16 February 2001

Press Statement

IRSP: People of the Middle East Reap the Whirlwind of US/British Right Turn
The joint heads of the IRSP's International Department, Mr Peter Urban
in San Francisco and Mr Terry Harkin in London, have together 'unreservedly'
condemned today's attacks on Baghdad by US and UK jets.

Mr. Harkin stated, "Following the recent Right-wing coupe in the US and
the ongoing lurch to the Right by the British Government, we seem to be
moving rapidly on with the 'New World Order' plan inaugurated by George W.
Bush's father. Make no mistake, this marks the start of something more
and much more far reaching than anyone can imagine."

"This is not about Sadaam, of that you can be certain, it's about
bringing the Middle East firmly under US control and establishing Bush
'New World Order.'  If these people went so far as to rig an election,
they have an agenda they want to see unfold, and that agenda has begun to
be worked through today. All that was necessary for these guys to come
to power was for good men to do nothing this past November.

"Good men did nothing and now the people in the Middle East will reap
the whirlwind. We should all pray that good men will have another chance
to rectify the situation before it's too late.

Mr. Urban added to Mr. Harkin's remarks, "This is not to say that the
IRSP is under any illusions about the US Democratic Party, or even Ralph
Nader for that matter, but for the present administration to have gone so
as to bald-facedly steal a presidential election in order to ensure their
agenda was played out, demonstrates a level of desperation within the
Right-wing of
the ruling class in America that we have not previously seen. That provides
a clear indication that US foreign and domestic policy can only be
expected to worsen from the wretched position it was already in."

17 February 2001

IRSP: Stop Bombing of Iraq, Stop Renewed Attack on the Arab Nation
It should probably come as no surprise, given that an new American
President with strong ties to the US oil industry has recently taken
office, but event of the past few weeks indicate that the entire Arab
Nation is once again under attack by western imperialism according
to a statement by the Irish Republican Socialist Party's International

Spokesperson Peadar Baile explained that, "The resumption of bombings
in Iraq, without the slightest justification, are part of a larger
resumption of a state of siege against the entire Arab Nation. The Zionist
rejection of the entire process they had previously agreed to with the
Palestinian people in a formal treaty is yet another example of events which
herald a renewed era of aggression against the people of the Arab world.
Within this context, we can also add the ridiculous finding in the
Netherlands on the Lockerbie bombing--especially considering that Scottish
courts have three verdicts available to them, guilty, not guilty, and not
proven--it is beyond belief that the judges could have rendered a guilty
verdict against one of the accused in that case.

"Of these recent events, the renewed bombing of the Iraqi people is the
evokes the greatest outrage. The people of Iraq have been slowly starved by
the western imperialist powers--especially Britain and the United States--
for a decade now. There economy has been shattered, their infrastructure
seriously damaged, and their national sovereignty completely violated. Now
on top of that, the American and British lead occupation forces in Iraq are
raining new devastation on the long suffering people of Iraq. Children as
well as civilian women and men are being murdered and maimed by the latest
bombings. It is a crime against humanity," declared the IRSP spokesperson.

"The IRSP condemn the renewed bombing of Iraq and the inhumanity of those
carrying out these senseless acts of terrorism. We call upon the forces
presently occupying Iraq to withdraw and return national sovereignty over
their entire nation to the Iraqi people. We condemn those whose hands are
again stained with the blood of the Iraqi people, the same parties who
continuously tell us that violence is not an acceptable means of addressing
political objectives," the spokesperson said in conclusion.

"Stop the bombing immediately! End the sanctions against Iraq! Hands off the
Arab Nation!"


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