TODAY'S NEWS (March.03.2001 Juche 90)



DPRK FM spokesman on its principled stand toward DPRK-U.S. relations

All Koreans urged to check Japanese reactionaries' moves to tamper with

Senior party and state officials plant trees

Gift to Kim Jong Il from PM of Canada

Book "Personality of Leader" published in Pakistan

Japan's moves to distort history assailed

S. Korean trade unions federation sets forth "line of movement for 21st

Diary on Japan's atrocities opened to public

Joint statement of historians from north and south

KCNA on remark of chilling atmosphere of international aid

Anniversary of agrarian reform law observed

Greetings to President of presidency of Bosnia-Herzegovina

Greetings to Bulgarian President

Memorial service for Han Tok Su held

For Spanish-speaking people


tarea principal de construccion economica de este ano

periodicos llaman a ejecutar cabalmente tareas enunciadas en editorial

DPRK FM spokesman on its principled stand toward DPRK-U.S. relations
     Pyongyang, March 3 (KCNA) -- A spokesman for the DPRK Foreign Ministry
gave an answer to a question put by KCNA today as regards the U.S. side's
reaction to the recent statement issued by him. He said:
    As already reported, on Feb. 21 we issued a statement of the spokesman
for the Foreign Ministry clarifying our principled stand toward a torrent of
hardline remarks made By the new U.S. administration against the DPRK.
    The tenor of the statement is that if the U.S. propose dialogue we will
respond to it with dialogue and if the U.S. comes out in confrontation we
will counter it with confrontation.
    However, the United States is spreading the rumour that the DPRK is
"threatening" it in a bid to shift the responsibility for the possible
worsening DPRK-U.S. relations onto the DPRK.
    We have neither intention nor capacity to browbeat anyone.
    It is none other than the DPRK which is exposed to threat owing to the
conservative hardline stand expressed by the U.S. administration.
    The same is true of the issue of offering light water reactors to the
    The prospect for the provision of LWRS under the DPRK-U.S. agreed
framework is becoming more gloomy and this gravely threatens the DPRK's
right to existence as it is suffering acute shortage of electricity.
    Under this situation it is self-evident that it is difficult for the
DPRK to unilaterally and indefinitely keep in force such measures as
moratorium on the launch of satellites and missiles taken by it with good
faith for DPRK-U.S. dialogue, to say nothing of the DPRK-U.S. agreed
    Of course, we take note of the statement of the authorities of the U.S.
administration that they would implement the agreed framework.
    What we need now is not empty words but practical actions.
    A year ago, we advanced a concrete proposal for the solution to the
issue of the loss of electricity caused by the delayed lwr offer and the
U.S. side said that it would set forth an alternative proposal.
    The U.S. side should put forward as soon as possible a solution to the
issue of loss of electricity for which it is responsible.
    The U.S. is keen to impose unilateral sacrifice and loss upon the DPRK
while shunning the fulfilment of its commitment and evade its responsibility
by bringing the charge of "threat" against it. The U.S. should know that
this wrong great-power chauvinist conception and trite trick will never go
down with the DPRK.
    The DPRK which has sincerely implemented the agreed framework has a
legitimate right to call the U.S. side to account for its insincere attitude
towards its implementation and an unshakable will to exercise it.


