TODAY'S NEWS (February.28.2001 Juche 90)



Harmony and unity of nation called for

Area under giant chestnut trees on steady increase

Kim Jong Il's birthday celebrated in Colombia

KCTU declares solidarity strike

South side's visiting group leaves

North side's visiting group back

Credentials presented to Kim Yong Nam by first Canadian ambassador

Kim Jong Il sends wreath to bier of late Pak Si Hyong

For Spanish-speaking people


miembros de embajada de cuba depositan ramo de flores ante busto de camarada
kim jong suk

editadas mas de 120 obras de dirigente kim jong il

Harmony and unity of nation called for
     Pyongyang, February 28 (KCNA) -- Harmony between the north and the
south and the great unity of the nation precisely mean national
reunification, says Rodong Sinmun today in a signed article. It says:
    The cause of Korea's reunification, in essence, calls for rejoining the
severed blood ties of the nation, achieving national unity and establishing
national independence throughout the country.
    The cause of national reunification, the greatest cherished desire of
the Korean nation, is unthinkable without the great unity of the nation.
    The great national unity is most important in achieving the cause of
national reunification.
    Through the historic Pyongyang meeting and the publication of the
north-south joint declaration and the drive for its implementation the
Koreans demonstrated to the full the nation's ardent desire and will for
reunification and proved again that the north and the south can reconcile
themselves and unite on the patriotic road of reunification.
    The north-south joint declaration is a declaration of independence,
peaceful reunification and great national unity anchored on the three
principles of national reunification. Only the thorough implementation of
the declaration would ensure national harmony and great unity.
    The north and the south should solve the issue of reunification
independently in the common interests of the nation and in reliance upon the
efforts of the nation and settle all the issues arising between the north
and the south on the principle of promoting co-existence, co-prosperity and
common interests and subordinating everything to the cause of national
reunification under the uplifted banner of the joint declaration.
    Positive efforts should be made to promote visits, contacts,
cooperation, exchange, solidarity and unity in the noble idea of
    The conception of confrontation should be discarded and the north and
the south should negotiate and get reconciled with each other, build
confidence and pool efforts.
    All the fellow countrymen should be responsible for the implementation
of the joint declaration.


Area under giant chestnut trees on steady increase
     Pyongyang, February 28 (KCNA) -- Giant chestnut trees of new species
are widely cultivated in Paechon county, South Hwanghae Province, which
extends along the River Ryesong flowing in the central western part of the
country. The county has annually planted those trees in vast areas.
    As a result, there appeared a forest of giant chestnut trees covering
thousands of hectares in recent few years.
    Now all the mountains in the county including Mt. Paekma, Mt. Hwanghae
and Mt. Ryonggak are clad in forests of giant chestnut trees of 8 new
species such as Obong chestnut, Subok chestnut and Soksan chestnut.
    There are in the county many co-op farms that have such forests, each
covering hundreds of hectares.
    This giant chestnut tree is quite distinct from other chestnut trees.
    First of all, it grows fast free from harmful insects.
    Chestnuts can be picked in 3-4 years after tree planting.
    Its yield is 5-10 times higher than that of the tree of the native
    It is also very nutritious and tasty.
    It is good for preparing not only ordinary food but health and medicinal
    Besides, Korea has many chestnuts of famous species including medicinal
chestnut in Pyongyang and giant chestnut in Jongju.


Kim Jong Il's birthday celebrated in Colombia
     Pyongyang, February 28 (KCNA) -- A celebration meeting, a film show, a
book and photo exhibition, a friendly meeting and a concert were held in
Colombia on Feb. 15 and 16 under the sponsorship of the Latin American and
Caribbean Regional Committee to Support the Reunification of Korea on the
occasion of leader Kim Jong Il's birthday. Present there were figures of
political, academic and public circles of different countries and people
from all walks of life.
    Omar Florez Velez, chairman of the Latin American and Caribbean Regional
Committee to Support the Reunification of Korea, in his report at the
celebration meeting said that socialist Korea has become an impregnable
bulwark as it has Kim Jong Il as the great leader.
    The committee would continue to voice positive support to the cause of
the Korean people led by the outstanding leader so that they may achieve
greater success in the struggle for national reunification and the building
of a powerful socialist nation, he stressed.
    A message of greetings to Kim Jong Il was adopted at the meeting.
    Korean films were screened at the film show and Korean and Colombian
songs were played at the concert.
    Displayed at the book and photo exhibition were Korean books and photos
showing successes achieved by the Korean people in socialist construction.


