Party chief praises Cuba's creative spirit

Vietnam highly appreciated the Cuban Party and people's staunch and creative
spirit in their socialist construction and defence as well as their struggle
against the US embargo and blockade, Party General Secretary Le Kha Phieu
said while meeting with Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Parez Roque in Hanoi
on February 24. 

Mr Phieu told his Cuban guest that Vietnam welcomed the Cuban people's great
achievements that helped raise Cuba's international prestige and win
worldwide sympathy and support.

The general secretary also reaffirmed Vietnam's traditional solidarity and
friendship with Cuba as well as the continuation of the comprehensive and
reliable co-operation between the two Communist Parties and people.

The Cuban foreign minister briefed Mr Phieu about the results of his talks
with Vietnam's Foreign Minister Nguyen Dy Nien and thanked the Vietnamese
Party and people for their wholehearted help and support.

He also briefed the general secretary about Cuba's current situation and its
firm resolve to build and defend socialist Cuba as well as defeat the US
embargo and blockade. (VNA)


Cuban foreign minister ends visit

Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque left Hanoi on February 25,
concluding his three-day official visit to Vietnam.

While here, Minister Roque was received on separate occasions by Party
General Secretary Le Kha Phieu, President Tran Duc Luong, National Assembly
Chairman Nong Duc Manh and Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Manh Cam. He held
talks with his Vietnamese counterpart Nguyen Dy Nien.

During these meetings and talks, the two sides informed each other of the
situation in their respective countries, affirmed solidarity and friendship
between the two Parties, States and people, and exchanged views on
comprehensive co-operation between Vietnam and Cuba as well as on regional
and international issues of common concern.

Minister Roque and his entourage paid a floral tribute to President Ho Chi
Minh at his mausoleum, visited his residence and office, called at the
International Relations Institute, the Temple of Literature (Van Mieu) and
the Hanoi Footwear Joint Stock Company. (VNA)


Prime minister visits Son La

Prime Minister Phan Van Khai and his working delegation visited Son La
province on February 23 and 24 as part of their north-western region
inspection tour. 

After hearing report on socio-economic development, security and national
defence from provincial leaders, the prime minister visited Pa Vinh to
inspect preparations for the construction of Son La hydro-electric power
plant, the country¹s biggest plant.

The prime minister said he was very happy at the changes in the province
with stable socio-economic situation while political stability was well
maintained, especially at the successful organisation of the provincial 11th
Party Committee Congress.

The prominent feature is that the Party Committee was good at leading the
socio-economic development work, exploiting well the potentials of the
province and successfully implementing the Party¹s policies on remote,
mountainous and disadvantaged areas. Son La¹s investment in 13 difficult and
disadvantaged villages with upgraded and new infrastructure is the right

On the Son La hydroelectric power plant, the prime minister said the
construction is the intention of the Party and the policy of the government.
The building of the plant not only provides more electricity to the country,
but also helps to regulate water upstream to control flooding in the Red
river delta. He said preparation for the construction of the plant should be
done with great care, especially resettlement of people living in the
submersible areas of the reservoir when the dam is built. This is also an
opportunity for the province to redistribute population and make better
living place for people in the new settlement areas. The prime minister
assigned the province to work with concerned ministries and agencies to
prepare conditions for the start of the construction, especially the
relocation of people affected by the rising water of the reservoir to four
new approved resettlement locations, through which to mix effectively
socio-economic development programmes with resettlement work.

The prime minister had a public speaking session with 400 people in Son La
town. He encouraged the people of Son La to exercise the unity tradition in
the new situation. 


Vietnam, Russia sign agreement

Documents for co-operation between Vietnam's Public Security Ministry and
the Russian President's Liaison and Information Agency (LIA) was signed in
Hanoi on February 24.

Signatories were Public Security Minister Senior Lieutenant General Le Minh
Huong and LIA General Director Senior Lieutenant General V G Matchiukin.

General Matchiukin is leading a high-ranking delegation to Vietnam at the
invitation of  General Le Minh Huong.

At the signing, General Huong told his guest that the help given to Vietnam
by first the Soviet Union and now the Russian Federation was appreciated.

The delegations briefed each other about the situation in their countries
and exchanged views about world and regional issues of mutual concern,
especially factors affecting the security of their countries.

They also discussed implementation of their co-operation programme. (VNA)


Three Vietnamese receive Russia's friendship order

Russian President Vladimir Putin  signed a decree on February 24 to award
the Friendship Order to three Vietnamese citizens for their contributions to
the development of oil and gas co-operation between Vietnam and Russia.

The three awardees are Deputy Director General of the Vietnam Oil and Gas
Corporation Tran Canh, Deputy Director General of the Vietnam-Russia
Petroleum Joint Venture Enterprises (Vietsovpetro) Tran Le Dong and
Vietsovpetro engineer Phung Dinh Thuc. (VNA)


Posthumous medal for brave farmer

The chairman of the Vietnam Farmer¹s Association signed a decision to
posthumously present a medal ŒFor the Vietnam Farmer Class,¹ along with a
bonus worth VND 500,000, to Mr Tang Van Ta, a farmer in Cu Kty commune,
Krong Bong district, Dak Lak province on February 20.

Mr Ta is remembered for his saving of three people from drowning. Heavy rain
in October 2000 caused a flood in Krong Bong district. Mr Ta and another
five people, were on the same boat to save rice on October 13. Due to strong
wind and waves, their boat began sinking. Only Mr Ta could swim and he
bravely saved the first two people and then the third one. Due to the strong
flood and exhaustion, he was swallowed by the water. He died leaving behind
a poor family with four children.

Local people greatly admire his courage.


Hail in Lao Cai, Son La damages crops

Recent heavy rain with hail has damaged crops in the two northern provinces
of Lao Cai and Son La.

There was heary rain in Lao Cai province on the night of February 24 and
early morning of February 25. There was also hail in some places in the
province such as Lao Cai town and four districts of Bao Yen, Than Uyen, Sa
Pa and Xi Ma Cai. The hail stones' diametre varied from 0.5 millimetres to
1.5 millimetres while the rainfall was measured at 25-16 millimetres. Heavy
rain with hail caused much damage to agricultural production.

A gust wind with hail at 3am on February 25 hit Muong Chien village in Quynh
Nhai district, northern mountainous province of Son La, damaging the local
people's rice seedling areas, fruit trees and other crops. The biggest hail
stone's diametre was measured at 2 millimetres. Hail also hit some other
areas in the province.

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