All Koreans urged to check Japanese reactionaries' moves to tamper with
     Pyongyang, March 3 (KCNA) -- Public organizations of the DPRK appealed
to the 70 million fellow countrymen in the north, south and abroad to unite
and solidarize with each other and wage a nationwide dynamic struggle to
check the Japanese reactionaries' moves to tamper with history and force
them to apologize and compensate for this crime. 25 public organizations
including the central committee of the Democratic Front for the
Reunification of the Fatherland, the Committee for the Peaceful
Reunification of the Fatherland, the central committee of the General
Federation of Trade Unions of Korea and the DPRK Committee for Investigation
into the Damage Done by the Japanese Imperialists During Their Occupation of
Korea in an appeal issued today dismissed the Japanese reactionaries'
assertion made in history textbooks that the "Korea-Japan annexation treaty"
was "lawful" and "valid" and that occupation of Korea and those wars of
aggression Japan committed against Asian countries brought "benefits" to
them, as an extremely provocative and dangerous crime as it is aimed to
infuse militarism and the idea of overseas aggression even into the younger
    Saying that the Korean people who still clearly remember the Japanese
imperialists' unprecedented crimes can never remain a passive on-looker to
the Japanese reactionaries' brazen-faced moves to distort history and revive
militarism, the appeal continues:
    Let all the Koreans rise up as one to resolutely frustrate the Japanese
reactionaries' criminal moves to tamper with history and cut off their
tentacles of overseas aggression let us disclose to the world the illegality
of the "Ulsa five-point treaty" and all other "treaties" and "agreements"
forced by the Japanese imperialists upon Korea and their shameless political
robbery. We extend support and encouragement to our fellow countrymen in
South Korea who are voicing strong protest against the Japanese
reactionaries' moves to tamper with history and expressing towering
resentment against Japan. We believe that they would positively respond to
our appeal. 
    The appeal also calls on the people of all other Asian countries who
undergone pain and sufferings under the jackboots of the Japanese
imperialist aggressors to turn out in a joint struggle to frustrate the
Japanese criminal moves to distort history.
    The appeal expresses belief that the peace-loving people in all the
countries of the world would express positive solidarity with the Korean
people in their struggle to check the Japanese reactionaries' moves to
tamper with history and force them to apologize and compensate for the


Senior party and state officials plant trees
     Pyongyang, March 3 (KCNA) -- Many trees are being planted in Korea on
the occasion of tree planting day. Senior party and state officials joined
working people from all walks of life and school youth and children in
planting trees yesterday in the construction site of the monument to the
three-point charter of national reunification and the arboretum of the
Kumsusan Memorial Palace and in other places.
    Rallies were held before planting trees.
    Speakers at the rallies renewed their pledge to plant more trees to add
beauty to the landscape, protect the environment of the country, increase
the wealth of the country and contribute to improving the standard of
people's living. 
    Rallies and tree planting took place in different provinces, cities and
counties on the same day.
    On this day commanding officers of the Korean People's Army, senior
officials of the Ministry of the People's Armed Forces and soldiers of the
three services of the KPA held rallies and planted various species of trees
in their barracks and in nearby mountains and fields.


Gift to Kim Jong Il from PM of Canada
     Pyongyang, March 3 (KCNA) -- Leader Kim Jong Il was presented with a
gift by Canadian prime minister Jean Chretien. Canadian ambassador to the
DPRK Howard Robert Balloch conveyed the gift to an official concerned


Book "Personality of Leader" published in Pakistan
     Pyongyang, March 3 (KCNA) -- Book "Personality of Leader" was published
in Pakistan on the occasion of the birthday of leader Kim Jong Il. The book
was authored by Jabed Ansari, secretary general of the Karachi society for
the study of self-reliance.
    The book consists of preface and such subtitles as "1. Supreme
Incarnation of Loyalty," "2. Outstanding Thinker-Theoretician," "3. Great
Statesman Possessed of Extraordinary Leadership Ability," "4. Illustrious
Commander Possessed of Rare Military Stratagem and Leadership Art," "5.
Great Leader of People" and "Biography of General Kim Jong Il."
    The author introduced in detail the personality of Kim Jong Il and his
great political mode.


Japan's moves to distort history assailed
     Pyongyang, March 3 (KCNA) -- 60 civic and social organizations in Pusan
on Feb. 27 formed all citizens' promotion committee for checking Japan's
distortion of history and held a demonstration in front of the Japanese
consulate general, according to Yonhap News from Seoul. The committee
declared that it would dispatch a protest group and form a joint protest
organization made up of mainly bereaved families of pacific war dead to
conduct a powerful solidarity struggle if the distorted history books go
through the examination.
    It thrust to the Japanese consulate general a list of the names of the
Japanese prime minister and 17 persons who are responsible for the edition
of the distorted history books and who made reckless remarks and a notice to
the effect that they would be considered as "persona non-grata" and if they
come to South Korea "their safety will not be guaranteed."