KCTU declares solidarity strike
     Pyongyang, February 28 (KCNA) -- The South Korean Confederation of
Trade Unions (KCTU) called a press conference on Feb. 23 to declare that it
would go on a solidarity strike in protest against police crackdown and
violence, according to the South Korean newspaper Hangyore. It announced
that at least 170,000 members of the federation of metal industrial workers
unions under the KCTU would call a strike at more than 200 workplaces all at
once on Feb. 28 and wage a more powerful struggle on March 1 and 3.
    KCTU chairman Tan Pyong Ho demanded the authorities apologize for human
rights abuses, release the arrested unionists and stop searching for those
on the want list. 
    And he urged the authorities to make clear their attitude towards the
demands of the Daewoo Motor Company trade union and stop forcible dismissal.


South side's visiting group leaves
     Pyongyang, February 28 (KCNA) -- The third visiting group of separated
families and relatives from the south side left here today by air. Members
of the visiting group of the south side were farewelled by their families
and relatives at Pyongyang Koryo Hotel.
    The head of the group issued a written statement upon their departure
from Pyongyang. 
    The group saw an acrobatic performance at the Pyongyang Circus Theater
on Feb. 27. 


North side's visiting group back
     Pyongyang, February 28 (KCNA) -- The third visiting group of separated
families and relatives of the north side flew back here today. The group
left Seoul today after they were farewelled by their families and relatives.
    The head of the group released a written statement before their
departure from Seoul.
    The statement said that the successful exchange of visiting groups this
time offered an optimistic view that good results would be attained in
settling humanitarian issues in the future in the basic spirit of the June
15 North-South Joint Declaration.
    It expressed the hope that the issue of the repatriation of the
remaining unconverted long-term prisoners would be settled as early as
possible and that red cross officials concerned of the south side would make
a due contribution to the solution of this most urgent issue.


Credentials presented to Kim Yong Nam by first Canadian ambassador
     Pyongyang, February 28 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the
presidium of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, received credentials from
Howard Robert Balloch, first Canadian ambassador e.p. to the DPRK, at the
Mansudae Assembly Hall today. Present there was vice-minister of foreign
affairs Kung Sok Ung.
    After receiving credentials, the president had a talk with the


Kim Jong Il sends wreath to bier of late Pak Si Hyong
     Pyongyang, February 28 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il today sent a wreath
to the bier of the late Pak Si Hyong, researcher at the faculty of history
of kim il sung university, winner of Kim Il Sung Prize, Labour Hero,
academician, professor and doctor, expressing deep condolences over his


For Spanish-speaking people

miembros de embajada de cuba depositan ramo de flores ante busto de camarada
kim jong suk
     pyongyang, 26 de diciembre (atcc) -- jose manuel inclan embade,
embajador de la republica de cuba en corea y los miembros de esta sede
diplomatica guardaron ayer un momento de silencio en memoria de la camarada
kim jong suk, gran combatiente revolucionaria comunista quien hizo
contribucion inmortal a la sagrada lucha por la causa revolucionaria del
juche, luego de depositar un ramo de flores ante su busto en el cementerio
de martires revolucionarios del monte taesong con motivo del 83 aniversario
de su nacimiento. 


editadas mas de 120 obras de dirigente kim jong il
     pyongyang, 26 de diciembre (atcc) -- en la decada de 1990 el gran
dirigente kim jong il al desplegar las excepcionales actividades
ideo-teoricas publico numerosas obras iluminando el camino de la revolucion
coreana y la mundial. mas de 120 obras entre ellas fueron editadas por la
editora del partido del trabajo de corea.
    a principios de la decada de los 90 cuando en algunos paises el
socialismo fue derrumbado por los traidores a la revolucion el dirigente kim
jong il dilucido la inevitabilidad del triunfo del socialismo como ciencia,
las lecciones historicas de la construccion socialista y las tareas y los
medios para defender y llevar adelante el socialismo coreano haciendo asi
una inmortal contribucion a salvar de la crisis la causa socialista y
llevarla adelante victoriosamente.
    entre otras se pueden citar las siguientes obras "el socialismo es
ciencia", "lecciones historicas de la construccion socialista y la linea
general de nuestro partido", "la difamacion del socialismo no sera
tolerada", "nuestro socialismo centrado en las masas populares es
invencible", "el socialismo es la vida de nuestro pueblo", etc.
    cuando el pueblo coreano sufria el gran duelo nacional al perder al gran
lider el dirigente kim jong il publico las obras "el gran lider camarada kim
il sung estara para siempre con nuestro pueblo" y "enaltezcamos eternamente
al gran lider y llevemos a feliz termino la causa de este" y otras obras
clasicas y oriento a nuestro pueblo a materializar el legado del presidente
kim il sung y completar hasta el fin la causa revolucionaria del juche.
    entre otras figuran numerosas obras clasicas que dilucidan la profunda
verdad de la gran idea juche y el medio para materializarla y que dan claras
respuestas a los problemas que se presentan en todos los dominios politico,
militar, economico y cultural.

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