TODAY'S NEWS (February.27.2001 Juche 90)



Separated families from north reunite with their kinsmen in Seoul

Separated families from south reunite with their kinsmen in Pyongyang

Kye Sun Hui comes first in international all-star judo meet

Gift presented to Kim Jong Il

Abolition of SL urged

Guinean President on relations with DPRK

620 million-year-old fossils unearthed in DPRK

Kim Jong Il's devotion to people lauded

Reception given for south side's visiting group

DPRK mourners' delegation leaves for Japan

Separated families and relatives reunite with each other

South side's historians here

For Spanish-speaking people


comite preparatorio nacional de peru por nacimiento de dirigente kim jong il

periodicos subrayan necesidad de desplegar superioridad de socialismo

Separated families from north reunite with their kinsmen in Seoul
     Seoul, February 26 (KCNA correspondent) -- Members of the third
visiting group of separated families and relatives of the north side
reunited with their kinsfolk in Seoul on Feb. 26. Ri Jong Rim, researcher of
the mathematical institute of the academy of sciences, proudly said that he
has become a merited scientist, professor and doctor in the course of
scientific researches under the care of the DPRK.
    Kim Su Jo, director of the Phibada Opera Troupe, referred to the fact
that thanks to leader Kim Jong Il his artistic talent was brought into full
bloom and he could become DPRK hero, people's artist and leading official of
a large artistic organisation. He brought his relatives a potted immortal
Kimjongilia which he cultivated with all his care.
    Jong Ku In and Pak Kon Yang, members of the visiting group, emotionally
recited impromptu poems "we have come to hometown" and "let us fling the
gate of reunification open by our own efforts."
    The members of the group handed their kinsfolk in South Korea photos and
letters of their families and relatives and had photos taken with them.
    That evening the president of the South Korean Red Cross hosted a
reception in honour of the visiting group from the north.


Separated families from south reunite with their kinsmen in Pyongyang
     Pyongyang, February 27 (KCNA) -- The third reunion of separated
families and relatives of the north and the south took place here on Feb.
26. They warmly hugged each other with profound emotion and joy.
    They talked to each other after decades of separation, inquiring after
the health of their family members and relatives and conveying tidings.
    Kim Yong Jin, instructor of the state planning commission, reunited with
his elder sister after 60 years of separation.
    He told her that he graduated from a university of technology and worked
as a technician of a steel works and is now active as an official of a state
institution and his brothers and sisters in the north enjoy all blessings
under the care of the Workers' Party of Korea.
    Ju Tok Gwon, designer of the West Sea Harbour Construction Company, held
in his the hands of his father from whom he has not heard for such a long
time, while talking to him.
    And all others from Sariwon, Kaesong, Sinuiju, Sunchon, Pukchong,
Onchon, etc. were unanimous in saying that the DPRK represents a great
society where the 70 million fellow countrymen should live together.


Kye Sun Hui comes first in international all-star judo meet
     Pyongyang, February 27 (KCNA) -- DPRK judoist Kye Sun Hui, people's
athlete, placed first in the 57 kg division of women's judo of the Munich
world judo masters tournament held on Feb. 25. It brought together at least
650 ace judoists from 45 countries including the DPRK.
    Kye Sun Hui defeated a Cuban judoist in the final match with her diverse
technique and tactics.
    Meanwhile, DPRK judoist Ri Kyong Ok placed third in the 48 kg division
of women's judo. 


Gift presented to Kim Jong Il
     Pyongyang, February 27 (KCNA) -- A gift was presented to leader Kim
Jong Il by Ernesto Rodriguez Diaz, chairman of the Costa Rican Committee for
Supporting Korea's Reunification who is vice-chairman of the Latin American
and Caribbean Regional Committee to Support Korea's Reunification. The gift
was handed by the chairman of the committee on Feb. 18 to the head of the
delegation of the Korean Society for Cultural Relations with Foreign
Countries on a visit to Latin America.


Abolition of SL urged
     Pyongyang, February 27 (KCNA) -- Robert Williams, vice-chairman of the
Latin American and Caribbean Regional Committee to Support Korea's
Reunification, on Feb. 20 issued a statement demanding the abolition of the
South Korean Security Law. He said that the most important and principled
matter in achieving Korea's reunification for the present is to implement
the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration to the letter, denouncing the
anti-reunification forces in South Korea for persisting in the anti-north
confrontation moves, strongly opposed to the repeal of the SL which defines
the north as the "enemy."
    He condemned the SL as an anti-national and anti-reunification law and
urged the South Korean authorities to repeal the evil law, first of all, if
they truly wish national reunification.


