<< February 26, 2001

 City Bans Scarves During Summit, Fearing Protests
 Summit of the americas
 Anne Marie Owens and Heather Sokoloff
 National Post
 Ian Lindsay, The Vancouver Sun
 Protesters at talks of the World Trade Organization in Seattle covered
 their faces. Quebec City and the suburb of Saint-Foy have passed an
 anti-scarf by-law as a security measure for the Summit of the Americas in
 People in the Quebec City suburb of Saint-Foy could soon risk being
 arrested for wearing scarves or covering up their faces.
 A new by-law, which was adopted as part of security preparations for the
 upcoming Summit of the Americas conference in Quebec City, is one example
 of precautions being taken to squelch the activities of anti-globalization
 activists and protesters who typically target these types of international
 In addition to the scarf by-law, authorities plan to install a three-metre
 high metal fence around several square kilometres of Quebec City and allow
 only those with passes inside the perimeter. The area will be enforced by
 3,000 to 5,000 police, RCMP and riot squads from across the country, and
 police are freeing up 500 spots in the Quebec City prison to make room for
 arrested protesters.
 The by-law adopted by Saint-Foy councillors, which will be enforced during
 the weeks leading up to and including the April summit, permits police to
 immediately arrest someone in a crowd if even part of their face is
 A similar by-law is already in place in Quebec City.
 If arrested, the burden of proof rests with the accused for providing a
 valid excuse for covering up their faces, according to the by-law.
 "I think the Quebec authorities responsible for this owe the public a
 pretty full example as to why they think an extraordinary measure like
 that is needed," said Alan Borovoy, general counsel of the Canadian Civil
 Liberties Association. "I can imagine all sorts of perfectly logical
 reasons why someone would have part of their face covered."
 Mr. Borovoy says his organization grew concerned after seeing how various
 cities have fought the inevitable protests and hearing how Quebec
 authorities were ramping up for this particular session.
 He says authorities "should not arrest, detain, search, seize or use force
 beyond what is necessary to uphold the law."
 The association has criticized the focus of the security tactics and urged
 the federal Solicitor-General and Quebec's Public Security Minister
 against using a heavy-handed and one-sided approach.
 "Just as it is important to ensure the security of the summit, it is no
 less important to protect the viability of the protests," said Mr.
 "It is beginning to appear that the protesters will be quarantined miles
 from the centre of conference activity ... The further away the protesters
 are, the less viable their protest will be."
 The April 20-22 meeting will bring together the leaders of 34 countries,
 including Jean Chretien, the Prime Minister, and George W. Bush, the U.S.
 President, to discuss creating a free-trade zone covering all of North and
 South America.
 These gatherings have become a touchstone for anti-globalization
 activists, particularly in the wake of the violence that erupted at the
 1999 World Trade Organization talks in Seattle.



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