S. Korean trade unions federation sets forth "line of movement for 21st
     Pyongyang, March 3 (KCNA) -- The Federation of South Korean Trade
Unions on Feb. 27 held a conference for 2001 and set forth a "line of
movement for 21st century" rejecting market-first idea based on
neo-liberalism, according to Yonhap News from Seoul. Laid down in the line
are 12 immediate tasks such as building progressive forces to be independent
political forces, intensifying a joint struggle with the South Korean
Confederation of Trade Unions, guaranteeing basic rights to labour and
protecting part-time workers.
    The federation at the conference discussed and decided on an amendment
to the rules calling for the increase of the total number of its members and
adopted a resolution on such issues as cutdown of working hours, protection
of part-time workers, stop to the restructuring and 12 percent wage hike.


Diary on Japan's atrocities opened to public
     Pyongyang, March 3 (KCNA) -- A U.S. missionary's diary on the
atrocities committed by the Japanese imperialists during the march first
popular uprising including Jeam-ri Church incident in Kyonggi Province,
South Korea, was opened to the public, according to Seoul-based Yonhap News.
The diary was written by missionary noble, wife of Arthur Noble, an American
methodist missionary who was in Korea from 1892 to 1934. The Seoul
headquarters of the South Korean methodist church obtained it in the U.S.
and translated and carried it in a collection of materials titled "march
first popular uprising, records of those days".
    The Jeam-ri Church incident was a massacre the Japanese imperialists
committed in a bid to quell the anti-Japanese resistance in Suwon where the
march first popular uprising was at its height.
    The incident is vividly recorded in the diary which says that similar
massacres were committed in 16 villages and 5 churches in the area
surrounding Jeam-ri.
    The diary reveals the fact that the then Japanese governor-general
attempted to conceal the incident, asking American missionaries to "keep it
secret" when the Jeam-ri Church incident created a stir.


Joint statement of historians from north and south
     Pyongyang, March 3 (KCNA) -- Historians from the north and the south of
Korea who participated in the "north-south joint exhibition of data on the
illegality of the Japanese imperialists' occupation of Korea" and a
symposium held in Pyongyang on the occasion of the 82nd anniversary of the
March First Popular Uprising issued a joint statement on Thursday assailing
the Japanese authorities for their moves to tamper with history textbooks.
The statement said:
    Japan brutally killed innocent Koreans and plundered Korea of its
spiritual and cultural treasures and resources lock, stock and barrel while
enforcing a colonial rule over it after militarily occupying it.
    This is a universally recognized historical fact.
    Japan has so far worked hard to cover up its blood-stained criminal
history in the 20th century, talking about "lawfulness" and "validity". And
it has now entered into a practical stage of finally deleting the reference
to their past aggression from the Japanese history textbooks.
    The "society for preparing new history textbooks," an ultra-right
reactionary organization, recently presented to the Japanese Ministry of
Education and Science history textbooks in which it described the pacific
war as a "war for the liberation of Asia" and the occupation of Korea as
"justifiable annexation," making no mention about crimes committed by the
Japanese imperialists in wars of aggression.
    It also deleted references to the Japanese imperialists' aggression from
other history textbooks presented to the ministry.
    The Japanese reactionaries' moves to tamper with history textbooks are
an intolerable insult to the Korean nation and other Asian people and they
reveal Japan's sinister intention to call back the departed soul of the
Japanese militarists.
    All the historians in the north and the south vehemently denounce the
Japanese reactionaries' brazen-faced moves to tamper with history and
strongly urge them to immediately stop them and apologize to the Korean
nation for them. 


