
Chinese Scholars Condemn US Annual Report on Human Rights
Experts and scholars from China Society for Human Rights Studies (CSHRS)
convened Friday to refute the distorted statements concerning China's human
rights record in the US annual report on human rights, which was released
February 27 by the US State Department.
In response to the statement in the annual report accusing Chinese
government's autocratic rule and prevailing infringement on human rights,
Zhou Jue, President of CSHRS, said that it is a common practice for the US
government to fabricate conclusions out of hearsay evidence.
Zhou held that the ultimate goal of the annual report was to change the
socialist system of Chinese society.
Zhu Muzhi, honorary president of CSHRS, said that the annual report's
statement admitting China's continuous progress in improving people's living
conditions repudiated its groundless censure on China's human rights.
To save China's large population from starvation is the best manifestation
of China's concern and successful efforts to protect fundamental human
rights, he said. 
Human rights specialists present at Friday's seminar also held that this
year's human rights statement by the US government is characterized by
taking China's official ban on the Falun Gong cult as a vital proof for
persecution on religion.
"The annual report turned a deaf ear to the atrocities done by the Falun
Gong cult organization. Isn't it the most inhumane and vicious deed for a
mother to destroy lives gestated by her at the instigation of Li Hongzhi,
the cult's ringleader?" asked Ye Xiaowen, director of the State
Administration of Religious Affairs.
United Nations human rights specialist Fan Guoxiang said that the US
government was using the human rights issue as a pretext to interfere with
China's internal affairs and attempting to stall China's rapid social
Fan said that countries with different cultural and historical backgrounds
define human rights differently. It is a hegemonic act of the US State
Department to impose their human rights standards on other countries with
the release of the annual report.
China on February 27 released "U.S. Human Rights Record in 2000 " detailing
the rampant infringement of human rights in the United States in response to
the U.S. accusation.


