in his views, making contacts with Castro,
Qadhafi, Arafat and other pariah leaders. Of course, something needed to be
done: The Pentagon's impatience with such disobedience soon resulted in its
rattling its sabers... In just two months, Suarez was the victim of a smear
campaign from inside his own party, leading him to resign shortly
thereafter. The objective of the White House was to integrate Spain into
its military engines, even at the cost of seriously damaging (or even
aborting) the constitutional process in the course of performing this
integration. In February 1981, an attempted coup d'etat occurred: The U.S.
Secretary of State, Alexander Haig, affirmed publicly that "it was an
internal affair only of concern to Spain," despite the publicly known
active participation of agents from the U.S. Embassy in the preparations of
the military pronunciamiento.=20

 Solana's Socialist Workers Party (PSOE) had already shown itself as very
useful for the U.S. Secretary of State's purposes, having promoted a vote
of no confidence in the parliament against PM Su=E1rez. The new UCD
designated Prime Minister, the greatly unpopular Calvo Sotelo, pushed the
incorporation of Spain into the Atlantic Alliance in the autumn of 1981. Of
course, it was still not the ideal situation for the Pentagon. Javier
Solana, an old Fullbrighter, accused of being a CIA man inside the PSOE
structure (see the book. 'Soberanos e Intervenidos, Estrategias globales,
americanos y espa=F1oles,' by Jaon Garces), was the person who made the
official presentation of Felipe Gonz=E1lez (PSOE's Secretary General) to the
US Embassy in Madrid.=20

 Washington was very much interested in controlling the Spanish political
scene, as it had done through the efforts of U.S. Ambassador Frank Carlucci
shortly before in Portugal to "manage" the revolution of 25 April there,
isolating people like Saraiva de Carvalho and, mainly, Vasco
 Goncalves, and offering in exchange blind support for "moderate democrats"
like Costa Gomes.=20

 What the Spanish Socialist Party receivedas payment was indirect financing
for the next round of general elections, via the omnipresent AFL-CIO trade
union federation, whose foreign activities peculiarly always coincided with
the State Department's and the CIA's interests.=20

 Anyway, if the Socialists wanted to win the elections they needed to play
the NATO card very wisely. Most of the Spanish people were fiercely
anti-NATO and any different position would alienate the leftist voters.
(The Communist Party, PCE, had been the only real political underground
opposition during Franco's dictatorship). The views of the PSOE on that
matter were always far from being clear. Even their slogan for the 1982
campaign had a strange double meaning: "OTAN, de entrada no" that could be
understood as "NATO. No incorporation" or "NATO, at first no; but later..."=

 The Socialists also promised a referendum so that Spaniards could decide
whether they wanted their country to remain inside NATO or not. After
winning the elections in October 1982, the Socialists changed their
position and the new government of Felipe Gonz=E1lez quickly adopted a
pro-NATO stance. Three months later they signed an agreement for the
renewal of the US military bases in Spain. With each succeeding day, they
were making clear their NATOist position: "The permanence in the alliance
is a vital step towards the consolidation of democracy"; "If Spain wishes
to join the EEC, then it has to be part of the defense system of the West";
NATO membership, and joining the European Community, mean the end of the
traditional isolation of Spain."=20

 The country which Felipe Gonz=E1lez offered as the example of democracy
that Spain might emulate was...Turkey.

 Gonz=E1lez even threatened pensioners, telling them that an eventual exit
from the Alliance would mean "the end of the Welfare State." Anyway, the
Spanish people did not want to swallow that so easily. In 1986, two million
Spaniards signed a petition for a referendum on continued membership in the

 The referendum was held in March of 1986: The Socialist government
campaigned in favor of NATO, the Communist Party and many other groups on
the left campaigned against it, and the Popular Party (pro-NATO) adopted a
contradictory position and asked its voters to abstain. Of course Solana,
Gonz=E1lez and their acolytes were not going to give the electorate a simple
choice to make. That would be too easy and very dangerous if they happened
to choose "the wrong one." They rephrased the question to be asked in the
following way: Do you consider it advisable for Spain to remain in the
Atlantic Alliance, provided that:=20

 1) Spain will not be incorporated into NATO's integrated military=

 2) Spain would be a nuclear-free country?

 3) American presence on Spanish territory would be considerably reduced?
Results: Yes: 52.5%; No: 39.8%; Abstention: 40% of the electorate. Solana
and Co. had found a way to divide the strong anti-NATO feeling among the
country's majority. Many people believed in their words again when they
promised that "Spain will never join the Common Command," keeping outside
the military structure; they also believed that any status changes would
require further referenda before being approved. At the same time, the
United States looked aside while the Spanish Government profited from a
$280 million re-sale of American arms to Iran.=20

 Spanish duties inside NATO would be restricted to:=20

 1. Defence of the national territory.

 2. Naval and aerial operations in the Eastern Atlantic Ocean.

 3. Control over the Strait of Gibraltar and its access points.=20

 4. Naval and aerial operations in the Western Mediterranean Sea.=20

 5. Control and defence of the air space of Spain and adjacent areas.=20

 6. Use of the national territory as a retreat or multifunctional platform
(traffic, support and logistics).=20

 According to the above points, any Spanish collaboration in a future NATO
aggression against Yugoslavia would be illegal. However, on November 14,
1996, during the last Socialist term, one year after Solana became NATO
Criminal-in-Chief (sorry, I mean NATO Secretary General), they rushed a law
into the Parliament to "authorise the government to negotiate the terms for
the incorporation into the new NATO Joint Military Command," clearly
breaking the previous referendum's commitments. Javier Solana welcomed this
change with the words "It is time for Spain to assume the role it should
have inside the Alliance." In regard to his old "anti-NATO" positions, he
told the Spanish language paper 'El Nuevo Herald' of Florida that, "he -
the same as Clinton or even the CIA director, James Woolsey, himself - is a
pacifist who knew how to evolve with the new times," and (in another
interview given to 'El Pa=EDs' ) that "he was proud to represent an Alliance
dissociated from its Cold War origins".=20

 Some biographical details:=20

Javier Solana's brother, Luis Solana, was the first Spanish Socialist
politician to join the Trilateral Commission;=20
Solana was the author of the Manifesto titled "50 reasons to say NO to
NATO" that led to the Socialist Party victory in the 1982 elections;=20
His favorite hobby is collecting guns.=20


Don't entertain him - arrest him!
 Javier Solana's Visit to  Belgrade is an Outrage!

 Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, Jared Israel (editor, Emperor's
 Clothes) and Nico Varkevisser (President, Global Reflexion)=20

 Today several thousand Yugoslavs of varying political beliefs passionately
 protested against Javier Solana's visit to Belgrade. This protest, loud
and spirited, was held in the center of Belgrade, on Knez Milosh Street,
outside the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It represents a most important act
of defiance, held in the face of widespread violence and intimidation
following the U.S-backed coup in Belgrade, Oct. 5th.=20

 Javier Solana was head of NATO during and after NATO's 78 day bombing
campaign. He was convicted of mass murder by a Yugoslav court and
sentenced, in absentia, to 20 years hard labor. The court that made that
decision still has jurisdiction under Kostunica, who insists that he stands
for the rule of law.

 Yet today Solana is in Belgrade. And the Kostunica/Djindjic regime is not
arresting him.=20

 Now, all the media lies that were used as a pretext to bomb Yugoslavia -
from the lies about mass graves to the lies about the phony Racak massacre
- have been refuted by NATO's own data as well as by official organizations
such as the FBI, Europol, the OSCE, the UNHCR and Finish Forensic experts.
And yet it is now, mocking Yugoslav justice, that the new Belgrade regime,
backed by NATO and the International Monetary Fund, invites Solana to
Belgrade. Not to arrest him, but to meet with him and to celebrate, while
at the same time they are hunting down those who resisted NATO and
indicting them for NATO 's crimes.=20

 Solana is a criminal. He is guilty of:

 Crimes against humanity - Javier Solana was head of NATO when, in
violation of its charter and all international law, it launched the bombing
war against Yugoslavia, including the use of nuclear-sheathed weapons. It
was Solana who was responsible for the destruction of the homes and lives
of Kosovo residents of all nationalities. It was Solana's NATO that has put
25 million people in the Balkans at risk by bombing the area with low level
nuclear weapons. Solana's NATO oversaw the expulsion of hundreds of
thousands of Yugoslavs from Kosovo after the bombing.

 Crimes against the truth - Solana was not only an organizer he was a
direct apologist for the war and the subsequent violent expulsions from
Kosovo. For example, after NATO bombed a group of returning Albanian
refugees in the town of Korisa, Solana went on TV declaring that the Serbs
were at fault for the deaths although in fact the killing was done by NATO

 This truly insane argument was invoked recently by Carla Del Ponte of the
kangaroo-court War Crimes Tribunal, who accused Milosevich of being
responsible for the deaths of 16 people when NATO bombed Serbian
television. Following Del Ponte's lead, the Belgrade government has
threatened to indict Dragoljub Milanovic, director of Serbian TV at that
time, for the NATO bombing. Thus the Kostunica/Djindjic government invites
Javier Solana, a convicted war criminal, to be wined and dined in Belgrade
while trying to jail Yugoslav leaders for the bombs that NATO dropped.

 Many Yugoslavs voted for Vojislav Kostunica because they saw in him a hope
of peace with justice. But where is the justice when murderers are
entertained and the innocent are accused of their crimes? Now, when the
horrors of NATO's use of depleted uranium are coming out, it is incumbent
on those who supported this regime to join with all others in Yugoslavia
and around the world to condemn the real criminals: Solana, Clinton, Blair,
Schroeder, Chretien and all other NATO heads of state and heads of
government and their Yugoslav political puppets.

 - February 7, 2001

 Further Reading

 1) On NATO's carefully orchestrated campaign to turn neighbor against
neighbor before and during the bombing of Kosovo in 1999, see 'Why
Albanians Fled Kosovo During NATO Bombing' at (Interview with Kosovo
historian Cedda Prlincevic. Interviewer, Jared Israel)

 2) On NATO's involvement in expelling hundreds of thousands from Kosovo
after the bombing, see 'Driven from Kosovo: Jewish Leader Blames NATO -
Interview With Cedda Prlincevic' at

 3) On NATO's conscious effort to punish Yugoslavia by creating
environmental disasters, see 'NATO Willfully Triggered Environmental
Catastrophe In Yugoslavia' by Michel Chossudovsky at and
'Chemical/Nuclear Warfare in Bosnia: Eyewitness To Hell' by war crimes
investigator, Tika Jankovic at

 4) On NATO's attempt to replace international law with the rule of NATO,
see 'Humanitarian War: Making the Crime Fit the Punishment' by
international affairs analyst Diana Johnstone at and 'Mocking
Tradition and Practice - NATO's War & World Security' by Prof. Raju Thomas

 5) On the effort by distinguished Western lawyers to bring NATO to
justice, see 'Report: Meeting with Carla del Ponte on NATO Crimes of War'
by Michael Mandel at

 6) On efforts to intimidate anti-NATO dissent in Yugoslavia, see "These
Djindjic People are Brownshirts," an interview with a Yugoslav activist,
conducted by Jared Israel at

 and "Report on the Dec. 23 Elections" by the British Helsinki Human Rights
Group at


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