> A few weeks ago, NATO Secretary-General George
> Robertson announced that the World Health Organization
> (WHO) and the United Nations Environment Program
> (UNEP) have both confirmed that there was no proven
> connection between leukemia and depleted uranium (DU),
> thus the shells used by NATO in Bosnia in 1995 and in
> Kosovo in 1999, and earlier in Iraq, were not
> particularly hazardous and did not represent an actual
> health threat. 

Who would give me advice on whether or not to ask the US to pay the back
dues to the UN that the US owes. I hope that it is okay because I have a
demand for this and True Democracy should be available tomorrow for

I think that the UN could do good work if left alone by the US. What does
anyone think?

In peace and solidarity,

Arlene Johnson
Publisher of forthcoming True Democracy
Password: freedom (first four editions)
News Source, Inc.
The Company That Cares About People
Please visit my Web site at http://truedemocracy.net and become a donor if
you can.

Let There Be Peace on Earth and Let It Begin With Me! 

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