
Year 2001 No. 36, February 26, 2001

Article Index :

Terrorism Act Aimed Against People's Struggles

The Work of the Party:
North East Regional Forum on the Mass Party Press Focuses on Developing its

Dudley NHS Strike Continues
DEMO and LOBBY of Gisela Stuart MP, Health Minister

KFSC Meeting Hears Report of NCP Visit to North Korea

The Occupied Territories:
Coalition of Women for a Just Peace Protest Again against "Closure"


Terrorism Act Aimed Against People's Struggles
The so-called Terrorism Act came into force last Monday, February 19.

The government's definition of terrorism is "violence for political ends",
taken over from the Prevention of Terrorism Act. This Act was brought into
existence as part of the arsenal of the state in suppressing, and
criminalising the support for, the struggle of the Irish republican movement
for a united Ireland. As such it was also an integral part of the wider
arsenal of the bourgeoisie to maintain its class rule. The Prevention of
Terrorism Act was widened to include "international terrorism". With the
latest Terrorism Act, the government's definition of "terrorism" has itself
been widened to include other "motivations" besides "political", namely
"religious or ideological", and to include actions other than overt violence
but which in a modern society could have a devastating impact, according to
the drafters of the Act. Furthermore, whereas the previous legislation had
to be renewed annually, the Terrorism Act is permanent legislation.

In the name of "fighting terrorism," pretexts are being established to
justify depriving certain sections of the people of their rights. This is an
attack on the rights of all, and also goes hand in hand with the stepping up
of state-organised racist attacks and interference and aggression abroad.
The criminalisation of the people's struggles is becoming the norm, and the
Terrorism Act is a stage on the road to this norm. It is designed to put a
further block on the people's struggles to open the door to progress and,
with such Acts as the Criminal Justice Act, is part of putting in place a
counter-revolutionary state apparatus so as to prevent the political renewal
of society.

This attack against the rights of the people encompasses the notion that
those forces active for national and social liberation must be designated as
"terrorists". This move to label those who are politically active as
criminals and "terrorists" is part of the whole campaign against everyone
who becomes politically active in order to criminalise their struggles. This
is coupled with the media promotion of isolated acts of violence, and
actions which may well be the work of agents provocateurs. At the same time,
repressive police violence, which is straightforward state terrorism, is
justified under the pretext of being tough on all the actions which the Act
now defines as "terrorist".

Furthermore, the whole issue of such "terrorism" becomes a device to divide
the working class and people, by diverting them from opposing the
anti-social offensive and into siding with opposing some perceived threat to
law and order as the problem, as well as promoting backwardness and

Those that take any action, such as demonstrating or raising money, in
support of organisations fighting for national and social liberation,
especially who are in the throes of armed struggle, will be subject to the
measures of the law. Once an organisation has been added to the banned list,
it will be an offence to support it financially, to display its emblems in
public or to share a platform at a meeting of three people or more, either
public or private, with someone belonging to it.

All democratic people must oppose this attempt to criminalise the people's
just struggles and to target all those who do not share the same values as
the British state, while the bourgeoisie itself carries out the most
terroristic actions under the name of high ideals and opposing terrorism.

Article Index

The Work of the Party:

North East Regional Forum on the Mass Party Press Focuses on Developing its
Meeting last week, the North East Regional Forum focused on developing its
work. This is the second meeting it has held this year, the first being
concerned with discussing its work in the light of the resolutions of the
Party's National Consultative Conference 2000.

The Regional Forum adopted the proposal to produce a regional bulletin. The
character of such a bulletin would be that of the Workers' and Politics page
in Workers' Weekly/WDIE. This is the column on the conditions of the workers
and on the agenda the workers themselves are setting to overcome their
marginalisation and to take up politics. Its aim is to contribute to the
politicisation of the workers. The North East Regional Forum discussed the
proposal for a regional bulletin in some detail, in particular that it could
be produced either for a particular struggle or in intervening in the
political life in the region, for example. The Regional Forum assessed that
it was an initiative that it could sustain collectively.

The North East Regional Forum also discussed the consolidation of its work
of expanding the readership of Workers' Weekly. In this context it decided
that the next step would be the forming of a readers' group.

Article Index

Dudley NHS Strike Continues
Dudley health workers began another three-week strike on February 11. A
national demonstration and lobby of Health Minister Gisela Stuart MP is to
be held in Birmingham on March 3. See ad below for details.

