Deputy PM addresses Boao Forum for Asia

Vietnam will eagerly take part in activities conducive to the Boao Forum,
affirms Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Manh Cam at the inaugural ceremony of
the Boao Forum for Asia in China yesterday.

Following are main excerpts from Mr Cam's speech: "At this prime time of the
initial year of the 21st century and the third millennium, when the world's
science, technology and production are developing tempestuously, the process
of economic globalisation and integration is unfolding vigorously, and the
Asian economies are recovering forcefully, pushing far back into the past
the worst period of the regional financial-currency crisis, the emergence of
the Boao Forum for Asia shows that we Asian nations are acting in conformity
with the major trends of our times, and are determined to enhance
co-operation, to find out together the most appropriate orientations, forms
and measures that would enable us, on the basis of maximal deployment of
national synergy and regional resilience, to make best use of the
opportunities offered by globalisation while coping efficiently with the
challenges posed by it, to ensure our own national development, and
contribute to the consolidation of peace and stability and the promotion of
co-operation for development in the region and the world over.

"The establishment of the Boao Forum for Asia is also the culmination of a
process of endeavors by veteran politicians and many leaders of Asian
nations whose noble ideas benefit not only individual countries but also a
bright future for our continent in the new century and the new millennium.
On behalf of the Government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, I wish to
warmly welcome this remarkable celebration.

We are convinced that exchanges and co-operation on the basis of equality
and reciprocal benefit will enhance mutual understanding, trust and cohesion
among countries in the region, and contribute to the strengthening of
co-operation between Asia and other parts of the world. As a rendez-vous of
the wisdom of State leaders, veteran politicians, well-known businesspeople,
and prominent experts, scholars and personalities, our Forum is likely to
put forth practical initiatives and recommendations with a view to promoting
the development of Asian countries and the region as a whole.

"Nowadays, there are sufficient grounds for us to be affirmative of an Asia
that is rising up and will surge vigorously forward in the new century,
overcoming the challenges of life, actively dealing with hunger and poverty,
narrowing down the gaps in development levels among Asian countries as well
as between Asia and other continents; an Asia that is resolved to keep
abreast of the development of science and technology and of the gradually
emerging knowledge economy.

"The success factors of Asia in the latter half of the 20th century have
changed the concepts on economic development, and promise to help Asia
develop unprecedentedly in the 21st century, maintaining and heightening the
role of a dynamic development centre increasingly attractive to external
partners. We are lucky to witness here, at this beautiful and lovely corner
of nature, a magnificent beginning that is sure to impact strongly the
development of the continent as a whole. Although this is just a beginning,
and the long road ahead towards the sublime objectives of the Forum still
requires relentless efforts from all of us, I am convinced that, with the
necessary "Enabling conditions endowed by Heaven, Earth and Man," we will
certainly succeed in our lofty mission. Vietnam will eagerly take part in
activities conducive to the effective operation of the Forum, for the
prosperity of each and every Asian country, and for a peaceful, stable,
co-operative and developing Asia."

During his stay in Hainan, Deputy PM Cam paid a courtesy visit to Chinese
President Jiang Zemin and met with senior officials of other participating
countries. (VNA)


Lawyers' Association condemns air raids on Iraq

The Vietnam Lawyers' Association has strongly condemned the US and British
air raids against Iraq and asked that military action against the country be
immediately stopped.

The association says that the bombing by the US and British aircraft has
caused heavy loss of lives and property among the Iraqi people.

It says the raids are a cruel, inhumane action against an independent and
sovereign state. As such, they are a serious violation of the UN Charter and
a threat to peace, security and stability in the region.

The lawyers have also asked the US and Britain to immediately remove the
embargo which they have used as a political weapon against Iraq and fully
implement UN Security-Council resolutions related to the country.

The lawyers expressed their solidarity with their Iraqi colleagues and the
belief that the Iraqi people through their own determination, and support of
the world's peace-loving people and progressive forces will safeguard the
integrity and territory of their country. (VNA)


Presidium of Union of Friendship Organisations meets

The presidum of the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations, VUFO held a
conference in Hanoi yesterday to review last year's people-to-people
diplomatic activities and discuss orientations and tasks for this year.

Last year, the VUFO agencies and its member organisations co-operated with
relevant agencies toarrange Vietnam visits for 63 foreign delegations and
sent 42 Vietnamese delegations abroad for friendship visits. The union gave
priorities to activities to promote friendship with peoples of neighbouring
countries, Russia, members of the Commonwealth of Independent States and
other traditional friends.

The union promoted activities for peace, solidarity and friendship with
other peoples while calling for more humanitarian aid and joint settlement
of the aftermath of war and socio-economic development.

Last year, non-governmental organisations disbursed US $83 million for more
than 15,000 projects on poverty reduction, rural development, health care,
education and human-resource development. The union also increased peace and
solidarity activities in the country and co-ordinated with other peoples in
the struggle for peace in the world thus raising Vietnam's prestige in the
world peace movement.

The VUFO will continue to promote activities for friendship with other
peoples in 2001, make active contributions to the world and regional
movements for peace, raise the role of people-to-people diplomatic
activities in settling the aftermath of war and help to raise the
effectiveness of non-governmental aid.

Addressing the conference Vice President Nguyen Thi Binh praised the VUFO
and its member organisations for their effective activities and
contributions to the country's achievements in foreign affairs. She said
that State diplomacy can not be separated from people-to-people diplomacy
and more attention should be given to people-to-people diplomacy. (VNA)


US human rights report, neither fully objective nor accurate

The US State Department's yearly human rights report contains many remarks
that are neither fully objective nor accurate about Vietnam, says Foreign
Ministry spokesperson Phan Thuy Thanh.

Ms Thanh, who was responding to questions by AP, Reuters and AFP reporters
in Hanoi yesterday, described the review as "an intervention into the
internal affairs of other countries," that was counter to the United Nations

It was an unacceptable action, she said.

Ms Thanh added: "Although in this report, the US State Department has made a
more objective assessment of the situation in Vietnam - acknowledging the
reality that the people's material and spiritual life is improving thanks to
the Vietnamese Government's efforts to ensure their basic human rights - the
report contains remarks which are not quite objective nor true about what is
happening in our country and has angered the Vietnamese people." (VNA)
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