NPC Deputies & CPPCC Members Shoulder Heavy Responsibilities
As the saying goes, "making plans for the year in spring", in the first
spring of the new century, the "two sessions"-the Fourth Session of the
Ninth National People's Congress (NPC) and the Fourth Session of the Ninth
National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference
(CPPCC), which attract the attention of the whole nation-will he opened in
The "two sessions" of this year are unusual, NPC deputies and CPPCC members,
shouldering the heavy responsibilities entrusted by the people of the whole
country, will discuss and examine the 10th Five-year Plan and other major
topics, depict the spring beauty of the new century and draw up a blueprint
for development in the next five years.
NPC Deputy.Yang Renzheng, mayor of Taizhou City of Zhejiang Province, said
that the session of this year is of great significance, the 10th Five-year
Plan to be discussed and examined at the session will surely play an
important role in China's development in the new century. He said Taizhou is
the birthplace of China's joint stock system. For the session, he has
prepared two proposals: First, the Proposal on Speeding Up the Shareholding
System Reform of State-owned Commercial Banks; second, the Proposal for
Accelerating the Development of Teacher Education.
CPPCC Member Bai Jingzhong, honorary chairman of the China Metrology
Association, expressed this view: China's 10th Five-year Plan, the main
topic to be discussed and examined at the "two sessions", will be of
extremely important significance to our country's social and economic
development, invigoration and take-off and to our great national
rejuvenation. He said he would fulfill his responsibility as a CPPCC member
by contributing his ideas and suggestions to the session.
Gan Zhihe, director of the Investment and Planning Department of the State
Economic and Trade Commission, said that as clearly stated by the Fifth
Plenum of the 15th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC),
structural readjustment is the main line of the development of the national
economy during the 10th Five-year Plan period, and industrialization remains
an important part of China's modernization drive, he said we earnestly hoped
that all the deputies to the first NPC Congress in the new century would
show more concern for structural readjustment, particularly the use of high
and new technology to revamp traditional industries and for high and new
technological industrialization and put forward constructive opinions and
set higher demand on us.
General Manager Guo Xiumin with an exclusively ROK-owned enterprise
expressed the hope that new State policies related to exclusively owned
enterprises would be published, and when the 10th Five-year Plan is
discussed and examined at the "two sessions", attention would be paid to the
question concerning the development of foreign-funded enterprises and
greater efforts to expand the absorption of foreign investment would be
NPC Deputy Liu Bingyin, president of the Henan Xinfei Electrical Appliance
Company, remarked: After China's entry into the WTO, Chinese enterprises
will face fierce global market competition. For many years, his company has
consistently carried out the name-brand strategy and been further integrated
with the world market system. He said as an NPC deputy from an enterprise,
he would strive to shoulder the heavy task of invigorating the national
Wang Lili, executive deputy director of Beijing's Fangshan District No.1
Clothing Factory, while talking about the relationship between the revamping
of State institutions and enterprise reform, said, "on the eve of the 'two
sessions', the State Economic and Trade Commission dissolved the Internal
Trade Bureau and eight other State bureaus under the administration of the
Commission, guidance for their related businesses will be vested in a
department of the State Economic and Trade Commission. In this way, the
enterprise can directly face the market, but the State still cannot relax
its policy and information guidance for the enterprises. He hoped that the
final version of the 10th Five-year Plan to be discussed and examined at the
"two sessions" could embody relevant State policies supporting enterprises.
He Guangwei, director of the National Tourism Administration, said that for
many years, China's tourism industry has received all-out support and
concern from the People's Congresses and Chinese People's Political
Consultative Conference at various levels. During the period of the "two
sessions" each year, tourism is the hot-spot area attracting the attention
of NPC deputies and CPPCC members who have put forward many opinions and
proposals with important reference value. The tourism industry, as a new
growth point of the national economy, will play a still greater role in
speeding up the economic restructuring and improving urban and rural
people's living standards during the 10th Five-year Plan period. He hoped
that NPC deputies and CPPCC members would show more concern for and give
greater support to tourism industry, efforts will be made to achieve the
goal of making China a tourism power in 2020.
CPPCC Member Zeng Peisheng, vice-president of the All-China Invention
Association, presented a copy of written proposal and told the reporters,
"Rejuvenating the country through science and education is a major event of
merits and virtues for generations to come, it needs the support of leaders
at various levels and the attention of the whole people. Our proposal is
accelerating construction of a platform for popularization of intelligence
education and blazing a trail for training students' creative capability and
improving the quality of the whole people."
CPPCC Member Ni Guangnan, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering,
said that he had an unfinished written proposal, which is a question
concerning the protection of intellectual property rights. He said, "In the
fast developing information industry, particular attention should be paid to
the protection of intellectual property rights."
In the opinion of Chen Dongsheng, former director with the Western
Development Research Center under the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,
the large-scale development of the western region is a long-term strategic
decision of the State.
In an interview with a reporter, Niu Yuru, elected as vice-chairman of the
Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region only a few days ago, indicated that if the
discussions on the strategy for the large-scale development of the western
region conducted at last year's "two sessions" was an issue concerning the
exploration of orientation, then this year the task will be, with initial
experiences gained, to discuss how to systematically and dramatically push
forward this strategy. He maintained that the first Five-year Plan in the
new century will mean spurring the massive western development to take an
even more solid step forward.
Speaking about expectations of the "two session", most people hope that NPC
deputies and CPPCC members would bring the topic regarding the eradication
of corruption to the "two sessions", and would put forward practical methods
for ruling the country according to law and administering the country by
morality. Sociology Associate Professor Qian Minhui of Peking University
said: The huge size of cases and defendants involved in the Xiamen smuggle
case shows that there do exist many loopholes in some of our spheres, and
that the supervision mechanism remains to be strengthened and perfected.
This major case again shows that the key to solving this problem lies in how
to effectively eliminate this corrupt phenomenon from the fountainhead.
Senior Engineer Ma Baolin of the Tsinghua Yongxin Environmental Protection
Company said: "The more the Communist Party dares to remove the "malignant
tumor" from its body, the more it demonstrates its greatness, and the more
it gets support from the common people."
Xu Junwei with the research office of the Standing Committee of the Weifang
City People's Congress in Shandong Province sent a letter to the News
Website of the NPC, in which he suggested giving wider reports on the
deputies' proposals and opinions they voiced at the "two sessions", thinking
that this can not only enhance the readability of the reports, but can draw
the people closer to the people's congress and its standing committee. He
expressed the hope that the "two sessions" can further carry forward their
democratic work style and make the "two sessions" more vivid and lively¡-
The ideas and suggestions advanced by various circles reflect the weight of
the "two sessions" in China's political life.


