
DPRK FM Spokesman Calls for Implementation of Nuclear Framework
A spokesman for the DPRK Foreign Ministry gave an answer to a question put
by KCNA (Korean Central News Agency) March 3 as regards the issue of US
offering light water reactors to the DPRK. He said:
The prospect for the provision of LWRS under the DPRK-U.S. agreed framework
is becoming more gloomy and this gravely threatens the DPRK's right to
existence as it is suffering acute shortage of electricity.
Of course, we take note of the statement of the authorities of the U.S.
administration that they would implement the agreed framework.
What we need now is not empty words but practical actions.
The U.S. side should put forward as soon as possible a solution to the issue
of loss of electricity for which it is responsible.
The DPRK which has sincerely implemented the agreed framework has a
legitimate right to call the U.S. side to account for its insincere attitude
towards its implementation and an unshakable will to exercise it.


CPPCC Firmly Opposes Separatism: Ye
The Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), the
country's united front organization, will firmly follow the principles of
"peaceful reunification; one country, two systems" and the eight-point
proposal advanced by President Jiang Zemin, unite all the patriotic forces
that support the reunification of the motherland and resolutely oppose any
separatist attempt and scheme.
Ye Xuanping, vice-chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, made the pledge
in his report on the work of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC National
Committee to the Fourth Session of the Ninth CPPCC National Committee, which
opened in Beijing Saturday, March 3.
Over the past year, Ye said, the Standing Committee of the CPPCC National
Committee offered active cooperation with the central authorities in the
general arrangements of work toward Taiwan in the light of the changes in
the political situation in Taiwan and, by holding forums and lectures and
during reception of foreign visitors or foreign tours by CPPCC members,
actively disseminated the principles of "peaceful reunification; one
country, two systems" and the eight-point proposal advanced by President
Jiang Zemin. 
Together with other departments, the CPPCC National Committee organized a
cross-Straits seminar of opposing Taiwan independence and promoting the
peaceful reunification of the motherland" and issued a joint statement,
carried out active exchanges with parties, groups and personalities of
Taiwan that advocate for "one China", and gave full scope to the role as a
bridge of CPPCC members and other personalities of Hong Kong and Macao and
overseas Chinese and worked together with them to promote the great cause of
peaceful reunification of the motherland.
The CPPCC National Committee will, by exploiting fully the extensive
contacts and smooth communications channels of the CPPCC, continue to
promote the economic and cultural exchanges and the exchange of visits
between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits and strengthen its ties with
overseas Chinese and work together for the great cause of the peaceful
reunification of the motherland. It will organize activities to commemorate
the 90th anniversary of the 1911 Revolution and further display the spirit
of Dr. Sun Yat- sen and other revolutionaries who dedicated themselves to
the unification of the country, national unity and invigoration of the
Chinese nation. 

