
Essence of 'Liberation of Human Rights' Seen Below Surface
In recent years, styling itself as a "model of democracy" and the "defender
of human rights", the United States has created a "report on the human
rights situation in different countries" each year to teach other countries
and regions a lesson. It has even unhesitatingly allocated an annual sum of
money as high as US$700 million used to promote the "great cause" of
"opening democracy" and "conducting restructuring" abroad, euphemistically
dubbing it "liberation of human rights".
In the eyes of the US government, the world lacks human rights, and there is
a shortage of the "elite", so when a heavy task is to fall from heaven upon
someone, it seems that only the United States can undertake the "great
cause" of "opening democracy" and "liberating human rights". In fact, human
right is not a patent of the United States, rather, it is a kind of right
which people throughout the world are striving to achieve.
In the Charter of the United Nations passed as early as 1945, the
universality of this kind of human rights is affirmed. The base of human
rights is the existence and development of life, human right is, first of
all, the right to subsistence and development. In the era of today wherein
"peace and development" are the themes, the people of various countries
around the world, including the American people, are striving to create a
better environment for subsistence and development, if there is anything
like the "liberation of human rights", then, the people are the real
defenders of human rights, the genuine heroes who are engaged in the
"liberation of human rights". Isn't it ridiculous that the United States
boasts of itself being the defender of human rights?!
How will this self-styled "defender of human rights" "liberate human
In its foreign affairs, the United States often flaunts the banner, called
"protecting human rights". Ironically, however, it was under this banner
that the United States sent out troops to Iraq, bombed Kosovo and dropped
nearly 1 million radiation depleted uranium shells there, the consequences
of which had been published in newspapers, many soldiers had contracted the
"syndrome of the Gulf War" or the "Balkan syndrome", countless victimized
Iraqi and Yugoslavian people in the explosion spots had contracted illness
and died and numerous mothers consequentially gave birth to deformed babies.
Even the United States itself admits that excessive use of force in
international conflicts is inhuman; in the explanations of the US
Declaration of Independence, human right is, first of all, the vital right.
No matter what ideas the United States uses to denounce those countries, the
thousands upon thousands of common people there are absolutely innocent, so
are women and children in existence there! The rights and interests of women
and children that have always been under the key protection of the
international community have been inflicted extremely cruel damage by the US
"humanitarian mission"!
Another banner often flaunted by the United States in its foreign affairs is
the "liberation of human rights". So, countries labeled as "despotic
dictatorship" and "autocracy" by the United States have become US subversive
On January 17 this year, a "Western Hemisphere Security Cooperation
Institute" was set up by the defense department of the United States. This
represents another move taken by the United States under the name of
exporting "democracy". What is the purpose of this move? Insiders say the
predecessor of this institute was the "school of America", a military
academy under the US Army. This school was named by US non-governmental
institutions and international human right organizations as a base for
training dictators, butchers and assassins. In 1996, Pentagon was forced to
publish the contents of seven training handbooks, almost all were contents
about teaching Latin American servicemen the trial techniques-how to torture
suspects, carry out secret execution, intimidate dissidents, etc., each of
the contents is an infringement on human rights.
In fact, human right is only a political card in US foreign affairs. One of
the aims of the United States in playing the human right card is its hope to
use its concept of value to remake the world. Some Americans are invariably
proud of "electors of the God" and "model of morality". After the conclusion
of the Cold War, its status as the only superpower greatly inflated the
feeling of this Salvation Army. Its second aim is to push through its global
strategy. After the end of the Cold War, with the disappearance of the
opposing camps, the United States lost the reasons to interfere in and
control sovereign countries, but the scramble for benefits has not ended,
neither has its ambition to control the whole globe, human right has become
a high-sounding pretext it uses under the new situation.
US human right diplomacy under this purpose, or the "liberation of human
right", on the one hand, makes gesticulations relating to the human rights
of other countries, on the other hand, it, under the banner of
humanitarianism and democratic morality, has created tragedies characterized
by infringements on human rights. That is the US-brand "liberation of human
rights". Actually it has wantonly trampled upon the idea of human rights and
the human rights of other countries. Former US President Kennedy admitted
that the American people must give up their oversimplified views about
international affairs, and abandon the theory of remaking the world in the
image of the United States, which is US mission.
As the world has entered the new century, should the new US government also
change its train of thought?


