Red carpet welcome for Russian president

A red carpet welcome was given to Russian President Vladimir Putin on March

Mr Putin is in Vietnam for a three-day official visit, the first in his
capacity as Russian President, from February 28.

President Tran Duc Luong and Deputy Prime Minister Pham Gia Khiem were
prominent among those present at the welcoming ceremony.

President Luong warmly welcome the visit by his Russian counterpart,
describing it as an important landmark in the time-honoured friendship and
co-operation between the two countries.

The Vietnamese leader affirmed Vietnam always attaches importance to
consolidating and strengthening traditional ties with the Russian
Federation. He said that boosting relations with Russia is a long-term
strategy of Vietnam's foreign policy.

President Luong said he hoped that the current Vietnam visit by the Russian
President will create a momentum to bring the Vietnam-Russia
economic-commercial co-operation on a par with their fine political
relations. The move, he noted, will provide a significant material basis for
sustainable development of the traditional, comprehensive co-operation
between Vietnam and the Russian Federation, meeting the aspiration and
interests of the two people, thus contributing to regional and world peace,
stability and development.

President Putin expressed his joy at visiting Vietnam, a beautiful country,
and at witnessing the achievements recorded by the heroic Vietnamese people
in their national renovation and construction.

The Russian President expressed his sincere thanks to President Tran Duc
Luong, the Vietnamese State, government and people for their hospitality.

He noted with satisfaction the fine development of the relationship in
political, economic, cultural and scientific and technological areas between
the two countries over the past years. "As far as the Russian Federation's
external relations in Asia are concerned," he stressed "Friendship and
multi-faceted co-operation with Vietnam will enjoy priority."

He said he believed that the visit would help the two parties continue
discussing measures to better promote close coordination in developing
Vietnam-Russia co-operation in conformity with each country's potential and

Immediately after the grand welcoming ceremony, President Tran Duc Luong
held talks with President Putin. (VNA)


Vietnam - Russia summit held

President Tran Duc Luong held long talks with his visiting Russian
counterpart Vladimir Putin at the Presidential Palace in Hanoi on March 1.

He warmly welcomed his guest, the first Russian President to visit Vietnam,
and his entourage. The two men briefed each other about the situation in
their countries, agreed to orientations and measures to further develop
their comprehensive co-operation in the first years of the 21st century and
exchanged views about regional and international issues of mutual concern.

President Luong said he was delighted with the encouraging results gained by
the Russian people under Mr Putin's presidency.

They had maintained political and social stability and economic development
while defending their sovereignty and territorial integrity. He said he
believed that led by President Putin and his administration and with warm
support of the Russian people, Russia's status in the world would be
gradually restored.

President Luong thanked the Russian people for their valuable and effective
help to Vietnam in its struggle for independence, freedom and unification.
He emphasised that his country's comprehensive co-operation with Russia was
an important factor in the success of its renovation, industrialisation and

President Luong re-stated Vietnam's policy of constantly strengthening and
further developing the traditional friendship and multi-form co-operation
with Russia as a priority and long-term strategic orientation in the
external policy of the Vietnam Communist Party and State.

President Putin praised the achievements of the Vietnamese people through
renovation and raising their country's international role. He affirmed that
Russia thinks Vietnam a strategic partner in south-east Asia and would
continue strengthening and developing its comprehensive co-operation with
the country. 

The two presidents said they were pleased with and highly appreciated the
new steps in the development of the multiform co-operation between their

They said co-operation between Vietnam and Russia was having a practical
effect, thus contributing to stability and development in each country and
strengthening peace and co-operation in the south-east Asia, Asia-Pacific
and the world. 

They agreed to establish a mechanism for regular political dialogue, enhance
their international high-level contacts and unceasingly expand the effective
co-operation between the two countries, especially in oil and gas,
electricity generation, science-technology, technology, education and

President Luong said the first visit to Vietnam by President Putin was an
historical milestone in the more than 50 years relationship between Vietnam
and Russia. It would open a new stage to and bring their multi-form
co-operation to a new height that met the aspirations of the peoples of each
country, for peace, stability, co-operation and development in the region
and the world. 

President Putin invited President Luong and his wife to visit Russia at an
appropriate time and the invitation was accepted with pleasure. (VNA)


Vietnam, Russia sign Joint Statement, co-operation agreements

President Tran Duc Luong (right) and President Vladimir Putin
sign Vietnam-Russia Joint Statement.