Striker Angela Thompson will stand against Labour in the General Election
under the banner of the Socialist Alliance. For their part, the NHS Trust
are paying out £2.25 per hour bonus to loyal employees, have issued a 90 day
notice and claim to be about to sign contracts with Summit Healthcare.

The strikers point out that the dispute cuts to the heart of Labour's plans
for the NHS. Everyone can now see the risks of past and present
privatisations for the railways, tube, and air traffic control, they say.
But the government is quietly pursuing an equally dangerous project for the
health service through the Private Finance Initiative. The Dudley health
workers are fighting a PFI scheme to transfer 600 workers to the private
sector, disrupting the teamwork which links porters and domestics to nurses
and surgeons while losing 170 jobs and 70 beds. They point out that
government Health Minister John Denham backs the deal.

The strikers at the Dudley Group of Hospitals declare: We are not going to
go away!

Article Index

Dudley Group of Hospitals

600 striking NHS workers need your solidarity
DEMO and LOBBY of Gisela Stuart MP, Health Minister
600 NHS workers, members of UNISON Dudley Group of Hospitals have been on
strike for over 100 days since last August against plans to privatise their

This is planned as part of a Private Finance Initiative (PFI) project which
involves the closure of one hospital and all wards at another leaving Dudley
with 70 fewer hospital beds at a time when the Government has identified the
need for more.

Defend the NHS
Saturday 3 March, Assemble 10.30am, Chamberlain Square, Birmingham

March to Gisela Stuart's constituency surgery, Woodview Community Centre,
Spring Rd, Edgbaston for 12 midday

Please note times and venues subject to confirmation.

Please contact the branch
Donations payable to UNISON Dudley Group of Hospitals, Union Offices,
Wordsley Hospital, Stourbridge, West Midlands, DY8 5QX. Tel/ Fax 01384
244350. Mobile 07970 788873


web site:

Article Index

KFSC Meeting Hears Report of NCP Visit to North Korea
The Korea Friendship and Solidarity Campaign (KFSC) held a meeting on
February 15 to mark the 59th birthday of the great leader of the Korean
people, Kim Jong Il. The meeting was chaired by Andy Brooks, General
Secretary of New Communist Party (NCP) and committee member of KFSC.

The main content of the meeting was reports by two members of the NCP
delegation which visited the Democratic People's Republic of Korea last

Dorothy Legg said it had been her first visit. She had found the mood very
upbeat following the historic North-South Summit and Joint Declaration of
June 2000, with great support for reunification and the correctness of the
policies of Kim Jong Il. She described the visits to farms, hospitals,
schools, museums and other aspects of the life of the people. She said she
had been very impressed by the long-term planning evident in such vast
projects as the West Sea Barrage. She spoke of the beauty of Pyongyang and
other areas as well as of the deep impression made by seeing the US-built
concrete wall which still divides Korea and the site of the terrible
massacre at Sinchon. She said that as secretary of KFSC she had met the head
of the friendship committee with Britain. She had been very inspired by the
visit which had underlined the importance of the work of KFSC.

Robin Smith said this had been his second visit, having been on a delegation
to DPRK to attend the International Festival of Youth and Students in 1989.
He was very impressed by the changes since then, by the way in which the
natural disasters and other difficulties had been overcome, and how the
people there were facing the future with such confidence. He spoke of the
significance of the historic Summit and Joint Declaration, of Madeleine
Albright's visit, and of the British government's decision to open
diplomatic relations with the DPRK. He spoke of the importance given to
ideology and to all aspects of life being based on the collective. He said
that the issue of reunification in the form of a Confederal Republic of
Koryo stood out above all others, and that KFSC had important work to do
campaigning in support of reunification, for the removal of US troops and an
end to all foreign interference.

Chris Coleman of RCPB(ML) from the floor said how much he appreciated the
reports, which brought back memories of the visit of the delegation of the
Central Committee of RCPB(ML) shortly before. He said it was important to
recognise the significance of the momentous events of the recent period
while acknowledging the difficulties which lay ahead: the Joint Declaration
had been signed but US troops remained as the main obstacle to
reunification; Blair's government had opened diplomatic relations but openly
proclaimed it would use the opportunity to interfere in the DPRK's internal
affairs under the pretext of "human rights". So there was much work to do.

