TODAY'S NEWS (March.02.2001 Juche 90)



Symposium of scholars from north and south held

North-south joint exhibition of historical data opens

Tree-planting movement called for

More than 160 cases of U.S. aerial espionage registered

Spring tree planting begins

New stamp

Aerial acrobatics in its golden days

DPRK mourners' delegation visits Han Tok Su's residence

Greetings to foreign minister of Kuwait

Greetings to prime minister of Kuwait

Kim Yong Nam meets special envoy of Swedish PM

For Spanish-speaking people


tierra humeda y proteccion de esta en rpdc

ilusion anacronica de japon


Symposium of scholars from north and south held
     Pyongyang, March 2 (KCNA) -- A symposium of scholars of the north and
the south on the illegality of the Japanese imperialists' occupation of
Korea was held here on Thursday. Present there were scholars in the field of
social sciences of the north and historians from the south who came here to
participate in the north-south joint exhibition of data.
    The symposium heard speeches made by scholars from the north and the
south on the subjects of "Illegality of Japanese Imperialists' Occupation of
Korea Proven by Data", "Historical Study of Japanese Imperialists' Criminal
Aggression and Occupation of Korea ," "'South Korea -Japan Treaty' and
Prospect of Signing Korea -Japan Treaty," "Illegality of Japan's
'Annexation' of Korea " and "Examination of Unreasonable Conclusion of
Treaties Forced by Japan upon Korea from 1904 to 1910".
    The speakers accused Japan of craftily working to justify its aggression
and occupation of Korea , talking about their "lawfulness" and "validity",
and evade the responsibility for them.
    They also cited historical facts to prove that the sheer illegality of
the Japanese imperialists' occupation of Korea can never be denied.
    They noted that the old "treaties" and "conventions" including "Ulsa
five-point treaty," "Jongmi seven-point treaty" and "Korea -Japan annexation
treaty" forced by the Japanese imperialists upon Korea were sheer
    Dismissing the Japanese imperialists' occupation of Korea as totally
illegal, they urged the Japanese authorities to honestly repent of Japan's
crime-woven past and make an apology and compensation for its crimes
committed against the Korea n people.


North-south joint exhibition of historical data opens
     Pyongyang, March 2 (KCNA) -- The north-south joint exhibition of data
on the illegality of the Japanese imperialists' occupation of Korea opened
at the grand people's study house in Pyongyang yesterday under the
cosponsorship of the History Institute of the Academy of Social Sciences of
the North and the Saun Institute of the South to mark the 82nd anniversary
of the march first popular uprising, a nationwide anti-Japanese patriotic
resistance. On display in the exhibition hall are at least 1,000 data on the
Japanese imperialists' illegal occupation of Korea and the criminal colonial
rule enforced by them.
    Among them are an operation and action map used by the Japanese
intruders during the Imjin Patriotic War (1592-1598) and other historical
materials telling how the Japanese imperialists cooked up the "Unyo-Maru"
incident, guided by the "theory of conquest of Korea ", forced Korea to sign
the first shackling "Kanghwa islet treaty" and held the position to dominate
Korea after the Qing-Japanese war, doing enormous harm to Koreans. Also on
display are original copies of documents and records testifying to the fact
that the Japanese imperialists fabricated the "Ulsa five-point treaty" and
"Jongmi 7-point treaty" by militarily threatening the old Korea n government
and historical materials telling how they forced the change of power upon
the feudal government of the ri dynasty and disorganized the Korea n army to
deprive Korea of her sovereign rights.
    Exhibits there also include original copies of criminal documents
including the "Japan-Korea annexation treaty" and a "telegram on annexation
of Korea ," photos and publications and materials on the Japanese
imperialists' crackdown upon the Korea n people's anti-Japanese movement for
    Jong Chang Gyu, director of the history institute of the academy of
social sciences, in an inaugural speech called on the people and historians
in the north and the south to always heighten vigilance against the Japanese
reactionaries' wrong attitude, roundly expose and denounce their past crimes
and wage a nationwide joint struggle for Japan's apology and compensation.
    Ri Jong Hak, director of the Saun Institute of South Korea, in his
speech said that the Japanese imperialists are responsible for the
misfortune and sufferings the Korean nation is now undergoing.
    Ri Song Mu, chairman of the South Korean Committee for Editing the
National History, in his speech called on the historians in the south and
north to study, discuss and cooperate with each other to set right all the
distorted aspects of the history of the Japanese imperialists' aggression of