Guinean President on relations with DPRK
     Pyongyang, February 27 (KCNA) -- The Guinean government will always
stand by the Korean people, said Lansana Conte, President of Guinea, when
meeting the DPRK ambassador to Guinea Pak Chang Sok who paid a farewell
visit to him on Feb. 20. It is his firm stand to steadily develop as ever
the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries, he noted,
adding that the friendly relations between the two countries were forged
because of the common objective of the struggle and true feelings, and such
relations will last forever no matter how the situation may change.
    He expressed heartfelt thanks to leader Kim Jong Il for having sent
competent technicians and specialists to guinea to render sincere
cooperation to it. 
    He said that guinea sincerely rejoices over a new prospect opened for
Korea's reunification and fresh successes achieved by the Korean people.


620 million-year-old fossils unearthed in DPRK
     Pyongyang, February 27 (KCNA) -- 620 million-year-old fossils were
recently unearthed for the first time in the DPRK. A paleontology research
team of the geology faculty of Kim Il Sung University carried out scientific
researches and excavation of fossils on the upper layer belonging to the
proterozoic era distributed in Junghwa county and Sangwon county, Pyongyang
and Hwangju county and Yonthan county, North Hwanghae Province. It succeeded
in unearthing at least 1,000 pieces of fossil animals and plants.
    They are proved to be macroscopic multi-cellular primitive jelly-fishes,
the first of their kind, and primitive seaweeds which lived 620 million
years ago. 
    The fossil of a primitive jelly-fish, 0.6 to over 2.0 cm in diameter,
has a central part and looks like crepe.
    The fossil of primitive seaweeds, 0.1-0.3 cm in width and 1-15 cm in
length, consists of a narrow leaf, stem and root.
    the excavation of the world's rare fossils provides a reliable material
basis on which to scientifically prove that living organism existed in Korea
and evolved and developed into those macroscopic multi-cellular organisms
from 620 million years ago and it led to the birth of human beings.
    The new paleontological data also made it possible to prove that Korea
is one of the ancient countries in the world in terms of the development of


Kim Jong Il's devotion to people lauded
     Pyongyang, February 27 (KCNA) -- "In Korea people's trust in the great
leader Kim Jong Il is very high because he has always dedicated himself to
them. whatever he has done is for the people." This is what a foreigner said
after visiting the DPRK.
    Kim Jong Il has wisely led the revolution and construction to open a new
era of prosperity in Korea.
    His devotion to the people was more clearly witnessed in the 1990s when
the country was in a very complicated situation.
    The condition of the country was difficult due to the collapse of
socialism in east European socialist countries, the imperialists' campaign
for "nuclear inspection" and moves to isolate and suffocate the DPRK and
several years of natural disasters.
    In this period the Korean people suffered a great loss of the nation
with the death of President Kim Il Sung.
    Under such situation the whole world expressed concern at the future of
    But Kim Jong Il defended the national dignity and socialism by braving
the pressure of the enemies with his iron will and grit.
    He carried out the "arduous march" and forced march, overcoming all
    Giving on-the-spot guidances to different fields of the national economy
including those in Jagang, Ryanggang and north Hamgyong provinces, he
instilled confidence and optimism into the people who were undergoing
hardships, and indicated the road ahead of factories and enterprises.
    As a result, patches were readjusted into standardized fields in
Kangwon, north Phyongan and south hwanghae provinces in recent years. And
many model factories commensurate with the new century have been built in
such fields as light industry, stockbreeding and pisciculture.
    All those achievements are the fruition of his warm love and spirit of
devoted service to the people.


Reception given for south side's visiting group
     Pyongyang, February 27 (KCNA) -- The central committee of the DPRK Red
Cross Society hosted a reception for the third visiting group of separated
families and relatives of the south side at the mansudae art theatre
yesterday. Jang Jae On, chairman of the c.c., the DPRK Red Cross Society, in
his speech expressed the expectation that the Pyongyang visit by members of
the south side and their reunion with their kinsmen would mark a significant
event to open a decisive phase of national reunification by the Korean
nation's efforts this year, the first year of the new century.
    Vice-president of the South Korean Red Cross Jang Jong Ja who is heading
the south side's visiting group in her speech noted the work now under way
is something unprecedented in the history of red cross and called on the Red
Cross officials concerned to creditably fulfil their mission.


