> To   Arlene Johnson:
> Please don't send any message to me.I never want to read your opinion after
> these words.
> Emine ( derya)
>> "They are powerless so they terrorize because it's part of their
>> culture...." 
>> Really? This is intellectual terrorism, Arlene.
>> Macdonald

Who is this person Keikki? Doesn't this person realize that the US
deliberately blew up an Iranian air bus on 3 July 1987 and then Iran
retaliated on the 20  December 1988 with Pan Am 103 over Lockerbie,Scotland?

Doesn't that make the US a terrorist nation. And that is just one incident.
There are probably others that I am unaware of like the TWA 800 flying from
New York to Paris and the KAL 008 (not positive of the number on that one)
over Russia.

The US instigates every war ever since WW II ended and everyone knows it
except the American people and yet this person doesn't want me to
communicate with him/her (I can't figure out whether it is a man or a woman)
but am not going to sacrifice my life for this person.

In peace and solidarity,

Arlene Johnson
Password: freedom (first four editions)
News Source, Inc.
The Company That Cares About People
My Web site: http://truedemocracy.net

Let There Be Peace on Earth and Let It Begin With Me! 

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