From: Babis Angourakis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: EMEP, Turkey, Armed attack to unionist in Turkey

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            EMEP, Turkey, Armed attack to unionist in Turkey
      From: The Party  of Labour, EMEP, Turkey,  Wed, 28 Feb 2001
               mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ,
February 27, 2001

Cemal Taskin, newly elected president of Tuzla Branch of leather workers
union of Turkey (Tuzla Deri-Ýs) has beenattacked by gunmen.

We condemn the armed attack that wounded Cemal Taskin,
the leader of Tuzla leather workers

Cemal Taskin, the President of Tuzla Branch of Deri - Is (leather
workers union) Union and a member of our party was shot by the members
of a gang on the night of 26th February. The bullets wounded him from
arm and leg and he was taken to Kartal SSK hospital.
It is clear that, the shameful attack that took place in such a period
that the living conditions of the working class and the labourers got
harder and the poverty spread all over the people, aimed to stop the
movement of struggling unionists that are in the front of workers and
The attack that came simultaneously with the collective contract process
of Tuzla leather workers, also shows the target is all the leather
workers of Tuzla in tha name of Cemal Taskin. The bullets were actually
fired to Tuzla leather workers.
The responsibles of the attack are the dark forces who are the enemies
of the workers and gangs.
The triggers and the incitors should know that such attacks will be
responsed by the working class and the the labourers in the appropriate
way. The attacks of the dark forces and the gangs will not be enough to
intimidate Tuzla leather workers and the struggling unionists.
We condemn the traitorous attack targeting all Tuzla workers and
struggling sectors of the working class in the name of Cemal Taskin.
The triggers and the incitors of the attack must be captured and
punished immediately.


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