China Promotes Family Planning Among Citizens
Maintaining a low birth rate will be very important for China in the coming
decade, and therefore, China must promote a scientific concept of birth
among citizens, said Zhang Weiqing, head of the State Family Planning
Commission, Friday.

Although China's birth rate has dropped greatly, the low birth rate is not
stable compared with developed countries, Zhang pointed out.

China should strengthen the popularization on knowledge in regards to
population and family planning through various channels and media to help
people to prepare in advance for having a small family after marriage, said

He stressed whether people support and are satisfied with family planning
should be the criterion for judging China's population control work.

Zhang made the remarks at an anniversary ceremony marking a decision on
maintaining a low birth level issued by the Central Committee of the
Communist Party of China and the State Council.

Thousands of Beijing
<http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/province/beijing.html>  residents
participated in the activity. A scroll with more than 10,000 university
students' signature, writing about the people's choice on birth decides
world future, was dedicated to the State Family Planning Commission.

Over the past three decades of 20th century, China's population growth style
has shifted from a high birth rate, low death rate, and high increase rate
to low birth rate, low death rate and low increase rate, a historical change
which took the developed countries more than 100 years to complete, said

He added that China's population will peak at 1.6 billion and start to drop,
while population quality will be steadily increased in the coming decades to
form a favorable population environment for China's sustainable development.


Seoul to Resume Ground-leveling for Inter-Korean Transport System
The Army of South Korea Friday said it will restore ground-leveling work in
the demilitarized zone next Monday to relink an inter-Korean railroad and a

The reconstruction of the inter-Korean railway and highway has been
suspended since last December due to the ground freezing.

When completed, trains can once again run from Seoul through Pyongyang to
Shinuiju, a city on the border between Democratic People's Republic of Korea
(DPRK <http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/DPRK.html> ) and China, while
the highway will reconnect Munsan city of South Korea with Kaesung city of
the DPRK. 

Army engineer corps from both sides will start work simultaneously to level
ground in the four-kilometer wide demilitarized zone which straddles the
border, said an Army spokesman.

Under an agreement signed between Seoul and Pyongyang, the recontruction of
the inter-Korean transport system will be completed before October this

African Union Proclaimed in Libya
Some 45 heads of state and government attending a special summit of the
Organization of African Unity here proclaimed the establishment the African
Union on Friday. 
The establishment of the African Union, initiated by Libyan leader Muammar
Ghaddafi in September 1999, was agreed upon by African leaders in the
Declaration of Sirte at the 36th OAU summit in Lome, Togo, last July.
Its goal was to promote political and economic integration of the African
continent in the face of challenges of economic globalization.


"863" Hi-Tech Program Blueprinting China's Future

World's first man-loading HTS maglev test vehicle

On in Beijing <http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/province/beijing.html>
now is a "863" Program Exhibition, scheduled Feb. 26 - Mar. 6, jointly held
by the Ministry of Science and Technology
<http://www.most.gov.cn/English/index.htm>  and the General Armament
Department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. A national hi-tech
exhibition, it showcases China's hi-tech successes achieved under the "863"
Program initiated in March 1986 following four Chinese scientists'
suggestion aiming at making breakthroughs in some sophisticated fields of
science and technology to which late Deng Xiaoping had given his nod.