Tree-planting movement called for
     Pyongyang, March 2 (KCNA) -- Today is the tree-planting day. Rodong
Sinmun today carries news of achievements in planting trees with patriotic
feelings to cover the country with thick verdure and Minju Joson an
editorial calling upon the masses to turn out in the spring tree-planting
    the DPRK has channelled great efforts into afforestation,setting it as
an important work for the prosperity of the country and the happiness of the
    Minju Joson in the editorial underscores the need to plant many trees in
order to beautify the landscape of the country, develop the economy and
improve people's living standard, noting that forests are the precious
treasure for the prosperity of the country and happiness of the generations
to come. 
    The editorial says that masses should carry out a nation-wide
tree-planting in a short span of time, and calls upon the whole country and
all the people to turn out in spring tree-planting.


More than 160 cases of U.S. aerial espionage registered
     Pyongyang, March 2 (KCNA) -- The U.S. imperialists committed more than
160 cases of aerial espionage against the DPRK in February, according to a
military source. Strategic and tactical reconnaissance planes, command
planes and electronic warfare helicopters with different missions made
shuttle flights from their bases in South Korea and overseas over the
forefront and western coastal areas to spy on major targets in the area of
the north's side along the Military Demarcation Line.
    The frantic espionage committed with the provocative "Hoguk 2001" joint
military exercises at hand clearly shows how hard the U.S. imperialists are
working to get ready for a war of aggression against the DPRK under the
signboard of "peace" and "detente".


Spring tree planting begins
     Pyongyang, March 2 (KCNA) -- Spring tree planting has begun in the
DPRK. The ministry of land and environment protection plans to plant
hundreds of millions of trees in the period from march to may, taking the
country as a whole.
    All the provinces, cities and counties have prepared a sufficient number
of saplings of fast-growing trees of great economic value.
    Planting of good species of trees including larch, acacia and poplar is
now brisk in Pyongyang, north hwanghae and south Phyongan provinces and
other regions. 
    Nice-looking trees including dawn redwood and gingko are being planted
on either side of the Youth Hero Motorway, the September 9 Street and the
Pyongyang -Hyangsan Tour Motorway and near railways and residential areas.
    On March 2, Juche 35 (1946), president kim il sung climbed up Moran Hill
in Pyongyang and said that lots of trees should be planted to make it
thickly wooded. 
    This day was set as tree-planting day and a large number of trees are
planted on this occasion every year in the DPRK.
    Over 140,000 hectares of forests were created in the country last year


New stamp
     Pyongyang, March 2 (KCNA) -- The Ministry of Posts and
Telecommunications has issued a stamp to celebrate the birthday of leader
Kim Jong Il. Printed in the middle of the stamp is Kimjongilia against a
background of Jong Il Peak with a dazzling display of fireworks.
    Written on the stamp are letters "In celebration of the Birthday of the
Great Leader Comrade Kim Jong Il" and "February 16".
    The ministry has also brought out a commemorative envelope depicting the
native home in the secret camp on Mt. Paektu with slogan-bearing trees.