KCNA on remark of chilling atmosphere of international aid
     Pyongyang, March 3 (KCNA) -- The director for researches of the
"doctors without borders", a non-governmental organization, in a recent
interview with Kyodo absurdly talked about the need to look into the
distribution of 500,000 tons of rice Japan donated to the DPRK, asserting
that most of food aid to it "has gone to government and army officials
only." His remark is intended to build up public opinion by falsifying
truth. This behaviour is unbecoming of a member of the organization whose
mission is to avert disputes and conflicts and contribute to international
reconciliation and peace. This cannot be construed otherwise than a diatribe
aimed to chill the atmosphere of international aid.
    As already known, members of various international aid organizations
stationed in the DPRK including the world food program of the united nations
are witnessing for themselves the distribution of rice, medicines and other
aid goods on the spot and confirming transparency in their use.
    Nevertheless, the fiction about the diversion of most of the food aid is
spread to build up public opinion. This cannot but raise a doubt as to
whether it is aimed to seek an ulterior purpose nothing in common with a
purely humanitarian aim.
    This only goes to prove that the "doctors without borders" plays into
the hands of the dishonest forces keen to throw obstacles in humanitarian
aid by damaging international understanding of humanitarian assistance to
the DPRK. 
    The "doctors without borders" is well advised to pay due attention to
the irresponsible and disturbing remarks made by its members that resulted
in impairing its image as an international aid organization and crippling
confidence of the international community in it.
    The strengthened regional and international cooperation and ties are of
great importance in the development of international relations in the new
    Whoever remains true to the idea of humanitarianism and international
mission for the human cause of peace should not allow himself to be
embroiled in the political intrigue of the dishonest forces so that he may
not leave such a blot as falsifying truth.


Anniversary of agrarian reform law observed
     Pyongyang, March 3 (KCNA) -- Rodong Sinmun today devotes a full page to
an article entitled "great history of socialist solution to land issue" on
the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the promulgation of the historic
agrarian reform law. Recalling that President Kim Il Sung and leader Kim
Jong Il have given most successful solution to the issue of land which was
raised as humankind's historical task, the article refers to their wise
leadership and outstanding feats.
    The promulgation of the law on March 5, Juche 35(1946) was a declaration
on putting a definite end to the exploiting land ownership deeply rooted in
the Korean countryside, marked a historic event which brought about an
epochal turn in the peasants' destiny and a prelude to the new chapter on
the solution to the land issue, the article notes, and goes on:
    The solution to the issue is a historic task to guarantee the popular
masses an independent life. Properly solving the issue of land ownership is
prerequisite to settling the question of land and, furthermore, the
socialist rural question.
    Pointing to the shining example set by the DPRK in the issue of land,
the article says : 
    Under the wise guidance of Kim Il Sung, the Workers' Party of Korea has
successfully solved the land issue by laying down correct guidelines and
policies at every stage of the revolutionary development and implementing
them to the letter.
    Kim Il Sung promulgated the agrarian reform law without delay after the
establishment of the Provisional People's Committee of North Korea and
solved all problems in carrying out the reform in conformity with the
peasants' requirements and will.
    He put up the slogan "land to the tillers " and set forth the policy on
confiscating the land of the landlords without compensation and distributing
it free to the peasants.
    As a result, the land revolution was successfully carried out in a
matter of 20 odd days only half a year after the liberation of the country.
    Kim Il Sung steered the drive for agricultural cooperativization in the
direction of uniting the peasants close around the party by closely
combining the class line and mass line.
    The principle of land distribution, the method of enforcing the agrarian
reform and the class policy, all enforced at the time of the land reform,
were not picked up from any classics but were confirmed by him on the basis
of his deep grasp of the situation in rural areas through his tour of those
places including taedong county, South Phyongan Province. The policy on
agricultural cooperativization was a unique policy laid down by him after
the war. 
    True to the noble intention of Kim Il Sung, Kim Jong Il paid deep
attention to the rural question as early as in the 1960s and has since
energetically led the drive for its solution.
    Kim Jong Il toured various local areas and acquainted himself with the
situation there and discussed the orientation and ways of settling the rural
question with the president before the publication of the rural theses.
    Kim Jong Il published the famous work "position and role of the county
in socialist construction" right after the publication of the theses and
further enriched and developed the theory on regional base clarified in the
rural theses. 
    Noting that a bright prospect was opened in the DPRK for the socialist
solution of the land issue, the article says:
    Kim Jong Il, considering it as a work of eternal value for the complete
solution of the land issue and an important work for building a powerful
nation to change the appearance of land beyond recognition in the socialist
society, comprehensively expounded the idea and line of the Juche-oriented
land levelling and rezoning.
    The originality of his idea of this land realignment lies in that he
proposed this work as an important socio-political work to completely remove
the leftover of feudal land ownership and highlight the characteristic
feature of the socialist state.
    His dynamic and clear-sighted leadership lies in that he chose one
province as a unit for this gigantic undertaking and has pushed ahead with
it in a big way throughout the country.
    The great victory achieved in the socialist solution to the land issue
fully demonstrated the undisputed superiority of socialism to capitalism, it