Fifteen years have gone by since four Chinese scientists including Wang
Dayan, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, had been with their
"863 Program" demanding keeping in track world advanced technologies in
bringing a springtime of China's hi-tech development. With the strong
backing of central authorities and a concerted effort made throughout China,
as is shown by the exhibition, "863" Program has fulfilled its targets as
originally planned which have, in many areas, much narrowed the country's
gap with other hi-tech powers.

On display at the exhibition are a great many of hi-tech achievements
marking China's hi-tech advances in the fields of biology, bioengineering
and medicine, communication, high-performance computer, automation,
information platform, artificial eyeball and photoelectric materials,
amongst others. Sources say hi-tech successes, nearly 50 percent as shown at
the exhibition, had started from scratch. Among many of these are 230
research projects involving six industrial areas. Most outstanding is the
research on human gene conducted in 1998 which affects hearing impairment.
Some years back, Professor Cao Yilin had the first mouse with human being's
ear growing on back developed thanks to introduction of gene project and
tissue engineering technology in China. The striking small mouse on display
has aroused wide interest in the exhibition due to the fact that doctors
will be enabled with it, as is expected, to restore human being's organs in
the near future. 

Intelligent robots as Blue Superman developed by Harbin Industry University
for outdoors operation and robots for manufacturing on show also create a
hit in the exhibition area as visitors are told the possibility to use
robots instead of human beings in risky situations. Robots for soccer games
from China Northeast University also bring people new fun for entertainment.

Mouse with human being's ear on back

In the information technology sector, homegrown hi-performance DAWNING
(Shuguang) computer series form an example to augur the prospect of
commercialization of hi-tech products in China. With a peak floating speed
of 403.2 billion times per second, Dawning (Shuguang) 3000 superserver has a
designed storage capacity of up to 16.8 gigabits (GB) of data by its EMI
memory and 3,630 gigabits by its magnetic disks. The product may be used for
many a varied purpose as of computing, network, information, liquidation,
settlement, billing, data, and E-commerce.

Tank farming and fish breeding, insect-resistant GM cotton and high-yield
hybrid rice seeding also catch people's attention for their wide prospects
to benefit the Chinese farmers on a nationwide scale.

So far, China has been bountifully rewarded and a cluster of world-level
hi-tech achievements reaped for its "863" Program for it has had a total of
5.7 billion yuan of input made in advancing the country's hi-technology.
Over 200 billion yuan of economic return has been gained. Many
hi-technologies have been directly or indirectly used in helping China's
economic construction, strengthening of national defense and social
development. A large contingent of Sci-tech personnel have been brought
forth and come to their name over 2,000 patents and 47,000 theses, realizing
an accumulated output value up to 56 billion yuan and an indirect benefit
worth of 200 billion yuan.

Furthermore, new technologies with commercial users targeted have been
developed and these include a fairly good number that have been directly
used in people's daily life. A great many have been used to a multitudinous
purpose as HD POS, part of 863 Program developed in Shanghai
<http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/data/province/Shanghai.html>  and used in
nearly 200 enterprises to help reform their traditional business mode and
enhance their competitiveness in 21 provinces in China. Statistics show that
the value of sales volume by all users in China topped over 20 billion yuan
annually. In Shanghai alone, 36 items involving robot technology, gene
development, network technology, etc. have been industrialized to take up a
sales volume of over 2.6 billion yuan.

Robot used in welding and assembling in Auto Manufacture

For the future operation of the "863" Program there are over 6,900 high-tech
projects backed by state funds and a sum of 15 billion yuan (US$1.8 billion)
to be further made in coming five years. According to Ma Songde, vice
minister of Science and Technology, China will focus on independent
development of hi-technologies on its own instead of tracing on customary
prints of world advanced. Topping China's hi-tech development is seeking new
developments by its information industry centering on information security.
Microelectronics development will receive unprecedented support from the
government. Hi-technologies will also be used in modernizing China's
traditional industries such as agriculture and herbal medicines making. As a
part of the effort, the Ministry of Science and Technology will further open
most programs on the Internet and invite public bid to attract first-rate
scientists to participate in programs blueprinting China's development.

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