>Library of Congress Finds Lost Communist Documents
>January 18, 2000
>Contact: Helen Dalrymple (202) 707-1940
>Public Contact: (202) 707-5387 
>Library of Congress Opens to Researchers the Records of the Communist 
>Party, USA 
>Microfilm Includes 435,165 Frames on 326 Reels 
>The Library of Congress has opened for research copies of the records 
>of the Communist Party, USA (CPUSA) covering the period from the 
>1920s to the 1940s. This collection of documents had long been 
>thought destroyed. However, in late 1992, after the dissolution of 
>the Soviet Union, a historian in the Manuscript Division of the 
>Library of Congress, John Earl Haynes, learned that the CPUSA had 
>secretly shipped these records to the Soviet Union more than 50 years 
>ago, where they were kept in a closed Communist Party archives. In 
>the post- Soviet era the new Russian government took control of these 
>records and opened them for research. 
>In January 1993, Dr. Haynes traveled to Moscow and was the first 
>American scholar to examine this historically significant collection, 
>housed in what is today known as the Russian State Archives of Social 
>and Political History. Upon his return to the United States, he 
>recommended that the Library of Congress propose to the Russian 
>Archives that the collection be microfilmed and a set of the 
>microfilm deposited in the Library to ensure their permanent 
>The Library of Congress opened negotiations with the Russian Archives 
>in 1993 to microfilm the collection. The negotiations over the years 
>that followed involved staff of the Library's Manuscript and European 
>divisions as well as James H. Billington, the Librarian of Congress. 
>In late 1998, a formal agreement was signed by Winston Tabb, 
>Associate Librarian for Library Services, on behalf of the Library, 
>and Kyrill Anderson, director of the Russian Archives. The project 
>has now been completed. In total, the film includes 435,165 frames on 
>326 reels. The cost of filming was supported by a "Gift to the 
>Nation" from John Kluge, chairman of the Library's Madison Council, 
>and the Library's James B. Wilbur Fund for Foreign Copying. 
>The previous paucity of the archival record has been a major obstacle 
>to scholarship on the history of the American Communist movement. 
>Accounts of the history of American communism and the related issue 
>of anticommunism have been highly contentious, with the academic 
>consensus varying widely over the decades in part due to the 
>shallowness and resulting ambiguity of the evidential base. The CPUSA 
>has always been a secretive organization; while occasional government 
>raids, subpoenas, search warrants, and congressional investigations 
>made some documentation part of the public record, the quantity was 
>never large because of the party's practice of hiding or destroying 
>records. Although some party documents have also become available in 
>the papers of various private individuals, the quantity is limited. 
>Now any researcher can read microfilmed copies of the original 
>documents in the Manuscript Reading Room of the Library of Congress. 
>Historians will, therefore, have a much stronger basis for 
>reconstructing an accurate picture of American communism and 
>anticommunism from the 1920s to the 1940s. A finding aid has been 
>created to guide researchers through the collection. 
>Many of the documents in this collection are unique; the records are 
>very detailed regarding the history of the CPUSA, particularly for 
>its origins in the 1920s and the early and middle 1930s. There are 
>fewer records for the 1937-1944 period than for the earlier years, 
>probably due to the difficulties of shipping large quantities of 
>records once war started in 1939. The CPUSA collection at the Russian 
>Archives has no material later than 1944. 
>Among the items in the CPUSA collection are:
>* A 1919 letter from Nikolai Bukharin, head of the Communist 
>International in Soviet Russia, to American radicals urging them to 
>form an American Communist Party. The Comintern (as the Communist 
>International was called) told American radicals that they should 
>organize "Communist nuclei among soldiers and sailors...for the 
>purpose of violent baiting of officers and generals, " recognize 
>the "necessity of arming the proletariat," tell radical soldiers when 
>demobilized from the army that they "must not give up their arms, " 
>should expose President Woodrow Wilson "as a hypocrite and murderer, 
>in order to discredit him with the masses," form "militant organs of 
>the struggle for the conquest of the State power, for the 
>dictatorship of the Workers" and adopt the slogan "Down with the 
>Senate and Congress." 
>* A 13-page application for admission to the Communist International 
>from the newly organized Communist Party of America. The letter, 
>dated November 24, 1919, ends with the declaration that "The 
>Communist Party realizes the immensity of its task; it realizes that 
>the final struggle of the Communist proletariat will be waged in the 
>United States, our conquest of power alone assuring the world Soviet 
>Republic. Realizing all this, the Communist Party prepares for the 
>struggle. Long Live the Communist International! Long live the World 
>* A 1926 memo regarding Soviet subsidies to the American Communist 
>movement. Different Soviet agencies subsidized different American 
>Communist activities, and sometimes the funds, sent to the United 
>States by surreptitious means, were delivered to the wrong recipient. 
>In this memo, the head of the American Communist party attempts to 
>reconcile who got which subsidies and which transfers were needed to 
>ensure that the various activities received what Moscow intended. 
>* Some documents illustrate the emphasis that the CPUSA placed on 
>organizing African Americans. A 1924 letter from the Comintern, for 
>example, confirms that it was providing a subsidy of $1,282 to send 
>10 black Americans to the "Eastern University," a Comintern school in 
>Moscow. Another document is a 15-page report on the party's work in 
>Harlem in 1934. 
>* There is a small collection of the letters of John Reed in the 
>CPUSA collection. Reed, a well-known American journalist of the 
>1910s, was a founder of the American Communist Party in 1919 and one 
>of its early representatives to the Comintern. However, he died of 
>typhus in the Soviet Union in 1920. This material is thought to have 
>been in his possession at the time of his death and was added to the 
>CPUSA collection by Comintern archivists. (Reed was the subject a 
>successful 1981 Hollywood film, "Reds," in which Warren Beatty played 
>Reed.) Reed reported on the Mexican Revolution, and in a 1915 letter 
>in the collection, written from Mexico, he tells his editor in New 
>York about his impressions of several of the leading Mexican 
>Revolutionary generals: Francisco "Pancho" Villa, Emiliano Zapata, 
>and Venustiano Carranza. 
>* A six-page report discusses Communist attempts to organize 
>sharecroppers in the agricultural South in 1934. It includes brief 
>sketches of the sharecroppers the party attracted to a "farm school" 
>it set up in St. Louis.
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