subject: NYT: War Preparations Continue. Iraq -UN monitors vague
(As Israeli "Unity" Government Moves Ahead)
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MID-EAST REALITIES © - www.MiddleEast.Org - Washington - 2/11:

The Arafat Regime, the "Authority," is near collapse -- not
just financially, but credibility wise as well.  The Israeli
government is near "unity" -- with General Sharon in charge.  And the
armies of both, as unequal as they are, are preparing for a round of
combat that could in all likelihood make what has come before pale in
significance.   Meanwhile, the Arab client-regimes are as weak and
bankrupt as usual; unable to face little Israel on either the
international diplomatic battlefield or the one of armed conflict.
Why doesn't the Arab League at least declare a cessation of political
and economics contacts with Israel -- a regional boycott -- under
today's circumstances.  Why doesn't the U.N. General Assembly suspend
Israeli credentials, as it has the power to do, while
the Palestinians are being subjected to such cruel and Apartheid-like
treatment?  Why don't the Arab countries use their economic leverage
to pursue their own vital interests, as the Americans are so fond of
telling everyone they pursue theirs?


[Middle East Newsline: Wednesday, February 7, 2001]--TEL AVIV -
Israel braced for an escalation in violence following its election as
military sources said the Palestinian Authority had received hundreds
of rocket-propelled grenades as well as anti-tank and anti-aircraft

The sources said the weapons arrived in barrels brought by boat from
the Mediterranean Sea. The boat, believed to have come from Egypt,
dropped the barrels in the sea off the Gaza coast, where some of them
were picked up by Palestinian fishing boats.

Other barrels drifted to shore and were taken to PA installations.
The sources  said Israeli naval vessels stopped one shipment over the
weekend. But the navy  failed to stop other shipments.

Last week, Israel seized 50 rocket-propelled grenade launchers, 1,000
rockets,  and scores of 60 mm mortar rounds, military sources said.

The result is an Israeli assessment that the PA is prepared to face
Israeli  tanks and even attack helicopters in any confrontation with
Israel. Military  sources said an escalation of violence could take
place immediately after the  Israeli elections on Tuesday.

Intense gun battles took place overnight Tuesday between Israeli and
Palestinian  forces. One Israeli soldier was killed by a Palestinian
sniper near the Egyptian  border.

(Reuters) - Radical Palestinian groups called Israeli Prime Minister-
elect Ariel Sharon a "raging bull" who had to be isolated and vowed
on Sunday to step up violence against him.

Nationalist and Islamic groups directing the four-month-old
Intifada (uprising) against Israeli occupation said the Palestinians,
Arabs and international forces should not let Sharon impose stability
on the area by force.

"The arrival of the terrorist Sharon in the post of prime minister of
the Zionist entity...imposes a new phase in the comfrontation,
necessitating that Palestinain, Arab and international forces work to
isolate this raging bull by all means."

"The Islamic and nationalist forces assert the importance of
tightening Sharon's isolation from all sides and not giving him a
chance to impose any stability," the groups said in a statement.

"This necessitates escalating the Intifada and resistance to make
his policies a burden on Israeli society that will make it crucial to
bring about his downfall to end his dark history and darker future,"
it added.

The groups declared Tuesday, February 13 a "day of rage" to be marked
by popular marches and demonstrations against Israel's policy of
settlement on occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip land.

They also declared Friday, February 16 a day of "total confrontation"
to Sharon's policies and called on the Arab world to organise marches
in support of their revolt...


By Amos Harel, Military Correspondent

[Ha'aretz - 11 February] --Arab countries have suspended the transfer
of hundreds of millions of dollars collected in recent months for
the Palestinian people for fear the money will end up in the wrong
pockets - exacerbating the already rampant corruption in the
Palestinian Authority, Israeli security sources told Ha'aretz.

Arab states decided at an October conference in Cairo to transfer
some $1 billion to the PA to alleviate the suffering of the
Palestinians, caused by Israel's clampdown on them due to the
violence of the Al Aqsa Intifada.

However, not all the money was sent, and the PA has accused the
Arab leaders of being indifferent to the Palestinians' plight. The
Arab aid to the PA was to come in the form of humanitarian
consignments of food and drugs and to be transferred via the border
crossings with Israel.

It now appears that a considerable sum was, in fact, raised, but not
sent to the PA. Sources told Ha'aretz about $230 million was raised -
a large proportion in Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf states. The
contributing Arab countries and the banks through which the money was
to move demanded that Chairman Yasser Arafat show complete
transparency in the funds transfers and give a detailed report on how
it was spent. This Arab demand followed past experience with money
sent to Arafat's regime.

A great deal of money sent to the PA, especially from Europe, the
United States and Japan, after the establishment of the PA, did not
reach its intended destination. Through the collection of arbitration
fees, monopolies and numerous other schemes, a large proportion of
that money ended up in the bank accounts of PA officials, including
Arafat, himself, and his economic advisor, Muhammad Rashid.

Because the PA has evaded the current demands made by the Arab
donors, the money - most of which is being held in the Islamic Bank
in the Persian Gulf-  has been frozen. Israel doubts the PA will
accede to the Arab donor demands, because it wants control over the
flow of money. 