A Joint Statement for a Strategic Partnership between the Socialist Republic
of Vietnam and the Russian Federation was signed in Hanoi on March 1, by
President Tran Duc Luong and President Putin.

The two presidents also witnessed the signing, and renewing of four
bilateral co-operation agreements.

These were: An agreement for co-operation between the foreign trade banks of
the two countries, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Vietnam's
Search-and-Rescue Commission and Russia's Ministry for Militia Affairs,
Emergencies and Settlement of Natural Disaster Consequences; agreement for
co-operation in standardisation, measurements and certifications as well as
co-operation in the mutual acknowledgement of trademarks and experimental
results between Vietnam's Ministry of Sciences, Technology and Environment
and Russia's State Commission for Standardisation and Measurement.

Also signed were a protocol attached to the agreement between the Vietnamese
and Russian governments for continued co-operation in exploration and
exploitation of oil and gas on Vietnam's southern continental shelf to be
carried out by the joint venture enterprise Vietsovpetro agreed on July 17,
1991 and revaluation of the legal basis and validity of treaties and
agreements signed by both countries to boost bilateral ties. (VNA)


Vietnamese, Russian leaders meet press

Vietnamese President Tran Duc Luong and his Russian counterpart, Vladimir
Putin, assured reporters in Hanoi on March 1 that their countries were
determined to enhance bilateral co-operation in all fields, politically,
economically, socially, culturally, educationally and scientifically.

At a joint news conference, held immediately after they witnessed the
signing of co-operation agreements, the presidents told reporters that their
countries would continue consolidating and developing their friendship and
traditional co-operation in the interests of both and for peace, stability,
co-operation and prosperity in the region and the world.

After briefing the media about the outcome of his talks with Russian
President Putin, President Luong said that Vietnam and Russia had worked in
recent years to maintain their close friendly ties, solidarity and effective
multi-faceted co-operation for mutual benefit.

"Having common viewpoints and interests in a number of regional and global
issues, the two countries have always supported each other in regional and
international forums," President Luong said.

He added that Vietnam-Russia friendship and co-operation - which was
established and had been fostered for more than a half century - was
developing smoothly.

Noting with satisfaction the results of their high-profile talks, President
Putin said that his country would further boost bilateral multi-faceted
co-operation by redoubling its efforts to implement newly-signed agreements.
He said that Vietnam and Russia had just signed important documents
including a Joint Statement, outlining orientation and guidelines for the
development of long-term co-operation between the two countries.

President Putin emphasised that further boosts to economic and commercial
co-operation would encourage the Vietnamese and Russian government agencies,
branches and localities to expand bilateral links to match the potential of
the two countries. 

He said that steps to bolster co-operation in the exploration and
exploitation of oil and gas, energy, ship building, culture, tourism,
science, technology, education and training had also been discussed. (VNA)


Russian president presented Ho Chi Minh Order

President Vladimir Putin was presented with the Ho Chi Minh Order, the most
valuable prize of the State and people of Vietnam, at a ceremony in Hanoi on
March 1 on the occasion of the visit to Vietnam by the Russian president.

This follows the Russian president¹s contributions in strengthening the
traditional friendship and co-operation between Vietnam and the Russian

Also on this occasion, Deputy Prime Minister Khristenko and Foreign Minister
Ivanov were presented with the Friendship Order for their great
contributions to strengthening traditional ties between the two countries.


At the presentation ceremony, President Tran Duc Luong affirmed that these
prizes symbolise the sincere thanks of the State and people of Vietnam to
the State and people of Russia for their valuable assistance during the
struggles for national independence of the Vietnamese people in the past.
The prizes also express high appreciation of new development in the
traditional friendship and co-operation between the two countries in the
past and strategic partnership at present.

President Putin, on behalf of the Russian leaders presented with the
honourable orders, expressed his sincere thanks for the high appreciation of
contributions of the Russian leaders in strengthening friendship and
co-operation by the State, government and people of Vietnam. He said that
the prizes were not only honour but also responsibilities of the Russian
leaders for further consolidating the traditional ties between Vietnam and


Banquet held for Russian guests

President Tran Duc Luong gave a banquet to President Vladimir Putin and his
entourage in the evening of March 1.

At the banquet to the Russian guests President Luong delivered a speech to
welcome the visit by the Russian president.

On the same day, President Putin and his entourage saw a special performance
of Vietnamese artists at the Opera House.

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