----- Original Message -----
From: SolidNet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2001 7:44 PM
Subject: Morning Star, Speak out over NMD

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                    Morning Star, Speak out over NMD
                  From: Morning Star, 5 February 2001
http://www.poptel.org.uk/morning-star , mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
5 February 2001
                           Speak out over NMD

 NATO states made clear the very sharp divisions that exist between them
at the annual Munich security conference at the weekend. Republican
Senator John McCain exemplified the stance of President George W Bush in
seeing NATO as a US-led alliance or nothing.

 President Bush has committed himself to the national missile defence
'son of Star Wars' plan and will brook no opposition from European
members of NATO, to say nothing of Russia and China. And despite
lip-service paid to NATO, Germany and France would prefer to rely on
their rapid reaction force European Army to enforce their ambitions
inside and outside Europe.

 They know that the battle for markets on a global scale will pit US
transnationals against their EU counterparts and that, in the scramble
for scarce resources, Europeans would not be able to count on the US-led
alliance to protect their interests if they conflicted with Washington's

 German conservative Karl Lamers was quite correct to describe the
national missile defence project as a US 'dream of invulnerability.'

 Whether it is also 'futile,' as Mr Lamers added, is open to debate,
although the fact that the Bush administration will devote $5 billion
this year alone to investigating its dream illustrates that it is
payback time for the defence industry companies that bankrolled his
election campaign. And since the US military-industrial complex
benefited from about $60 billion in the original Star Wars search for a
dream, it must be rubbing its hands in anticipation of another
government-dispensed bonanza.

 What is equally beyond doubt is that the national missile defence plan
is banned under the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, which was agreed
by the US and the Soviet Union. Today's non-existence of the Soviet
Union invalidates in no way the international treaty that it was
instrumental in drawing up.

 Russia, as the internationally recognised successor to the Soviet
Union, will not agree to any rewriting of the ABM treaty and opposes its
unilateral abrogation by Washington. Similarly, China is alarmed by
suggestions that the US will extend its national missile defence
umbrella to Taiwan, effectively interfering in internal Chinese affairs.
Even though the US has not elaborated a viable system for its nuclear
defence scheme, it has already said that it will offer protection to its
'friends,' but there will be a price to pay.

 Although the most profitable contracts will be the preserve of the US
military-industrial complex, there will be scraps offered to European
companies whose governments bow the knee, agreeing to recognise a Pax
Americana.But far from security being on offer, it is the prospect of a
renewed arms race, as those states that see themselves pencilled in as
potential enemies or rogue states take steps to develop their own
military potential.

 The British government's position is abysmal, refusing to come clean on
its support for national missile defence, although US use of monitoring
facilities at Fylingdales and Menwith Hill would put Britain in the
firing line. The labour movement must speak out against this scheme
which wastes resources and destabilises world peace.


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