Jiang Zemin Calls for Improved CPC Work Style

Jiang Zemin, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central
Committee, has urged the whole Party to make serious efforts to tackle
problems concerning the CPC's work style.
Leading Party officials must develop a good work style, so as to be capable
of leading the people to blaze new trails in the ongoing reform and
opening-up drive, he said.
Jiang, who is also Chinese president, made the remarks during a study tour
in south China's Hainan Province on February 22-28. He was accompanied by
Qian Qichen, a vice premier and member of the CPC Central Committee
Political Bureau, and Zeng Qinghong, an alternate member of the CPC Central
Committee Political Bureau and a member of the CPC Central Committee
During his stay in the scenic tropical island province, Jiang visited both
rural and urban residents in Sanya, Qionghai and Haikou cities, and Ledong
In his talks with local officials, Jiang stressed the importance of
developing Hainan, the youngest province and largest special economic zone
in the country, and praised the local people for their achievements in all
Top priority should always be given to the issue of agriculture, especially
the efforts to increase farmers' income, he said.
During his trip, the top leader also showed special interest in the life of
ethnic groups, as Hainan is home to large numbers of ethnic minorities.
Jiang's remarks were also focused on the protection of local resources and
the environment. To damage resources and the environment means destroying
the local productivity, he stressed.
Greater efforts must be made to renovate the system and develop science and
technology, in order to achieve new progress in the new century, he said.
Special economic zones should set an example in reforming the system and
lead the country in the efforts to build a more perfect socialist economic
system, he added. 
While calling for an efficient estimate of the challenges and opportunities
brought about by the technological revolution, Jiang said that the key to
achieving renovations in science and technology is to foster and attract
talented people. 
During his stay in Sanya City, the general secretary chaired a workshop to
discuss the issue of Party building, mainly the improvement of the Party's
work style. 
The Party must be better constructed so as to ensure that China 's socialist
modernization continue on the correct course, Jiang said at the workshop.
Its work style is closely related to the image and fighting capability of
the Party, he noted.
Efforts should be made to strengthen the building of the grassroots
organizations of the Party, with priority given to the work style of the
grassroots Party officials, according to Jiang.


Cult Burn Victims Still in Danger: Official
The four Falun Gong followers who set themselves ablaze in Tiananmen Square
last month are still in critical condition, despite all-out rescue efforts
by the Chinese government, a senior anti-cult official said Tuesday.¡¡
Liu Jing, head of the newly-set-up Anti-Cult Office under the State Council,
told a press conference that the treatment currently focus on the curing of
the burnt parts and nutritive support to prevent the occurrence of burn
Five Falun Gong followers from central China's Henan Province set themselves
on fire in the square on January 23. One died immediately, and the other
four were rushed to hospital with serious burns.¡¡
Among the four injured are Chen Guo, a 19-year-old music student, and Liu
Siying, a 12-year-old girl.


China Ratifies Convention on Human Rights
The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC), China's top
Legislature, approved Wednesday the International Covenant on Economic,
Social and Cultural Rights.
Following the ratification, the lawmaking body issued a statement,
announcing that the Chinese Government will assume the obligations
prescribed in Item I(a) of Article Eight of the convention in line with
relevant provisions of China's Constitution, Trade Union Law and Labour Law.
The statement also says that the signing of the convention by the Taiwan
Authorities in the name of China in 1967 is "illegal and ineffective".
China signed in 1997 the Convention adopted by the United Nations on
December 26, 1966. 


Precautions against Corruption Deployed in China's Western Development
Participants in a series of anti-corruption meetings held by the
procuratorate, political and law departments in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous
Region were urged to optimize the legal system in China's ambitious move of
developing the vast western region.
Economists said the vast western region is comparatively not reflecting the
high standards used in other regions in the country, which would mean that
officials are more likely to be motivated by economic interests to get
involved in corruption.
Lu Bing, the vice secretary of the Regional Committee of the Chinese
Communist Party, said that some officials were found to hold the banner of
"Developing the West" while at the same time being involved in fraudulent
activities involving credit cards, foreign exchange, tax invasion or abusing
their power for profits.
The procuratorate department in Guangxi investigated some 500 of such
corruption cases last year.
President Jiang Zemin has recently emphasized the importance of building the
legal system during the economic development in the western region.
Experts here pointed out some major arenas, which are possible breeding
grounds for corruption, including construction, procurement, transfer of
land-use rights of gigantic infrastructure projects and state property
trading. They urged transparency in the sectors through public bidding. At
the initial stage of development in the western region, infrastructure
projects budgeted by the Central and regional governments are usually
counted by millions or billions of money, the legal experts said. Corruption
is virtually inevitable in these projects, if there are not effective
tendering, supervision and appraisal systems.
They suggested that the government should nurture notarization businesses,
and the development of law offices and grassroots legal service institutions
or intermediate agencies in the western region in the build-up of a sound
legal environment. 


China's GDP Grows 8 Percent, Topping US$1,000bn
Preliminary estimates by China National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) show that
the gross domestic product (GDP) of China in 2000 was 8.9404 trillion yuan,
an increase of 8 percent over the previous year in constant terms.
Zhu Zhixin, commissioner of the NBS, told a press conference Wednesday,
February 28, that in 2000, departments and governments at all levels
implemented in real earnest the policies aiming at expanding domestic
demand, and continued to pursue the pro-active financial policy and the
robust monetary policy which lead to significantly improved quality of
economic performance.

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