Aerial acrobatics in its golden days
     Pyongyang, March 2 (KCNA) -- Circus is making rapid progress in the
DPRK under the state care. Aerial acrobatics has reached the highest
watermark in its development.
    A clear proof of this was its success at the 9th Massay International
Circus Festival held in France last January.
    Over 30 successful pieces were presented at the festival by acrobats
from different countries.
    The aerial acrobatics "flying girls" presented by DPRK boys and girls
was highly acclaimed by the spectators and received the first prize.
    Aerial acrobatics in the DPRK dates back to the early 1950s when the
Pyongyang circus was established, its maiden number was "duet swinging". The
aerial acrobatics has since made progress like other numbers and new items
have been added to the program of the circus.
    Korea n aerial acrobats have made a performance tour of several
countries since early in the 1970s.
    The DPRK 's aerial acrobatics has been highly appreciated at the world
circus competitions and international circus festivals since the outset of
the 1980s. 
    Korea n aerial acrobats successfully presented treble flip-flap with a
simultaneous pirouette, quadruple pirouette in the air and other acts
considered as most difficult movements in the world, truthfully representing
the feature of each number.
    "Aerial flight on the swings", "aerial flight on the bar", "fliers" and
other aerial acrobatic items won gold prize, gold lion prize and other
prizes at the Monte Carlo International Circus Festival, the Wuqiao
International Circus Festival in China and other festivals.


DPRK mourners' delegation visits Han Tok Su's residence
     Tokyo, March 1 (KCNA) -- The DPRK mourners' delegation headed by
vice-president Yang Hyong Sop of the presidium of the Supreme People's
Assembly, on a visit to Japan to participate in the ceremony for bidding
farewell to the late Han Tok Su, chairman of the central standing committee
of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon), called
at his residence on March 1. They were greeted at his residence by So Man
Sul, first vice-chairman of the Chongryon central standing committee who is
chairman of the funeral committee for the late Han Tok Su, and ho jong man,
its chief vice-chairman who is vice-chairman of the funeral committee, and
the bereaved family members.
    The members of the delegation observed moment's silence in memory of the
late Han Tok Su and expressed deep condolences to his bereaved family
    The head of the delegation conveyed the words said by leader Kim Jong Il
expressing his sorrow over the death of Han Tok Su.


Greetings to foreign minister of Kuwait
     Pyongyang, March 2 (KCNA) -- Paek Nam Sun, foreign minister of the
DPRK, sent a message of greetings to Sheikh Sabah al-Ahmed al-Jaber upon his
reappointment as first deputy prime minister and foreign minister of the
cabinet of the state of Kuwait. In the belief that the friendly and
cooperative relations between the DPRK and Kuwait would develop on a high
stage this year in conformity with the desire of the two peoples, the
message wished him success in his responsible work for the sovereignty,
peace and progress of the country.


Greetings to prime minister of Kuwait
     Pyongyang, March 2 (KCNA) -- Hong Song Nam, premier of the DPRK
cabinet, sent a message of greetings to Sheich Saad al-Abdullah al-Salem
al-Sabah, heir to the amir of the state of Kuwait, upon his reappointment as
prime minister of its cabinet. The message extended warm congratulations and
friendly greetings to him and expressed the belief that the friendly
relations between the two countries would develop on a new high stage.
    It wished him great success in his responsible work for the progress and
prosperity of the country.


Kim Yong Nam meets special envoy of Swedish PM
     Pyongyang, March 2 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the presidium
of the DPRK Supreme People's Assembly, met and conversed with Hans Dahlgren,
state secretary for foreign affairs who is a special envoy of the Swedish
prime minister, and his party at the Mansudae Assembly hall today when they
paid a courtesy call on him. Present on the occasion were vice-minister of
foreign affairs Choe Su Hon and charge d'affaires of the Swedish embassy
here Svante Kilander.
    The special envoy said they would make efforts to develop the bilateral
relations, hoping that such affirmative developments as the inter-Korea n
summit and the June 15 North-South Joint Declaration would continue to take
place in the Korea n peninsula.
    Foreign minister Paek Nam Sun, too, met the Swedish guests who paid a
courtesy call on him.
    The envoy and his party arrived here today.