DPRK mourners' delegation leaves for Japan
     Pyongyang, February 27 (KCNA) -- A DPRK mourners' delegation headed by
Yang Hyong Sop, vice-president of the presidium of the Supreme People's
Assembly, left here today for Tokyo to participate in a ceremony for bidding
farewell to the late Han Tok Su, chairman of the central standing committee
of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan who is deputy to the
spa and twice Labour Hero of the DPRK. The delegation was seen off at the
airport by SPA chairman Choe Thae Bok, chairman of the c.c., the Korean
Social Democratic Party Kim Yong Dae and others.


Separated families and relatives reunite with each other
     Pyongyang, February 27 (KCNA) -- Members of the third visiting groups
of separated families and relatives from the north and south today had
family-to-family reunions in Pyongyang and Seoul. The members of the groups
spoke to each other of the immense joy of having reunion after over 50 years
of separation during which they have been unable to hear from each other.
    Member of the group from the north Jon Yong Su, doctor at the Kangwon
provincial dental preventive hospital, said that his dream to become a
doctor came true in the DPRK and he became Labour Hero.
    Nearly one hundred years old lady Jang O Mok told her son, a member of
the visiting group from the south, about her six sons and daughters who grew
up in the north with nothing to desire more in the world.
    They had a pleasant time, exchanging souvenirs and posing for photos.
    Today, the head of the visiting group from the north and his party
visited the South Korean Red Cross while other members of the group toured
the Changdok palace, a heritage of the nation, in Seoul.


South side's historians here
    Pyongyang, February 27 (KCNA) -- Historians from the south side
including Ri Jong Hak, director of the Saun Institute, arrived here today to
participate in the north-south joint exhibition of data on the illegality of
the Japanese imperialists' occupation of Korea. The exhibition will be held
here from March 1, the anniversary of the march first popular uprising, the
nationwide anti-Japanese patriotic resistance.
    The historians were greeted at the airport by officials concerned.


For Spanish-speaking people

comite preparatorio nacional de peru por nacimiento de dirigente kim jong il
     pyongyang, 27 de diciembre (atcc) -- tuvo lugar el 19 en lima el acto
constitutivo del comite preparatorio nacional del peru por el 59 aniversario
del nacimiento del gran dirigente kim jong il. como presidente de este
comite fue electo angel castro lavarello, presidente del instituto cultural
y de amistad peruano coreano.
    en el acto fueron discutidos planes de festividades.


periodicos subrayan necesidad de desplegar superioridad de socialismo
     pyongyang, 27 de diciembre (atcc) -- hoy es el dia de la constitucion
socialista de la rpdc. con motivo de esa efemeride los periodicos de esta
capital insertaron editoriales subrayando la necesidad de desplegar
plenamente la superioridad del socialismo coreano.
    la constitucion socialista de la rpdc fue promulgada el 27 de diciembre
del 61 (1972) de la era juche.
    la constitucion socialista refrenda juridicamente la victoria y los
exitos logrados en la revolucion y la construccion por el pueblo coreano y
defiene los principios de la vida social y estatal y las tareas que se
presentan en la construccion socialista.
    ella fue proclamada como constitucion kim il sung luego de enmendada y
complementada en la asamblea popular suprema celebrada en septiembre de
    ella refrenda por ley la original ideologia y las hazanas del gran
presidente kim il sung en materia de construccion estatal.
    el diario "rodong sinmun" senala que el socialismo coreano es uno
autentico y mas ventajoso que corresponde al deseo del pueblo y continua:
    la superioridad del socialismo coreano reside ante todo en que este es
el socialismo centrado en las masas populares en que estas son duenas de lo
todo de la sociedad y todo esto sirve para ellas.
    otra superioridad reside en que este socialismo es la sociedad con
fuerte espiritu juche y nacionalidad, en la que se logro con firmeza la
unidad monolitica de todos sus integrantes en torno a su dirigente.
    hoy la superioridad absoluta del socialismo coreano se manifiesta
plenamente por la destacada y probada direccion del respetado camarada kim
jong il. 
    la lucha por lograr la gran prosperidad de corea socialista en el siglo
21 sera precisamente la lucha por desplegar bajo todos los aspectos la
superioridad del regimen socialista.
    el periodico "minju joson" senala la necesidad de desarrollar con vigor
la lucha por materializar la constitucion en todas las esferas de la vida
social y estatal. 

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