Letter From Irish Republican Socialist Party

> 17 February 2001
> Martin Narey, Director General of Prisons;
> Bill Bade, Directorate of High Security Prisons; and
> Peter Atherton, Director of High Security Prisons;
> Prison Service Headquarters
> Cleland House, Page Street
> London   SWT 4LN
> England
> Sirs:
> It is our understanding Mark Barnsley was put in segregation at HMP
> Frankland in Durham on January 17th, for seemingly no justifiable reason.
> Along with two other prisoners, Mark was simply taken off the wing and put
> in segregation, under the good order and discipline rule. It has been
> reported to us that he was accused of "fomenting unrest on the wing,"
> though it is unclear what this was meant to include. Our understanding is
> that the prison has yet to cite a single incident that might support this
> allegation.
> Then we understand he was moved to HMP Wakefield in West Yorkshire on
> February 1st, again without advance notice or seeming cause. This is the
> twentieth prison that Mark Barnsley has been held in since being
> incarcerated. This constant movement through the prison system seems to
> serve no purpose other than unjustified harassment. To make matters worse,
> we understand that after being transferred to HMP Wakefield, Mark was then
> held in segregation an additional two weeks in a cell the temperature of
> which dropped below freezing most nights. After initially being offered
> opportunity to leave segregation, we understand that you sought to put him
> in a cell that was filled with sentenced sex offenders, an option which
> surprisingly he declined, causing him to remain in segregation.
> We are further at a loss to understand what possible justification can be
> given for the prison administration to allow Mark all of his mail.
> The Irish Republican Socialist Party's International Department believes
> this continued harassment represents little more than a vendetta, aimed at
> Mark Barnsley for political reasons and having nothing to do with
> legitimate security concerns, disruptive behavior, or anything of the
> We call upon you to cease this outrageous mistreatment and move Mark
> Barnsley to another a prison near where he has family immediately, such as
> HMP Garth in Lancashire.
> The entire course of Mark Barnsley's experience as a prisoner of the
> British State exposes that prison system as vicious, draconian, and
> contemptuous of the human rights of its prisoners. Once again, Britain
> stands shamed around the world for its treatment of political
> would be if those administering the prison system had any honour in the
> first place and were therefore capable of being moved by shame. The case
> Mark Barnsley is an unbelievable outrage and this continued harassment
> end.
> We demand that you transfer Mark Barnsley to a more appropriate prison,
> near his family, and that you put an end to this continued harassment.
> Is mise,
> Peter Urban
> North American Coordinator
> Irish Republican Socialist Party

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