Greetings to President of presidency of Bosnia-Herzegovina
     Pyongyang, March 3 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the presidium
of the Supreme People's Assembly of the Democratic People's Republic of
Korea, on Thursday sent a message of greetings to Zivko Radisic, President
of the presidency of Bosnia-Herzegovina, on the occasion of its national
day. Expressing the belief that the friendly relations between the two
countries would develop in the interests of the two peoples, the message
wished the president and the people of Bosnia-Herzegovina successes in their
efforts for the stability and re-building of the country.
    Foreign minister paek nam sun also sent a message of greetings to his
Bosnia-Herzegovina counterpart Jadranko Prlic.


Greetings to Bulgarian President
    Pyongyang, March 3 (KCNA) -- Kim Yong Nam, President of the presidium of
the Supreme People's Assembly of the DPRK, today sent a message of greetings
to Bulgarian President Peter Stoyanov on the occasion of its national day.
Wishing the president and people of Bulgaria successes in their work for the
progress of the country, the message expressed the conviction that the
bilateral relations would as ever develop on good terms.
    On the same day premier of the cabinet Hong Song Nam and foreign
minister Paek Nam Sun also sent messages of greetings to their Bulgarian
counterparts Ivan Kostov and Nadezhda Mikhailova.


Memorial service for Han Tok Su held
    Pyongyang, March 3 (KCNA) -- A memorial service was held at the People's
Palace of Culture today for the late Han Tok Su, chairman of the central
standing committee of the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan
(Chongryong) who is deputy to the Supreme People's Assembly and twice Labour
Hero of the DPRK. It was co-sponsored by the presidium of the DPRK Supreme
People's Assembly and the central committee of the Democratic Front for the
Reunification of the Fatherland. A wreath sent by leader Kim Jong Il was
seen standing in front of his photograph.
    Wreaths in the name of the presidium of the Supreme People's Assembly,
the cabinet, committees under the cabinet, national institutions, political
parties and working people's and social organizations were also seen there.
    It was attended by senior party and state officials, chairman of the
friendly party, senior officials of power bodies and public organizations,
working people from all walks of life in the city, bereaved families and
officials of Chongryon and Koreans in Japan now staying in the socialist
    They paid silent tribute to him.
    kim yong nam, president of the presidium of the supreme people's
assembly, made a memorial address there.
    he said in his address that han tok su was a precious elder of the
korean revolution, an organizer of chongryon, a renowned activist of the
movement of the overseas compatriots and a true patriot who devoted his
whole life to the foundation, strengthening and development of Chongryon, an
overseas citizens' organization of the DPRK, national reunification and the
prosperity of the country and the democratic and national rights of the
Koreans in Japan, true to the idea and leadership of president kim il sung
and leader Kim Jong Il.
    Kim Yong Nam continued= Han Tok Su's life was a brilliant life shining
because of his intense loyalty to his leaders and the life of a patriot who
deeply loved his country and nation and devotedly defended them.
    Holding the important post of the chairman of Chongryon for 46 years
from the very day of its formation, he devotedly worked to embody the idea
and leadership of Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il in the movement of Koreans in
Japan, courageously defying all moves of the reactionaries at home and
    The homeland will always remember Han Tok Su, an excellent revolutionary
and a true son of the nation, and his precious patriotic exploits and feats
performed for the era and the revolution will shine long along with the
history of the country.


