----- Original Message ----- 
From: Rick Rozoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, February 17, 2001 8:21 AM
Subject: Moscow Offers Missile Shield To Europe [STOPNATO.ORG.UK]


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The Hindu
February 17, 2001

"We regard the further Eastward advance of NATO as a
threat to our security. In this case, even NATO's
tactical weapons will become strategic as far as we
are concerned. We reserve the right to take adequate
steps to protect our national security if NATO pushes
further to the East."

Moscow offers missile shield to Europe 
By Vladimir Radyuhin 

MOSCOW, FEB. 16. Russia will try to convince NATO that
its non- strategic missile defence proposal can
protect Europe better than the U.S. plan of building a
strategic national missile shield. 

Gen. Leonid Ivashov, head of the Russian Defence
Ministry's international cooperation department, told
a press conference in Moscow that details of the
Russian plan for a compact and inexpensive missile
shield for Europe would be handed over to the NATO
Secretary-General, Mr. George Robertson, when he
visits Russia next week. 

Gen. Ivashov said the Russian plan calls for ``a
special mobile, non-strategic missile-defence force''
that can be deployed near a potential aggressor. Such
a force would be far cheaper and simpler to build than
Washington's ``Star Wars'' shield, he said. Deploying
a mobile anti-missile force near a potential aggressor
would be a move of last resort, if political and
diplomatic efforts failed to defuse the threat. 

The NATO chief has already said he will be seeking
details of the Russian proposal during his forthcoming
visit to Moscow on Feb. 19-21. 

Gen. Ivashov dismissed as ``fairy tales'' Washington's
protestations that its National Missile Defence (NMD)
was to protect the U.S. against a missile threat from
``rogue states'', such as North Korea or Iran. 

``If the U.S. builds an NMD this will be above all
against the strategic arsenals of Russia and China,''
the Russian General said. 

He claimed the U.S. offer of deploying its missile
umbrella over Europe was aimed draining European
states financially so that they cannot pursue their
own defence programmes such as setting up an armed
force separate from NATO. 

Gen. Ivashov denied reports that Russia had moved its
tactical nuclear missiles to its Western border in
Kaliningrad, but did not rule out this option if NATO
grants membership to the former Soviet Baltic states. 

``We regard the further Eastward advance of NATO as a
threat to our security,'' he said. ``In this case,
even NATO's tactical weapons will become strategic as
far as we are concerned. We reserve the right to take
adequate steps to protect our national security if
NATO pushes further to the East,'' Gen. Ivashov said. 

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