West Development
Since the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) launched
the strategy to develop the western region, all participating organizations
of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), CPPCC
members and CPPCC committees at all levels have unanimously supported it,
and vigorously worked to make helpful comments and suggestions.
Delivering the report on the work of the Standing Committee of the Ninth
CPPCC National Committee, Ye said that during the Third Session of the Ninth
National Committee of the CPPCC held last March, non-communist parties and
CPPCC members submitted the texts of 128 speeches and 128 proposals
concerning development of the western region.
After the session, the General Office of the Ninth CPPCC National Committee
invited leading cadres of departments concerned to make reports for CPPCC
members, invited experts and scholars to forums, and organized more than 10
inspection tours to investigate the situation.
The CPPCC members are greatly concerned about a number of issues including
major transportation facilities between the northwest and the southwest of
China, economic cooperation between the eastern and western regions,
adjustment of agricultural production, protection of water resources,
development of water conservancy infrastructure facilities, environmental
protection, anti-poverty programs, development of small towns, and reforming
state-owned enterprises and making them profitable, Ye noted.
Special committees under the CPPCC National Committee carried out researches
on different issues concerning the development of west China, according to
the vice chairman. 
The Committee of Population, Resources and the Environment conducted a
series of investigations on water resources in northwest and southwest
China, invited over 130 CPPCC members and experts to discuss the issue, and
prepared an investigative report on water resources, protection and
improvement of the environment, and the quantity and quality of the
In the "Suggestions for Poverty-Relief in Guizhou Province Through Launching
Water Conservation Projects During the Tenth Five-Year Plan Period" and
other reports, the committee pointed out that water shortages greatly
restrict agriculture and overall economic development in the rural areas of
some provinces and impede poverty-relief efforts among farmers.
The committee proposed that this poverty-relief program be carried out
within the framework of the overall strategy for the development of the
western region. 
In its investigative report, the Committee of Education, Science, Culture,
Health and Sports made suggestions about ways for improving regional
planning, controlling population growth, carrying out development in an
environmentally friendly way, and learning from the development of the
eastern region in the development of the western region.
The Committee for Social and Legal Affairs conducted investigations
concerning the legal environment for the development of the western region
and suggested that laws need to be passed to ensure that development is
carried out in accordance with the law and that development bring about
great progress. In its report entitled "Several Issues Concerning Ethnic and
Religious Work Requiring Close Attention in the Development of the Western
Region," The Committee for Ethnic and Religious Affairs put forward several
suggestions about ways to improve preferential policies designed to
stimulate economic development in ethnic minority areas, formulate
principles for allocating benefits from development between the central
authorities and the areas inhabited by ethnic minorities, accelerate
anti-poverty work, and establish an incentive mechanism for rewarding
outstanding contributions.
The CPPCC National Committee members from the Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region set up a research group and made suggestions for Hong
Kong's role in the development of the western region and on how to attract
overseas investment to the western region.
The Committee of Cultural and Historical Data organized the compilation and
printing of historical information about the development of the western
region since the emergence of modern industry in China.
Participants of the tenth meeting of the Standing Committee of the Ninth
CPPCC National Committee discussed issues concerning the development of the
western region on the basis of thorough investigations by members and the
special committees, and the central committees of all the democratic
parties, all special committees, members of the Standing Committee present
at the meeting and some local CPPCC committees presented the texts of 99
On the basis of thorough discussions, the Standing Committee prepared and
submitted to the central government a report entitled "Comments and
Suggestions Concerning Implementation of the Strategy of Developing the
Western Region." 
Ye acknowledged the complexity and the long time requirements of the
development of the western region, and said that no one should be
overanxious for success and rush blindly into action. Development should be
carried out in a planned, organized, prioritized way, he added.
Development policies should be formulated based on a principle of material
benefits in order to stimulate the participation of all sectors of society,
he said, urging that the ownership structure in the western region needs to
be readjusted to promote the development of the non-public economy sector.
The capacity of the environment to sustain development must be taken into
consideration, and population growth needs to be controlled, the vice
chairman said, noting that ethnic and religious affairs must be handled
carefully and people of ethnic minorities must be assured of receiving
tangible benefits from the development of the western region.

Achievements in 2000
The Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), China's
united front organization, made new achievements in the past year, CPPCC
National Committee Vice-chairman Ye Xuanping said.
In his report delivered at the opening of the Fourth Session of the Ninth
CPPCC National Committee, Ye hailed the fulfillment of China's Ninth
Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development and attainment
of the strategic objectives for the second stage of the country's socialist
modernization drive, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China
Central Committee with Comrade Jiang Zemin at the core.
In 2000, he said, the Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee
held two meetings and two forums, which put forward many constructive
comments and suggestions concerning the formulation of the Tenth Five-Year
Plan and the implementation of the strategy for developing the western
Nearly half of the members of the CPPCC National Committee were organized
into 50 groups to carry out investigations concerning implementation of the
state's major policies and major issues of common concern. Thanks to the
support of all departments concerned, 97 percent of the proposals have been
handled, Ye said. 
The Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee also expanded
contacts with people from all circles in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and
with overseas Chinese, "especially with our compatriots in Taiwan," he said.
In the past year, friendly ties with foreign organizations and people were
also expanded, the vice-chairman said, adding that exchanges of the CPPCC
with other countries at different levels and through various channels became
more active. 

