To all -
Below is an update on the ongoing struggle to reinstate Jordana Sardo and 
defend the union at Harry's Mother.  Contacting Janus and Stoel Rives to 
express your support for our fight for good faith bargaining, and a living 
wage contract is greatly appreciated.

Industrial Workers of the World, IU 670
c/o The Red & Black Café, 2138 SE Division, Portland, OR  97202
 503-231-3899

                    Statement to the Media
                        March 3, 2001

Contact:                Jordana Sardo


                        Bill Bradley
                        (Day) 503-231-3899
                        (Evening) 503-236-6948

For release:            Immediately

     International Union (IU) 670 of the Industrial Workers of the World 
(IWW) held a demonstration on Wednesday, February 28, outside Stoel Rives 
law offices in downtown Portland.  The IWW IU 670 is the bargaining agent 
for workers at Harry’s Mother, a division of Janus Youth Programs.  The 
demonstration demanded the immediate reinstatement of Jordana Sardo, 
illegally laid off by Janus Youth Programs in the midst of contract 
negotiations, and for the nonprofit agency to stop its union-busting tactics 
and bargain in good faith with the IWW.

     Jordana Sardo is an IU 670 leader, a member of the contract negotiating 
team, and longtime advocate for social services.  She has worked as the 
administrative backbone of Harry’s Mother for over 9 years.  In her absence, 
the critical work she provided for the Program Director and social service 
staff falls on the hard pressed case managers, whose time should be spent in 
direct service to the clients of Harry’s Mother.  No sound business 
principles or concern for the needs of the community would conclude that 
administrative support is a dispensable activity.

     The demonstration highlighted the fact that Stoel Rives, despite a 
reputation as a liberal law firm, is playing a union-busting role in the 
struggle by the union for a living wage contract.  Stoel Rives is the legal 
advisor to Janus management at the bargaining table, and responsible for 
informing their client of the requirements of the National Labor Relations 
Act (NLRA) concerning Unfair Labor Practices. The law firm also is a member 
of Janus’ Board of Directors.

      Over 60 unionists, civil rights activists, feminists, youth, and 
concerned citizens attended Wednesday’s action.  Among the organizations 
providing solidarity with IU 670 were members of several Industrial Unions 
of the IWW, two Teamsters locals, Carpenters, Municipal Employees, the Urban 
Workers Union and Jobs with Justice.  Students from high schools and local 
universities, as well as other young people attended the demonstration.  
Employees of Stoel Rives were leafleted with information about the labor 
struggle as they left and entered the building.

     Over the last year, IWW IU 670 has worked to increase community and 
governmental support for Janus Youth Programs.  They have testified before 
local government bodies for increases in funding for Janus, and advocated 
for youth programs in community meetings, media appearances and press 
releases.  Community support that has been building for the programs 
administered by Janus is now threatened by Janus’ aggressive anti-union 
actions.  If community support is lost, the blow will be borne by members of 
the bargaining unit and the clients of Harry’s Mother, who are homeless and 
at-risk youth and in no position to find other sources for needed social 

     After eight months of contract negotiations, Janus Youth Programs 
announced lay-offs for bargaining unit members Tera Couchman, Michele 
Markowitz and Jordana Sardo, and the elimination of the Student Alliance of 
Garden Entrepreneurs (S.A.G.E.) program.  The union quickly filed an Unfair 
Labor Practice complaint with the National Labor Relations Board.  When that 
failed to convince Janus to rescind the lay-offs the Union began organizing 
community support for their struggle.

     A public campaign, involving phone calls, letters, petition signatures 
and a public audit action, pressured Janus Youth Programs to rescind the 
lay-offs of Couchman and Markowitz, and to find funding for the S.A.G.E. 
program.  However, Sardo’s lay-off went into affect February 16.  Janus has 
claimed that Sardo’s dismissal is not an Unfair Labor Practice.   Janus’ 
assertion, that dismissing a member of the contract negotiating team during 
negotiations is not interfering with the Union’s legally recognized right to 
collective bargaining, is based on a distorted interpretation of the NLRA.

     The union will continue to assert its demands for the immediate 
restoration of Jordana Sardo’s position, good faith bargaining, and a living 
wage contract for the employees of Harry’s Mother.  Concerned members of the 
community are encouraged to contact Dennis Morrow, Executive Director of 
Janus Youth Programs and Richard Gleason, Board member representing Stoel 
Rives.  Morrow can be reached by phone at 503-233-6090, by fax at 
503-233-6093 and by email at [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Gleason can be reached by phone 
at 503-224-3380.

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