For Spanish-speaking people

tierra humeda y proteccion de esta en rpdc
     pyongyang, 2 de febrero (atcc) -- hoy es el dia mundial del terreno
humedo. con motivo de esta efemeride, en corea se desarrollan diversas
labores para la proteccion de los terrenos humedos.
    se efectuan en distintas formas las labores de divulgacion de
conocimientos cientificos sobre la proteccion de esos lugares y las aves
migratorias que habitan alli.
    los terrenos humedos se encuentran en extensas zonas de corea desde las
costas de los mares este y oeste de corea hasta las areas elevadas de mas de
1 000 metros sobre el nivel del mar. habitan alli mas de 430 variedades de
68 familias de plantas.
    las caracteristicas ecologicas de los terrenos humedos de corea son las
marismas, turbales, cienagas en las corrientes abajo de los rios, lagos y
lagunas que sirven de lugares de paso, descanso y de invernar para las aves
migratorias raras. 
    decenas de variedades de rayuelos que invernan en oceania y paren en el
circulo polar artico casi en su totalidad pasan por las costas de los mares
este y oeste de corea.
    la bahia de taedong, ongjin y kangryong en la costa occidental y la zona
del lago tongjong en la costa oriental sirven de lugares de paso y de
invernar para los generos de ciguena y cisne que son objetos de proteccion.
    en corea existen 12 zonas de proteccion de terrenos humedos incluidas
mundok, ongjin, chongdan, orangchon, kumya. en estas zonas se desarrolla la
labor de averiguacion, vigilancia e investigacion relativas a la proteccion
del particular. 
    en corea la "ley sobre la proteccion ambiental" y "la ley sobre la
proteccion de animales utiles" permiten desarrollar bajo la atencion del
estado la labor para la proteccion de los terrenos humedos de gran
significado en el aseguramiento de la diversidad biologica y su uso


ilusion anacronica de japon
     pyongyang, 2 de febrero (atcc) -- el diario "rodong sinmun" en el
numero de hoy inserto un articulo para comentar el hecho de que desde el
comienzo de ano nuevo el japon adula a ee.uu. a fin de hacerse miembro
permanente del consejo de seguridad de la onu. el comentario senala:
    hace unos dias, el hombre en autoridad diplomatica del japon en una
conversacion con el secretario de estado norteamericano sostenida durante su
visita a ee.uu. le dio a conocer la posicion de su pais sobre la reforma del
consejo de seguridad de la onu y le solicito la cooperacion para que su pais
se haga miembro permanente de este consejo.
    tambien el hombre en autoridad suprema del japon durante su visita
programada a ee. uu. solicitara a la nueva administracion de ee.uu. la
cooperacion del particular, segun trascendio.
    esta humillante peticion de las autoridades japonesas parte de la
verdadera intencion de su pais de perseguir sus intereses llevando a cuestas
a la gran potencia.
    el japon pretende hacerse miembro permanente del consejo de seguridad de
la onu no para lograr la paz, la estabilidad y el desarrollo del mundo sino
para ocupar la posicion de la potencia politica, utilizar la autoridad del
pais miembro permanente y actuar como "superpotencia" dominando a otros
    ya ha pasado aquella epoca en que un pais determinado manejaba
arbitrariamente la politica mundial y el problema internacional. la
equitativa opinion publica considera que para propiciar la discusion y
solucion equitativas de los importantes problemas de la politica
internacional los paises con un propio criterio, juicio y derecho a
pronunciar y otros en vias de desarrollo deben ocupar la posicion del
miembro permanente.
    nadie puede apoyar el japon que desarrolla la humillante diplomacia de
peticion sin criterio ni independencia.
    el japon tiene las cosas a cumplir ahora mismo antes de sonar con el
puesto del pais miembro permanente del consejo de seguridad de la onu. hay
orden de prioridades en todas las cosas. ante todo las autoridades japonesas
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