Ties with Foreign Organizations
 The Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) will further
expand friendly contacts with other countries, in the new year, said Ye.
Ye said the CPPCC expanded its diplomatic activities in a planned way over
the past year. Chairman Li Ruihuan paid official goodwill visits to Canada,
Venezuela, Trinidad and Tobago and Peru. Several vice chairmen of the CPPCC
National Committee led delegations to visit other countries or attend
international conferences.
At the invitation of the CPPCC National Committee, a number of foreign
dignitaries visited China, including the chairman of the senate of Romania,
the chairman of the Economic and Social Council of Guinea, the chairman of
the Economic, Social and Cultural Council of Mali, the deputy speaker of the
National Assembly of the Republic of Korea, two princesses of Thailand.html
target=_blank>Thailand, and honorary chairpersons of the International
Association of Economic and Social Councils and similar organizations and
international associations.
In all, the CPPCC National Committee sent 14 delegations to 27 countries and
received 14 delegations from 13 countries and established friendly relations
with 9 institutions in 5 countries in 2000.
The CPPCC National Committee had, by the end of February 2001, established
friendly contacts with 132 institutions in 81 countries and 4 international
and regional organizations.
These friendly exchanges have enhanced the international community's
understanding of China, expanded the influence of China's system of
multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of
the Communist Party of China and helped create a favorable international
environment for China's socialist modernization drive, Ye noted.
The CPPCC also sponsored Conference 2000 of the 21st Century Forum with
"Economic Globalization: Asia and China" as its theme. Statesmen, experts,
scholars and entrepreneurs from 22 countries, some of the members of the
CPPCC National Committee, and Chinese scholars discussed development trends
in Asia and China and issues important to developing countries in the
process of economic globalization, he noted.


China Opposes "Confederation" System in Solving Taiwan Issue: Spokesman
China is opposed to the "confederation system" in solving the Taiwan issue,
Zeng Jianhui, spokesman of the 4th Session of the 9th National People's
Congress,said Sunday.
When asked to comment on the suggestion by some people in Taiwan to adopt
the confederal system for the reunification across the Taiwan Straits, Zeng
said that "we advocate the principles of peaceful reunification, and `one
country, two systems,' and disagree to the choice of confederation."
He quoted President Jiang Zemin as saying that everything can be discussed
under the principle of "one China."
"We are willing to fully exchange opinions with all political parties and
people of all circles in Taiwan under the common goal of reunification of
our motherland," 


NPC Spokesman on Falun Gong Activities in HK
Chinese top legislature said Sunday it believes that the government of the
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) will properly handle the
Falun Gong issue strictly according to law.
Zeng Jianhui, spokesman of the Fourth Session of the Ninth National People's
Congress (NPC), made the remark at a press conference in a response to a
question over activities of Falun Gong followers in Hong Kong.
"We believe that the government of the HKSAR will deal with the Falun Gong
issue in strict accordance with the 'one country, two systems" principle,
the Basic Law of the HKSAR, and other laws of that special administrative
region from the standpoint of protecting the interests of Hong Kong
He said the NPC has been "very much concerned" about the recent Falun Gong
activities in the HKSAR.


China Nearly Completes Amending of Administrative Rules According to WTO
China has almost completed the amending of its administrative rules in
accordance with the rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the
Chinese government's commitments to the organization, a spokesman for the
upcoming Fourth Session of the Ninth National People's Congress said Sunday.
Spokesman Zeng Jianhui told a press conference that China's State Council
has approved amendments to 140 foreign trade statutes, and is ready to
abolish 570 other administrative regulations.
Anti-dumping and anti-subsidy rules are also being drafted, the spokesman
Meanwhile, Chinese legislators have adopted amendments to laws on patent,
customs, Sino-foreign cooperative enterprises and joint ventures.
Amendments to the Copyright Law and Trademark Law are being deliberated,
while laws on anti-trust, foreign trade and import and export commodities
inspection will be drafted, the spokesman said.

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