Dear friends,
 Attached is a call for international solidarity with the Daewoo Motor
 Workers issued by the Power of the Working Class (Preparatory Group). We
 call for protests and industrial action to target the South Korean
 government's embassies and consulates, and any offices and outlets of
 Daewoo Motors.
 We also request messages of solidarity for the striking and sacked
 Daewoo workers and their families. Please send solidarity messages and
 information about action being taken to the following email addresses:
 Park Seong-In, Gen Sec PWC <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 Won Young-su  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 In Solidarity,
 Park Seong-In,
 General Secretary PWC
 Solidarity with the Daewoo Motor Workers!
 Condemn the Kim Dae-jung Regime!
 A Call for International Solidarity Action by the
 Power of the Working Class (Preparatory Group)
 The workers of South Korea have suffered yet another violent and brutal
 crackdown at the hands of Nobel Peace Prize-winner President Kim
 On the afternoon of February 20, over 4,000 armed riot cops stormed
 Daewoo Motors¹ Bupyong plant, which was being peacefully occupied by
 several hundred striking workers and their families. Many were viciously
 beaten and 76 were taken in for questioning. The cops have detained 7
 union leaders and are out to arrest 29 more. The very next day, on
 February 21, Daewoo¹s creditor banks gave the company a pat on the head
 for the crackdown by extending the credit period and providing it with
 even more funds. This shows who this is all basically for, whose
 interests the whole vile affair is all about. As this is being written,
 arrest warrants are also being drawn up for the top leaders of the
 Korean Confederation of Trade Unions.
 The Bupyong workers had begun a strike on February 16, in opposition to
 the company and regime¹s mass sacking of 1,750 workers. What¹s more,
 many of this 1,750 are the key union activists and militant workers in
 the plant ­ an open attempt to destroy the union in Bupyong. This
 sacking comes on top of some 3,500 that have been laid off since last
 November, and thousands more since the collapse of the Daewoo empire in
 late 1998. The completion of Daewoo Motors¹ restructuring and its
 sell-off overseas is vital for the onward march of the regime¹s
 neoliberal ³reforms², which are nothing but a desperate bid to salvage a
 deeply crisis-ridden capitalist economy at the enormous expense of
 working people¹s living conditions and democratic rights. Its result is
 billions of dollars of handouts to the corporate robbers, while working
 people suffer more and more unbearable hardships. And when workers
 resort to mass struggle to defend even the little they still have, the
 regime thunders down with batons and boots. It is nothing short of a war
 on South Korean working people.
 However, since the crackdown, the workers have courageously begun to
 regroup. They are holding daily rallies in Bupyong and attracting the
 support of other workers and organisations. In response, the regime has
 deployed even more cops and are attempting to suppress any attempts at
 protest. It is almost like a return to the days of military rule when we
 had to converge at pre-arranged locations to hold surprise
 We urgently call on the international workers movement to take immediate
 solidarity action to place international pressure on the vicious Kim
 Dae-jung regime. We request protests and industrial action to target the
 South Korean government¹s embassies and consulates, Daewoo Motors
 outlets and service centres, as well as any other South Korean
 government representative institutions and figures.
    * Stop the mass sackings!
    * Kim Dae-jung regime Resign Now!
    * Release the Arrested Now!
    * Nationalise Daewoo Motors!
 ********************* >>

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From: Rafael Pla-Lopez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: País Valencià
Date: lauantai 24. helmikuu 2001 08:40
To: Partido Comunista del Perú (Patria Roja)  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Alessandro Folghera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Alonso Pedrote Amador
Subject: [Fwd: Urgent Call for Solidarity with Daewoo Motor Workers]

-------- Original Message --------
     Asunto: Urgent Call for Solidarity with Daewoo Motor Workers
      Fecha: Thu, 22 Feb 2001 17:24:33 +1100
         De: International Solidarity <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Responder a: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
          A: Power of Working Class <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Dear friends,

Attached is a call for international solidarity with the Daewoo Motor
Workers issued by the Power of the Working Class (Preparatory Group). We
call for protests and industrial action to target the South Korean
government's embassies and consulates, and any offices and outlets of
Daewoo Motors.

We also request messages of solidarity for the striking and sacked
Daewoo workers and their families. Please send solidarity messages and
information about action being taken to the following email addresses:

Park Seong-In, Gen Sec PWC <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Won Young-su  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

In Solidarity,

Park Seong-In,
General Secretary PWC

Solidarity with the Daewoo Motor Workers!
Condemn the Kim Dae-jung Regime!
A Call for International Solidarity Action by the
Power of the Working Class (Preparatory Group)

The workers of South Korea have suffered yet another violent and brutal
crackdown at the hands of Nobel Peace Prize-winner President Kim

On the afternoon of February 20, over 4,000 armed riot cops stormed
Daewoo Motors’ Bupyong plant, which was being peacefully occupied by
several hundred striking workers and their families. Many were viciously
beaten and 76 were taken in for questioning. The cops have detained 7
union leaders and are out to arrest 29 more. The very next day, on
February 21, Daewoo’s creditor banks gave the company a pat on the head
for the crackdown by extending the credit period and providing it with
even more funds. This shows who this is all basically for, whose
interests the whole vile affair is all about. As this is being written,
arrest warrants are also being drawn up for the top leaders of the
Korean Confederation of Trade Unions.

The Bupyong workers had begun a strike on February 16, in opposition to
the company and regime’s mass sacking of 1,750 workers. What’s more,
many of this 1,750 are the key union activists and militant workers in
the plant – an open attempt to destroy the union in Bupyong. This
sacking comes on top of some 3,500 that have been laid off since last
November, and thousands more since the collapse of the Daewoo empire in
late 1998. The completion of Daewoo Motors’ restructuring and its
sell-off overseas is vital for the onward march of the regime’s
neoliberal “reforms”, which are nothing but a desperate bid to salvage a
deeply crisis-ridden capitalist economy at the enormous expense of
working people’s living conditions and democratic rights. Its result is
billions of dollars of handouts to the corporate robbers, while working
people suffer more and more unbearable hardships. And when workers
resort to mass struggle to defend even the little they still have, the
regime thunders down with batons and boots. It is nothing short of a war
on South Korean working people.

However, since the crackdown, the workers have courageously begun to
regroup. They are holding daily rallies in Bupyong and attracting the
support of other workers and organisations. In response, the regime has
deployed even more cops and are attempting to suppress any attempts at
protest. It is almost like a return to the days of military rule when we
had to converge at pre-arranged locations to hold surprise

We urgently call on the international workers movement to take immediate
solidarity action to place international pressure on the vicious Kim
Dae-jung regime. We request protests and industrial action to target the
South Korean government’s embassies and consulates, Daewoo Motors
outlets and service centres, as well as any other South Korean
government representative institutions and figures.

   * Stop the mass sackings!
   * Kim Dae-jung regime Resign Now!
   * Release the Arrested Now!
   * Nationalise Daewoo Motors!


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