For Spanish-speaking people

    pyongyang, 4 de enero (atcc) -- la republica popular democratica de
corea presento como tarea principal de la construccion economica de este ano
impulsar la reconstruccion a base de la tecnica moderna del conjunto de
economia nacional a la par de arreglar las bases economicas existentes y
elevar al maximo su poderio. para este fin, se renovaran audazmente por la
tecnica moderna todas las fabricas y empresas y se construiran nuevas bases
productivas a base de la ciencia y tecnica ultramoderna.
    en el dominio de vanguardia de la economia nacional se dara impulso a la
construccion de las centrales hidroelectricas de gran tamano, se normalizara
en un nivel alto la generacion electrica y se incrementara al maximo la
produccion del carbon.
    se encauzara la fuerza a la modernizacion de los equipos de las fabricas
metalurgicas para operar la innovacion en la produccion de hierro y acero y
se arreglara y se reforzara el transporte ferroviario a fin de asegurar
satisfactoriamente la creciente demanda sobre el particular.
    en el dominio de la industria ligera se producira mayor cantidad de
articulos de primera necesidad y alimentos basicos que se necesitan
apremiantemente para la vida del pueblo.
    en la agricultura se dara de continuo gran impulso a operar la
renovacion de semillas y de cultivo de patatas y se incrementara activamente
el area de sembradas de doble cosecha. ademas se prestara mayor atencion a
la cria de peces de gran productividad, en particular de siluro y se echaran
las firmes bases ganaderas a base de tecnica moderna.
    por otra parte se dara gran impulso a la gran obra de geotransformacion,
particularmente al arreglo de terrenos de la provincia de hwanghae del sur y
la contruccion del canal kaechon-lago thaesong y se construiran mas
instalaciones de cultura, servicio publico y salud publica como hospitales,
casas de reposo y recuperacion y mas viviendas modernas.


    pyongyang, 4 de enero (atcc) -- los periodicos capitalinos insertaron en
los numeros de hoy editoriales exhortando a levantarse en la lucha por
ejecutar cabalmente las tareas senaladas en el editorial conjunto que los
rotativos del partido, el ejercito y la juventud publicaron con motivo de
ano nuevo. el editorial del periodico del partido "rodong sinmun" senala:
    el editorial conjunto es la bandera combativa que todo el partido, todo
el ejercito y todo el pueblo deben tomar con firmeza.
    el espiritu que esta penetrado en el editorial conjunto es acelerar con
energia este ano la marcha de la bandera roja del socialismo con aquel
impetu con que triunfamos en la "marcha penosa" para manifestar plenamente
la superioridad del socialismo coreano y lograr un gran avance en la
construccion de potencia del juche.
    el siglo 21 es un espacio de cien anos en que se hara la revolucion con
la ideologia y la autoridad del gran camarada kim jong il y en que se
lograra la brillante victoria en la lucha por construir la potencia del
juche reunificada y prospera.
    levantarse unanimemente en la lucha por ejecutar cabalmente las tareas
indicadas en el editorial conjunto es la digna labor para demostrar
poderosamente la grandeza de la politica del partido del trabajo de corea.
    en el futuro tambien, la garantia decisiva de todas las victorias reside
en materializar cabalmente la politica del estimado general kim jong il y la
politica de priorizacion militar es el eterno modo de politica de la
revolucion de nuestra epoca y arma universal de la construccion socialista.
    incorporarse unanimemente a la lucha por ejecutar las tareas indicadas
en el editorial conjunto es la sagrada labor para demostrar al mundo el
poderio de la unidad monolitica en torno al camarada kim jong il y para
traer un avance decisivo en la construccion de potencia.
    es gracias a enaltecer al estimado general quien es gran conductor del
siglo 21 que ondeara de siglo en siglo la bandera roja del socialismo y
estara asegurada firmemente la eterna prosperidad ilimitada de la patria y
la nacion coreana. 
    el "minju joson" en un editorial de hoy senala que todos los
funcionarios de los organismos estatales y economicos deben cumplir
cabalmente las tareas combativas senaladas en el editorial conjunto de ano
nuevo para hacer del presente un ano de nuevo avance de la construccion de
potencia economica del siglo 21.

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