Macedonian army fights border rebels 

Special report: Kosovo 

Nick Wood in Debelde
Tuesday February 27, 2001
The Guardian 

Fears of war erupting between ethnic Albanian rebels
and the Macedonian army increased yesterday after
sustained clashes on the frontier between Macedonia
and Kosovo. For two hours gunfire, the crack of light 
artillery and the dull thud of grenade launchers in 
and around the village of Tanusevc, just inside the 
Macedonian border, could be heard. 

It is the first sustained period of fighting in the
region and follows six weeks of mounting tension in
which one Albanian has been killed. 

It was unclear what sparked the fighting but a member
of the Albanian guerrilla group, who spoke to the
Guardian half a mile from the village, claimed
Macedonian forces fired the first shots. 

"If they enter the village, it will turn into a
graveyard for them," he warned. "It's going to explode

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