There then followed a prolonged and detailed discussion on the prospects for
reunification, on US and British imperialist policy regarding Korea, on
developments in the DPRK and on other topics.

The meeting ended with the adoption by acclaim of a message of greetings to
Kim Jong Il.

Article Index

The Occupied Territories:

Coalition of Women for a Just Peace Protests Again against "Closure"
Another successful demonstration against the "closure" of the occupied
territories was held by the Coalition of Women for a Just Peace on Saturday.

About 300 Israelis, mostly women but with a growing contingent of men,
showed up at the Jerusalem-Bethlehem border crossing to protest against the
so-called "closure". This "closure" is sometimes called a "blockade" or
"siege", because the Israeli army actually encircles Palestinian towns and
prevents residents from freely leaving or entering.

Gila Svirsky of the Coalition of Women for a Just Peace writes of the
protest: "Imagine how frustrating it must feel to have your freedom of
movement obstructed - picture yourself prevented from leaving your own city
because foreign soldiers have bulldozed the roads and set down concrete
slabs. But beyond the insult, there are serious problems - access to medical
care, food and supplies, education, and jobs. Several sick Palestinians who
were held up at these barriers, pending a decision by the young Israeli
soldiers on duty about letting them through, actually died as a result of
the delay, including a baby. It is also shocking for me as an Israeli to
realise that the closure provides virtually no security dividend to Israel;
it is simply a deliberate act of intimidation.

"The Coalition of Women for a Just Peace held its first 'closure' protest
opposite the Defence Ministry in Tel-Aviv three weeks ago (ending in police
violence, the arrest of 17, and practically no media exposure). Today's
event was fairly quiet, no one was arrested, but the Israeli media announced
that we 'tried to force our way through the barriers'. Well, not quite.

"It was a sunny day, and many Israelis had come from Tel-Aviv and other
cities. Soon after the demonstration began, both sides of the road were
already lined with demonstrators carrying or wearing signs 'Closure kills',
'Closure starves', 'Closure creates enemies', and the usual 'Stop the
Occupation'. Our presence, of course, caused the quick mobilisation of a
larger contingent of soldiers, who now manned the barrier. At the signal,
the protesters stepped off the sidewalk and filled the road, marching
quietly toward the checkpoint. We walked slowly and in a dignified manner.
The soldiers began to scramble to prevent our getting through. At the
checkpoint, they formed a cordon across the road, and our forward movement
was stopped. We stood there facing them and began to chant the powerful,
rhythmic slogan, which rhymes in Hebrew:
End the closure in the territories -
Get out of their bloodstream.
End the closure in the territories -
Give jobs to the workers.
End the closure in the territories -
Give food to the children.

"We continued chanting for quite a while, and journalists from Israel,
Europe, and the States had some good photo opportunities of this
confrontation. One young man in our group was forcefully shoved to the
ground by a soldier, but after we pointed out to the soldier that he was on
candid camera, he controlled himself much better. Other than that, it was a
completely non-violent action, and therefore powerful. From there, the
entire group walked 100 meters back to hold up our signs to the drivers
headed to the 'bypass roads', which lead to the settlements.

"Our demonstration today was scheduled to take place simultaneously with a
parallel demonstration on the Palestinian side of the border, but there was
deep concern that Palestinians demonstrating at this location would provide
a pretext for army violence, regardless of how quiet and dignified they
were. Nevertheless, 50 or so brave 'internationals' who were visiting Israel
and Palestine for the Sabeel 'peace and justice' conference did manage to
come through the border from Bethlehem and join us. They told us that the
Palestinians knew of our demonstration, and expressed their solidarity. A
day earlier, these internationals had joined us on a Women in Black vigil in
Jerusalem, bringing our total yesterday to about 200.

"On the way to the event today, a friend of mine complained that no one had
called her about the demonstration, but she had fortunately read about it in
the newspaper ad. 'You're making a revolution,' she said, 'and I don't want
to be left out.'

"The news this evening had good shots of the confrontation. The soldiers
were armed with their M16s and we were armed with our signs and
determination. In the long run, it's not much of a contest. The subjugation
of a people is always doomed to failure - sic transit tyrannis. Ultimately
the closure and all the apparatus of occupation will be dismantled. It's
only a matter of time...and of how many more people will have to suffer

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