----- Original Message ----- 
From: Francisco Javier Bernal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 11:49 PM
Subject: War and Peace in the Balkans [STOPNATO.ORG.UK]


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1st March 2001  Depleted Uranium Watch

Rui Namorado Rosa
War and Peace in the Balkans  

This paper was presented in the conference "Balkans-Environment-
Depleted Uranium- European Union"  organized by  the Confederal Group
of the European Parliament and Nordic Green Left and the Euro-MP 
of the Communist Party of Greece, in Thessaloniki, Greece, 23- 24
February 2001

The so-called "humanitarian" intervention of NATO in the Balkans
during the nineties was a false military solution which made an
already complicated political situation still more complex. The
situation was further aggravated by the use of illegal weaponry. 

The uranium used in ammunitions acts as a Chemical and Radiological
Warfare agent. The head of the ammunition or missile behaves not only
as a mechanical component of a kinetic weapon but also, and above 
as a non-conventional warhead propelled by a kinetic projectile. We
know today the consequences of the use of ammunitions with depleted
uranium in the Persian Gulf and the Balkans: dramatic to the civilian
populations and serious, though on a lesser scale, to the very forces
of aggression or occupation on the field. The occurrence of several
coinciding pathologies among the Gulf War veterans and the "peace
keeping" forces in the Balkans point to the same common cause.
Epidemiological studies already done in Iraq are conclusive of the
risks impending upon the Balkans. 

After the Gulf War, when health damage accumulated among the veteran
soldiers and the civilian Iraqi populations were already being
recognized at large, the use of the same weapons in the Balkans is
still more criminal. T he extreme violence and cruelty, inherent to
these weapons, and the tortuous mystification of facts carried out by
NATO to hide this ugly reality and deceive public opinion, need be

The depleted uranium ammunitions were conceived and developed long
before the Gulf War, in early the seventies, during the "Cold War".
Fortunately the Cold War prevented a Hot War. And, as we realize
today, also prevented
 the use of weapons with depleted uranium. Large quantities of
 penetrating ammunitions lay immobilized in NATO arms magazines. The
 Gulf War (1991) came along and they were "tested" then. It was
 necessary to consume in ord
er to produce again, because in the realm of imperialism the arms
business cannot stop. They were then used for proclaimed "humanitarian
reasons" in the Balkans (Bosnia-Herzegovina 1994-95, Kosovo 1999). 

Today, besides NATO's countries more than 20 other countries already
hold weapons with depleted uranium, most sold with the approval of the
Pentagon. A generalized arms race is developing after their use being
 "legitimised" by NATO. One can foresee a sinister scenario of
 regional fratricide wars and of regional imperialist interventions
 where these weapons will proliferate.

 Ammunitions with depleted uranium are "only" an element in the
 military strategy of imperialism. NATO always talks about ammunitions
 omitting missiles like the "Tomahawk" (carrying 3 kg of uranium)
 whose use requires lau
nching means which small countries do not afford. It is a military
strategy at global level which combines operational means on land,
sea, air and outer space, only available to very few military powers,
which provides th e military advantage of using anywhere all sorts of
weapons. A strategy which goes hand in hand with its global economic

The proliferation of such weapons does not contradict the pursuit of
the New Strategic Concept that NATO claims for itself outside the
framework of the international community. And does not contradict,
rather proves, the growing aggressiveness of imperialism. The military
intervention in the Balkans illustrates imperialism's unwavering
determination in widening its economic interests around the world and
in consolidating its geo-strategic
 domination over all peoples. 

NATO carried out an aggressive intervention in the Balkans which
worsened an already complex political situation and which destroyed
lives and infrastructures and damaged the environment and the public
health in the regio n. It did not inform on the nature of the weapons
being used, thereby worsening their consequences upon civilians and
soldiers and even their own occupation forces. Only under pressure and
overwhelming evidence it eventua lly assumed their nature. The use of
such weapons, knowing their consequences after 20 years of tests in
the USA and elsewhere and several years past over their use in the
Gulf War, configures a premeditated crime. But NA TO does not want to
recognize it. To deceive public opinion and postpone its discredit
NATO resorted to successive falsehoods stating, namely:

That uranium would have unique properties to be chosen and used in
penetrating ammunitions, when tungsten and its alloys are indeed
superior in that respect, and is not a chemical or radiological agent 
That the uranium used in these arms do not have serious and lasting
consequences upon the environment and public health when, as a matter
of fact, the biological effects of assimilated uranium and the
mechanisms of its di spersion in the environment and mobilization into
the food chain are known That the Gulf and Balkan syndromes did not
exist or were due to other still mysterious causes, when there is
evidence that many pathologies appearing in both war theatres and
affecting both soldiers and civilians are coin cident  That depleted
uranium was chosen due to its low cost, thus referring to its cost to
the "big five defence contractors" (like Lockheed) but omitting the
price paid for when incorporated in lethal weapons; further, when it
is known that depleted uranium is potentially a nuclear fuel, when
burned in peaceful "breeder reactors", at the rate of five barrels of
oil per gram of uranium That the arms used were of depleted uranium,
when the presence of uranium isotope 236 and plutonium, later found in
the battle field, prove that recycled uranium was also used or used
instead, fact that makes things still
That the arms used were penetrating "ammunitions" for the destruction
of tanks and armoured vehicles, omitting the use of missiles carrying
a much higher load of uranium on other targets (Bosnia-Herzegovina
1995, Iraq 199 6, Yugoslavia 1999).  

It is necessary to call upon independent institutions to the forefront
to help unmask all these lies. We must accordingly register and greet
the initiatives taken by UNO and European Union institutions which, in
spite of the influence exerted by military powers of NATO from within,
have contributed to unveil the truth and to re-establish, to some
extent, the dignity and trust in the international community. Namely:

The UN Sub-Commission on the Prevention of Discrimination and
Protection of Minorities: an appeal to curbing the production and
dissemination of all arms of massive destruction or indiscriminate
effect, explicitly referri ng to arms containing depleted uranium
(1996)  The UN Sub-Commission on Human Rights: a resolution condemning
the use of so-called "conventional" arms of massive destruction,
indiscriminate effect or causing superfluous harm or unnecessary
suffering (1997) UN Environment Programme: the preliminary assessment
report on the use of depleted uranium in Kosovo (October 1999) and the
investigation carried out by its "DU field assessment team" (7 to 16
November 2000)  The European Parliament: an appeal to NATO members for
a moratorium on the use of depleted uranium arms; a recommendation for
an independent investigation on the health of soldiers and on the
lasting effects on the target ed sites and upon the civilian
populations, for adoption of aid to the victims and protection to the
environment and for the reconstruction of the countries of former
Yugoslavia (17th. January 2001) The Council of Europe: an appeal to
the banishment of arms with depleted uranium, for the co-operation
between UNO and NATO in following up the public health of the
populations in the Balkans, and for the international co -operation in
the environmental recovery and the reconstruction of destroyed
infrastructures (24th. January 2001)  The WHO, in cooperation of UNEP
and IAEA: the organization of fact finding field missions to Iraq,
Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro (25th. January 2001).  

It is now urgent to persist on the path of mobilizing the
international community to send investigation teams to the war
theatres in the Persian Gulf and the Balkans not yet investigated by
UNEP and WHO: Iraq, Bosnia-Herz egovina, Serbia and Montenegro and
neighbouring countries. To persist to the effect that the European
NATO countries effectively adopt the moratorium approved by the
European Parliament, to which they have yet to abide, a nd promote the
definitive banishment of the use of such arms, following the
resolution adopted by the Council of Europe. 

We cannot deny the role of scientific workers in explaining the facts
and in helping laying the foundations of the right decisions. But we
ought to alert the public opinion: political and military leaders,
governmental an d international authorities, have manipulated
scientific data to deceive the public. And are trying to remit to the
sphere of academic dispute the fact finding for presumed future
decisions, thereby pretending to hide rea lity and to postpone urgent
political decisions. What is at stake is the choice between Peace or
War. We are not solving a scientific problem in proving the crime that
was committed. The role that is expected from scienti fic workers now
is to save lives and recover the environment for today's and future

Because of the delay in accepting the nature of the weapons used in
the Gulf and the Balkans, the civilian populations and even the
aggression or occupation forces were exposed to increased risks and
aggravated consequenc es. Because of the delay in recognizing the
serious and lasting environmental and sanitary consequences of these
weapons, there is a delay in taking urgent measures that can yet
reduce, where possible, the risks and, at l east, remedy the harm
already done. 

In Portugal, the public opinion is largely against the military 
intervention in the Balkans and against the Portuguese participation
in this intervention. These recent events in Europe have contributed
to reveal the criminal nature of imperialism and to show NATO's
mission as the fighting arm of imperialism. By dropping its defensive
mask and by launching its offensive actions, NATO is revealing its
real nature. 

The active involvement or veiled consent of NATO's European members'
governments in the criminal intervention in the Balkans discredited
them before their country's peoples. With this War the Europeans
learned a lesson and lost their innocence. Consciences are changing.
We shall continue the struggle for NATO's dissolution and shall 
any attempt of militarisation of the European Union. And affirm once
again our solidarity with the brotherly peoples of the Balkans. 

This page: http://www.stopnato.org.uk/du-watch/misc/warpeace.htm

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