Gershberg    JERUSALEM, Feb 11 (Reuters) - Israel's mainstream Likud
and Labour parties launched a new round of coalition talks on Sunday
which some party members said could lead to a unity government with a
better chance at forging a Mideast peace deal.

"I think they (Labour) want to join," Likud member and Israeli Mayor
of Jerusalem Ehud Olmert told Army Radio.

"This doesn't have to take weeks. If it's possible then it's possible
within days," said Olmert, who is a member of the right-wing Likud's
coalition negotiating team.

Labour dove and Nobel peace laureate Shimon Peres told Reuters the
Likud offer was "reasonable." "Now we have to see if we have common
ground politically and ideologically."

Prime Minister-elect Ariel Sharon, head of the Likud party, is racing
to form a coalition before a late March deadline or face new
elections for prime minister and parliament.

Outgoing Prime Minister and Labour chief Ehud Barak met Sharon on
Sunday for a second round of talks between the two since last
Tuesday's prime ministerial election.

"The two men continued to discuss the diplomatic and security
situation as well as negotiations on the establishment of a national
unity government," Barak's office said.

Peres told BBC Television there was a "fair chance" of a partnership.
Sharon said after the meeting he was optimistic about prospects for a
unity government, Army Radio reported.

"We are very optimistic. We think their (Labour) intentions are
serious and positive," a spokeswoman for the Likud negotiating team
said. "I assume there is still a way to go but in general it is the
desire among Israeli people."

A Likud poll conducted before the election divided Israelis surveyed
by party affiliation and showed that 65 to 90 percent of respondents
favoured a unity government, she said. Eighty percent of Labour
voters surveyed backed a joint coalition.

Barak announced after his defeat that he would resign from parliament
and as head of Labour once Sharon set up a government.


Peres said Sharon had sweetened his offer by proposing Labour take
two of the three top government portfolios: foreign affairs, defence
and treasury. He said "it's a possibility" he would be foreign
minister if the two parties reach agreement.

Shalom Yerushalmi, political commentator for the Maariv daily, said
Sharon would like to see Barak accept the defence portfolio and have
Peres take on the foreign affairs post.

"Sharon is hoping to surround himself with two moderate pave his way into a cold and suspicious Western and
Arab world," he wrote on Sunday.

Sharon trounced Barak on promises to end more than four months
of Palestinian unrest before pursuing a peace deal.

Arabs loathe the 72-year-old army general for orchestrating Israel's
1982 invasion of Lebanon during which Palestinian refugees were
massacred by Israeli-allied Lebanese militiamen.

A unity government is viewed as Sharon's best chance of creating a
stable power base in Israel's fractious parliament and avoiding an
alliance with extreme right and religious parties likely to pose an
obstacle to peacemaking.

The hawkish leader has tried to soften his image into that of a
pragmatic peacemaker.  Yet Sharon has not spelled out the details of
his own negotiating position and remains an outspoken opponent of
concessions Barak appeared ready to make for peace.

Some Labour stalwarts fear joining a Likud-led coalition will weaken
their already ravaged party and give legitimacy to hardline policies.

"I am against a national unity government," Labour lawmaker Yael
Dayan told Israel Radio. But she added that if most of the party
supported an alliance with Sharon then she would too.

MiD-EasT RealitieS  -  http://www.MiddleEast.Org

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subject:NYT: Iraq says UN monitors sought US Gulf Pilot
UN Weapons Inspectors Instead Searched for US Pilot, Says Iraq
Via NY Transfer News * All the News That Doesn't Fit

Sunday February 11 7:26 AM ET (via yahoo)
         Iraq Says U.N. Monitors Sought U.S. Gulf War Pilot

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraq has accused United Nations weapon inspectors
of looking for a U.S. pilot shot down during the 1991 Gulf War
instead of searching for prohibited weapons.

"I was informed by former U.N. weapons inspector Scott Ritter that a
team of U.N. weapons inspectors was looking for the body of the
American pilot," said Hussam Mohammed Amin, head of the Iraqi
National Monitoring Directorate, in an interview carried by Nasirriya
weekly newspaper on Sunday.

The newspaper was evidently referring to a period several years after
the end of the Gulf War.

Ritter quit as a weapons inspector in 1998 and has since written a
book and made a documentary film asserting that Iraq no longer
represents a threat. U.S. authorities said his activities made him
liable to become a propaganda pawn of Baghdad.

Amin, whose office used to liaise with U.N. arms inspectors, said the
team had looked for the pilot in a desert area where there were no
military sites or inhabitants.

U.N. inspectors were supposed to monitor Iraq's weapons of mass
destruction under terms of the cease-fire of the Gulf War. The
inspectors have not allowed into the country since they left Baghdad
on the eve of U.S.-British bombings of Iraq in December 1998.

"I was sure that the U.S. used the (U.N.) weapons inspection teams to
serve its own purposes," Amin said.

Lieutenant Commander Michael Scott Speicher was the first American
lost on the first day of the air war when his Navy F-18 attack jet
was apparently hit and crashed in a fireball during a battle with
Iraqi jets on January 17, 1991.

U.S. defense officials had said Pentagon documents showed that U.S.
spy satellites more than three years after the crash had detected "a
man-made symbol" at the crash scene. They declined to give details.

Iraq said Speicher was dead.

Amin also accused the United States of trying to provoke a new crisis
with Baghdad by saying that Iraq was rebuilding its weapons of mass
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